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Madame Bovary
With an Introduction by Roger Clark, University of Kent at Canterbury. Translation by Eleanor Marx-Aveling. Castigated for ...
Madame Bovary
With an Introduction by Roger Clark, University of Kent at Canterbury. Translation by Eleanor Marx-Aveling. Castigated for offending against public decency, Madame Bovary has rarely failed to cause a storm. For Flaubert's contemporaries, the fascination came from the novelist's meticulous account ...
do 15 dní
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0915 800 804
5.17 €
Madame Bovary (Gustave Flaubert)
4.20 €
5.17 €
Všeobecné parametre
- Výrobca Wordsworth
- knihy wordsworth
- Ean 9781853260780
- Uvedenie na trh 2024
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