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Berthe Morisot
Berthe Morisot won over the impressionists with her talent and became the first woman of the group alongside Monet, Degas, ...
Berthe Morisot
Berthe Morisot won over the impressionists with her talent and became the first woman of the group alongside Monet, Degas, and Renoir. She was the foremost female painter of the impressionist movement and, to quote Apollinaire, “one of the most complete artists of her day.” Underestimated for more ...
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28.45 €
Berthe Morisot (Jean-Dominique Rey)
22.00 €
28.45 €
Počet strán: 224 strán
Všeobecné parametre
- knihy flammarion
- Ean 9782080426314
- Uvedenie na trh 2023
- Počet strán 224 strán
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