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Doctor Sleep film tie
Soon to be a major motion picture starring Ewan McGregor! 'By the end of this book your fingers will be mere stubs of their ...
Doctor Sleep film tie
Soon to be a major motion picture starring Ewan McGregor! 'By the end of this book your fingers will be mere stubs of their former selves . . .King's inventiveness and skill show no signs of slacking: Doctor Sleep has all the virtues of his best work' - Margaret Atwood, New York Times An epic war ...
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10.20 €
Doctor Sleep (Stephen King)
Following a childhood haunted by terrifying events at the Overlook Hotel, Danny Torrance has been drifting for decades. ...
Doctor Sleep (Stephen King)
Following a childhood haunted by terrifying events at the Overlook Hotel, Danny Torrance has been drifting for decades. Finally, he settles into a job at a nursing home where he draws on his remnant 'shining' power to help people pass on. Then he meets Abra Stone, a young girl with the brightest ...
33 dni
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6.00 €
10.20 €
Fotografia, film: áno, Dobrodružné romány, trilery: áno, Jazyk: Anglický, Beletria: áno, Počet strán: 512 strán
Všeobecné parametre
- knihy hodder & stoughton
- Part number 1529375061
- Ean 9781529375060
Fotografia, film
Dobrodružné romány, trilery
- Uvedenie na trh 2019
- Jazyk Anglický
- Počet strán 512 strán
Kódy predajcov