Odporúčané ponuky
Najlacnejšie ponuky
Is It Really Green
Find clarity on everyday green-living dilemmas to maximize your sustainabilityAre paper bags always more environmentally ...
Is It Really Green
Find clarity on everyday green-living dilemmas to maximize your sustainabilityAre paper bags always more environmentally friendly than plastic? How much better for the planet are electric cars? What saves more water - using the dishwasher or washing up by hand?We all want to do the right thing for ...
1.99 €
99 % ● 7729 recenzií
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0915 800 804
16.10 €
Is It Really Green? (Georgina Wilson-Powell)
Find clarity on everyday green-living dilemmas to maximize your sustainability Are paper bags always more environmentally ...
Is It Really Green? (Georgina Wilson-Powell)
Find clarity on everyday green-living dilemmas to maximize your sustainability Are paper bags always more environmentally friendly than plastic? How much better for the planet are electric cars? What saves more water - using the dishwasher or washing up by hand?We all want to do the right thing for ...
1 dni
o obchode
12.00 €
16.10 €
Všeobecné parametre
- Výrobca Slovart
- noty slovart
- Ean 9780241435809
- Uvedenie na trh 2020
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