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A Monks Guide to a Clean House and Mind
Cleanliness is next to enlightenment. In this Japanese bestseller a Buddhist monk explains the traditional meditative ...
A Monks Guide to a Clean House and Mind
Cleanliness is next to enlightenment. In this Japanese bestseller a Buddhist monk explains the traditional meditative techniques that will help cleanse not only your house - but your soul. Live clean. Feel calm. Be happy. We remove dust to sweep away our worldly cares. We live simply and take time ...
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10.40 €
A Monk's Guide to a Clean House and Mind (Shoukei Matsumoto)
7.00 €
10.40 €
Všeobecné parametre
- Výrobca Penguin Books
- ostatné bytové doplnky penguin books
- Ean 9781846149696
- Uvedenie na trh 2013
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