Odporúčané ponuky
Najlacnejšie ponuky
Animals, Robots, Gods
How do we live ethical lives alongside others? A fascinating, mind-expanding exploration of our moral universe We have ...
Animals, Robots, Gods
How do we live ethical lives alongside others? A fascinating, mind-expanding exploration of our moral universe We have always lived with ethically significant others, whether they are the pets we keep, the gods we believe in or the machines we are endowing with life. How should we treat them as our ...
1.99 €
99 % ● 7712 recenzií
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0915 800 804
24.65 €
Animals, Robots, Gods (Webb Keane)
How do we live ethical lives alongside others? A fascinating, mind-expanding exploration of our moral universe. We have ...
Animals, Robots, Gods (Webb Keane)
How do we live ethical lives alongside others? A fascinating, mind-expanding exploration of our moral universe. We have always lived with ethically significant others, whether they are the pets we keep, the gods we believe in or the machines we are endowing with life. How should we treat them as ...
1 dni
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18.00 €
24.65 €
Všeobecné parametre
- Výrobca ALLEN LANE
- príslušenstvo ku kuchynským robotom allen lane
- Ean 9780241613207
- Uvedenie na trh 2024
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