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On Freedom
Freedom is not just an absence of evil but a presence of good. The moment you believe freedom is given, it is gone. There is ...
On Freedom
Freedom is not just an absence of evil but a presence of good. The moment you believe freedom is given, it is gone. There is no freedom without solidarity, freedom for you means freedom for me.'In these hard times for liberty,&,nbsp,On Freedom&,nbsp,makes the case that freedom, once explored ...
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20.85 €
On Freedom (Timothy Snyder)
Freedom is our great commitment, but we have lost sight of what it means - leading us into crisis.Too many of us look at ...
On Freedom (Timothy Snyder)
Freedom is our great commitment, but we have lost sight of what it means - leading us into crisis.Too many of us look at freedom as the absence of state power: we think we're free if we can do and say as we please. But true freedom isn't so much freedom from, as freedom to - the freedom to thrive, ...
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16.10 €
20.85 €
Jazyk: Anglický, Počet strán: 368 strán
Všeobecné parametre
- Výrobca Slovart
- knihy slovart
- Ean 9781847928061
- Uvedenie na trh 2024
- Jazyk Anglický
- Počet strán 368 strán
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