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Dark Desert Highway
'This could be heaven or this could be hell...'So sings Don Henley on their biggest hit, 'Hotel California', yet for The ...
Dark Desert Highway
'This could be heaven or this could be hell...'So sings Don Henley on their biggest hit, 'Hotel California', yet for The Eagles their story was one where the dividing line between ultimate Hollywood highs and subterranean LA lows was blurred beyond recognition, blinded by white-powdered ...
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Dark Desert Highway (Mick Wall)
So sings Don Henley on their biggest hit, 'Hotel California', yet for The Eagles their story was one where the dividing line ...
Dark Desert Highway (Mick Wall)
So sings Don Henley on their biggest hit, 'Hotel California', yet for The Eagles their story was one where the dividing line between ultimate Hollywood highs and subterranean LA lows was blurred beyond recognition, blinded by white-powdered double-visions and buried beneath greenback mountains. The ...
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Jazyk: Anglický, Počet strán: 335 strán
Všeobecné parametre
- Výrobca ORION
- knihy orion
- Part number 1409190706
- Ean 9781409190707
- Uvedenie na trh 2023
- Jazyk Anglický
- Počet strán 335 strán
Kódy predajcov