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Solárna nabíjačka a powerbank s kapacitou 20000mAh 2x USB výstup Odolné spracovanie Vysoká kapacita Táto solárna nabíjačka a powerbank v jednom je navrhnutá tak, aby poskytovala slobodu vaším ...
12000 mAh 2
Efektívny solárny panel pre doplnenie nabíjania batérie - Vysoká kapacita batérie 12000mAh pre dlhú výdrž - Možnosť nabíjania až 2 zariadení súčasne cez 2 USB porty
Solárny skladateľný panel 6W s powerbankou 8000mAh Susen Mobilné zdroje energie boli navrhnuté tak, aby zaručovali slobodu pre všetky malé elektronické zariadenia. Energia nahromadená vo ...
Exteriérové Pouličné 360 ° Solárne LED
Vysokovýkonná moderná solárna lampa s diaľkovým ovládaním Vysoká svietivosť až 2000 lumenov Jednoduchá inštalácia Solárne osvetlenie s diaľkovým ovládaním Zabudovaný senzor súmraku Technológia ...
14 +
Spoločenská hra Rising Sun sa odohráva v období legendárneho feudálneho Japonska, kde rozličné klany bojujú medzi sebou o získanie moci. Mocní bohovia, česť, zrada, sláva, duchovné tradície, ...
20000 mAh
Solárny powerbank s kapacitou 20000mAh a výkonom solárneho panela 1W Štýlová solárna powerbanka je určená pre nabíjanie mobilných telefónov, tabletov a aj laptopov vďaka technológii PD (napr. ...
20000 mAh
Solárna powerbanka s kapacitou 20000mAh a výkonom solárneho panela 1,5W. Štýlová solárna powerbanka je určená pre nabíjanie mobilných telefónov, tabletov a aj laptopov vďaka technológii PD ...
10000 mAh
Powerbank Sunen 100 000 mAh Grey (P10000s) Strojovo preložené, ospravedlňujeme sa za prípadné nepresnosti, pracujeme na lepšom popise.
Sluneční nabíječka Sunen Powerneed ES-5
Children of the Sun EN
1970: Fourteen-year-old Tony becomes seduced by the skinhead movement, sucked into a world of brutal racist violence and bizarre rituals. It's a milieu in which he must hide his homosexuality, in which every encounter is explosively risky.2003: James is a young TV researcher, living with his ...
1970: Fourteen-year-old Tony becomes seduced by the skinhead movement, sucked into a world of brutal racist violence and bizarre rituals. It's a milieu in which he must hide his homosexuality, in which every encounter is explosively risky.2003: James is a young TV researcher, living with his boyfriend. At a loose end, he begins to research the far right in Britain and its secret gay membership.The two narrative threads of this extraordinarily assured and ambitious first novel unforgettably intersect.Children of the Sun is a work of great imaginative sympathy and range - a novel of unblinking honesty but also of deep feeling, which illuminates the surprisingly thin line that separates aggression from tenderness and offers us a picture of a Britain that is strange and yet utterly convincing.https://www.theguardian.com/books/2010/mar/20/max-schaefer-children-of-sun-Max Schaefer was born in London in 1974 and studied at Cambridge and Harvard. He is a Barrister and lives in Islington, London.
16.99 €
98 %
44 recenzií
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You Can't Write Your Name On The Sun EN
"You Can't Write Your Name On The Sun" contains a contains a collection of ambiance music and songs that can be used for meditational and relaxation purposes. Unwind and let your mood be lifted.
5.99 €
98 %
44 recenzií
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Under a Siena Sun EN T.A. Williams
Lucy needed a change of scene. She didn’t expect the change of a lifetime.Doctors Without Borders has been Lucy Young’s life for the past four years. After an emergency extraction from a conflict zone, she’s making a change from saving lives under gunfire to practising medicine in safe, serene ...
Lucy needed a change of scene. She didn’t expect the change of a lifetime.Doctors Without Borders has been Lucy Young’s life for the past four years. After an emergency extraction from a conflict zone, she’s making a change from saving lives under gunfire to practising medicine in safe, serene Siena. Now treating obscenely wealthy patients at a private clinic, she's never felt less comfortable. She’s used to helping those in dire need – not those in need of a nip and tuck.Her turmoil grows when she encounters injured tennis star David Lorenzo, whose potent smiles make Lucy forget her aversion to the rich. She’s soon falling for the sportsman but feels like she’s losing herself in this world of excess. All she’s ever wanted was to help the underprivileged and be a positive change in the world, so can her future lie in Siena at the clinic – with David?This sunny romance is the perfect escape for fans of Lucy Coleman, Lori Nelson Spielman, and Rosanna Ley.Praise for T.A. Williams‘The characters in the story really make it exceptional...Natalie is a brilliant protagonist... and I absolutely adored her journey to self-discovery to find her new identity.’ BooksandBookends‘Wow! This is contemporary romance at its best! The writing is exquisite....And the plot is brilliantly clever, captivating, and delightful with a little bit of drama, love, loss, and of course romance.’ WhatsBetterThanBooks‘The characters are all brilliantly written, the storyline flows extremely well throughout,
13.99 €
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Children of the Sun EN Max Schaefer
1970: Fourteen-year-old Tony becomes seduced by the skinhead movement, sucked into a world of brutal racist violence and bizarre rituals. It's a milieu in which he must hide his homosexuality, in which every encounter is explosively risky.2003: James is a young TV researcher, living with his ...
1970: Fourteen-year-old Tony becomes seduced by the skinhead movement, sucked into a world of brutal racist violence and bizarre rituals. It's a milieu in which he must hide his homosexuality, in which every encounter is explosively risky.2003: James is a young TV researcher, living with his boyfriend. At a loose end, he begins to research the far right in Britain and its secret gay membership.The two narrative threads of this extraordinarily assured and ambitious first novel unforgettably intersect.Children of the Sun is a work of great imaginative sympathy and range - a novel of unblinking honesty but also of deep feeling, which illuminates the surprisingly thin line that separates aggression from tenderness and offers us a picture of a Britain that is strange and yet utterly convincing.https://www.theguardian.com/books/2010/mar/20/max-schaefer-children-of-sun-Max Schaefer was born in London in 1974 and studied at Cambridge and Harvard. He is a Barrister and lives in Islington, London.
16.99 €
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Under a Siena Sun EN
Lucy needed a change of scene. She didn’t expect the change of a lifetime.Doctors Without Borders has been Lucy Young’s life for the past four years. After an emergency extraction from a conflict zone, she’s making a change from saving lives under gunfire to practising medicine in safe, serene ...
Lucy needed a change of scene. She didn’t expect the change of a lifetime.Doctors Without Borders has been Lucy Young’s life for the past four years. After an emergency extraction from a conflict zone, she’s making a change from saving lives under gunfire to practising medicine in safe, serene Siena. Now treating obscenely wealthy patients at a private clinic, she's never felt less comfortable. She’s used to helping those in dire need – not those in need of a nip and tuck.Her turmoil grows when she encounters injured tennis star David Lorenzo, whose potent smiles make Lucy forget her aversion to the rich. She’s soon falling for the sportsman but feels like she’s losing herself in this world of excess. All she’s ever wanted was to help the underprivileged and be a positive change in the world, so can her future lie in Siena at the clinic – with David?This sunny romance is the perfect escape for fans of Lucy Coleman, Lori Nelson Spielman, and Rosanna Ley.Praise for T.A. Williams‘The characters in the story really make it exceptional...Natalie is a brilliant protagonist... and I absolutely adored her journey to self-discovery to find her new identity.’ BooksandBookends‘Wow! This is contemporary romance at its best! The writing is exquisite....And the plot is brilliantly clever, captivating, and delightful with a little bit of drama, love, loss, and of course romance.’ WhatsBetterThanBooks‘The characters are all brilliantly written, the storyline flows extremely well throughout,
13.99 €
98 %
44 recenzií
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POWERNEED Sunen Přenosná nabíječka 2600mAh Rtěnka , černo-zlatá
Výrobce: PowerNeed; Třída produktu: Příslušenství pro telefony GSM; Typ příslušenství pro GSM: PowerBank; Kompatibilní telefony: Všechny; Zařízení ve kterých je používaný: Pro všechny zařízení vybavené 8-pin konektorem pro Apple zařízení (iPhone 5, 5c, 5s), standarním 30-pin Apple konektorem ...
Výrobce: PowerNeed; Třída produktu: Příslušenství pro telefony GSM; Typ příslušenství pro GSM: PowerBank; Kompatibilní telefony: Všechny; Zařízení ve kterých je používaný: Pro všechny zařízení vybavené 8-pin konektorem pro Apple zařízení (iPhone 5, 5c, 5s), standarním 30-pin Apple konektorem (iPhone, iPod, atd.) a Micro USB konektorem.; Součást balení: Micro USB; Doplňující informace: nedostatek dat; Barva: černo-zlatá; Délka: 100 mm; Výška: 30 mm; Šířka: 30 mm; Hloubka: nedostatek dat; Čistá hmotnost: 100 g; Hrubá hmotnost: 115 g
21.05 €
80 %
6980 recenzií
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Odporúčaný zákazníkmi
Pre koho? Pre fanúšikov vesmírnych a civilizačných hier. Pre priaznivcov eurohier. Prečo? V hre Beyond the Sun spoločne hráči budujú technologický strom, zatiaľ čo proti sebe súťažia o vedúcu frakciu v oblasti ekonomického rozvoja, vedy a galaktického vplyvu. Ide v podstate o worker placement, ...
Pre koho? Pre fanúšikov vesmírnych a civilizačných hier. Pre priaznivcov eurohier. Prečo? V hre Beyond the Sun spoločne hráči budujú technologický strom, zatiaľ čo proti sebe súťažia o vedúcu frakciu v oblasti ekonomického rozvoja, vedy a galaktického vplyvu. Ide v podstate o worker placement, kedy umiestnite svoju figúrku na akčné pole a vykonáte danú akciu. Každý hráč si navyše vylepšuje vlastné technológie a pomocou akcií zvyšujú svoju vojenskú silu, preskakujú na rôzne obývateľné exoplanetárne systémy, kolonizujú tieto systémy, zvyšujú produkciu svojich zdrojov, vyvíjajú Androidy, ktoré umožňujú rásť bez populácie. Strategická vesmírna cievka pre náročnejších hráčov. Vlastnosti: Vydavateľstvo: Rio Grande Games Počet hráčov: 2 - 4 Vek 14 rokov Dĺžka hry: 60-120 minút Hra je v angličtine
59.90 €
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