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100 Contemporary Wood Buildings
Timberland The wooden structures of the 21st century Not so very long ago, some might have considered wood a material of the ...
100 Contemporary Wood Buildings
Timberland The wooden structures of the 21st century Not so very long ago, some might have considered wood a material of the past, long since replaced by more modern components such as concrete and steel. The truth is radically different. Bolstered by new manufacturing techniques and ecological ...
do 30 dní
1.99 €
99 % ● 7717 recenzií
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0915 800 804
20.85 €
100 Contemporary Wood Buildings (Philip Jodidio)
Not so very long ago, some might have considered wood a material of the past, long since replaced by more modern components ...
100 Contemporary Wood Buildings (Philip Jodidio)
Not so very long ago, some might have considered wood a material of the past, long since replaced by more modern components such as concrete and steel. The truth is radically different. Bolstered by new manufacturing techniques and ecological benefits, wood has seen a fabulous resurgence in ...
31 dni
o obchode
18.00 €
20.85 €
Architektúra: áno, Dizajn: áno, Jazyk: Anglický, Počet strán: 632 strán, Náučná a odborná: áno, Cudzojazyčná literatúra: áno
Všeobecné parametre
- Výrobca Taschen
- knihy taschen
- Part number 3836561565
- Ean 9783836561563
Náučná a odborná
Cudzojazyčná literatúra
- Uvedenie na trh 2017
- Jazyk Anglický
- Počet strán 632 strán
Kódy predajcov