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Living Tea
Louise Avery began brewing kombucha in 2010 as part of a self-sufficient and healthy lifestyle, living on a Scottish Island ...
Living Tea
Louise Avery began brewing kombucha in 2010 as part of a self-sufficient and healthy lifestyle, living on a Scottish Island in the Hebrides, simply because she loved its unique and moreish taste. Now she is one of London’s best-connected kombucha producers and the owner of Lois and the Living Teas. ...
do 30 dní
1.99 €
99 % ● 7712 recenzií
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0915 800 804
16.63 €
Living Tea (Louise Avery)
Kombucha is a fermented drink (made using tea, sugar, a simple bacteria, and yeast) that is known for its health-giving ...
Living Tea (Louise Avery)
Kombucha is a fermented drink (made using tea, sugar, a simple bacteria, and yeast) that is known for its health-giving properties. It is experiencing a resurgence in popularity, along with the trends for home-fermenting, preserving, and enjoying ‘living’ foods. Louise Avery began brewing kombucha ...
31 dni
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13.00 €
16.63 €
Jazyk: Anglický, Počet strán: 96 strán, Náučná a odborná: áno, Cudzojazyčná literatúra: áno
Všeobecné parametre
- knihy ryland, peters and small
- Ean 9781849757690
Náučná a odborná
Cudzojazyčná literatúra
- Uvedenie na trh 2017
- Jazyk Anglický
- Počet strán 96 strán
Kódy predajcov