Odporúčané ponuky
Najlacnejšie ponuky
Enter a world of vivid colors, elaborate gesture, and theatrical shadows. This essential introduction to Baroque painting dives deep into the mythological, religious, and genre scenes of Caravaggio, Carracci, Velazquez, Rubens, and beyond to explore how b
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15.68 €
Baroque (Hermann Bauer, Andreas Prater)
From dramatically-lit paintings to elaborate, gilded interiors, the Baroque era introduced a new dimension to Western art. ...
Baroque (Hermann Bauer, Andreas Prater)
From dramatically-lit paintings to elaborate, gilded interiors, the Baroque era introduced a new dimension to Western art. In place of the harmonious perspectives and elegant proportions of the Renaissance came a world of momentum, energy, and heightened spectacle. The style influenced many forms ...
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11.00 €
15.68 €
Maliarstvo, grafika: áno, Sochárstvo, plastiky: áno, Jazyk: Anglický, Počet strán: 96 strán, Náučná a odborná: áno, Cudzojazyčná literatúra: áno
Všeobecné parametre
- Výrobca Taschen
- knihy taschen
- Ean 9783836547499
Náučná a odborná
Cudzojazyčná literatúra
Maliarstvo, grafika
Sochárstvo, plastiky
- Uvedenie na trh 2010
- Jazyk Anglický
- Počet strán 96 strán
Kódy predajcov