Odporúčané ponuky
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French Pastries and Desserts by Lenotre
More than 200 recipes from Gaston Lenôtre's classic cookbook, fully updated for the modern chef along with spectacular new ...
French Pastries and Desserts by Lenotre
More than 200 recipes from Gaston Lenôtre's classic cookbook, fully updated for the modern chef along with spectacular new photography.Gaston Lenôtre, the legendary master French pâtissier, was revered for having made desserts lighter and more delicious, his techniques continue to influence pastry ...
1.99 €
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29.93 €
French Pastries and Desserts by Lenôtre
More than 200 recipes from Gaston Lenôtre’s classic cookbook, fully updated for the modern chef along with spectacular new ...
French Pastries and Desserts by Lenôtre
More than 200 recipes from Gaston Lenôtre’s classic cookbook, fully updated for the modern chef along with spectacular new photography. Gaston Lenôtre, the legendary master French pâtissier, was revered for having made desserts lighter and more delicious; his techniques continue to influence ...
1 dni
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24.00 €
29.93 €
Jazyk: Anglický, Počet strán: 432 strán
Všeobecné parametre
- knihy flammarion
- Ean 9782080206930
- Uvedenie na trh 2021
- Jazyk Anglický
- Počet strán 432 strán
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