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Red Notice - How I became Putin´s No. 1 enemy
November 2009. An emaciated young lawyer, Sergei Magnitsky, is led to a freezing isolation cell in a Moscow prison, ...
Red Notice - How I became Putin´s No. 1 enemy
November 2009. An emaciated young lawyer, Sergei Magnitsky, is led to a freezing isolation cell in a Moscow prison, handcuffed to a bed rail, and beaten to death by eight police officers. His crime? To testify against the Russian Interior Ministry officials who were involved in a conspiracy to ...
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Red Notice: A True Story of High Finance, Murder, and One Man's Fight for Justice (Bill Browder)
I have to assume that there is a very real chance that Putin or members of his regime will have me killed some day. If I'm ...
Red Notice: A True Story of High Finance, Murder, and One Man's Fight for Justice (Bill Browder)
I have to assume that there is a very real chance that Putin or members of his regime will have me killed some day. If I'm killed, you will know who did it. When my enemies read this book, they will know that you know. A Sunday Times and New York Times bestseller. A true-life thriller by one of ...
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Sociológia, politika: áno, Jazyk: Anglický, Počet strán: 480 strán
Všeobecné parametre
- Výrobca Bantam Press
- knihy bantam press
- Part number 0552170321
- Ean 9780552170321
Sociológia, politika
- Uvedenie na trh 2015
- Jazyk Anglický
- Počet strán 480 strán
Kódy predajcov