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Ideálny spoločník na pláž, do hôr alebo do divočiny: s outdoorovým rádiom auna Patagonia DAB+ môžete byť neustále v spojení so svetom. Vďaka 20 predvoľbám môžete počúvať svoje obľúbené stanice ...
Ideálny spoločník na pláž, do hôr alebo do divočiny: s outdoorovým rádiom auna Patagonia DAB+ môžete byť neustále v spojení so svetom. Vďaka 20 predvoľbám môžete počúvať svoje obľúbené stanice ...
Ideálny spoločník na pláž, do hôr alebo do divočiny: s outdoorovým rádiom auna Patagonia DAB+ môžete byť neustále v spojení so svetom. Vďaka 20 predvoľbám môžete počúvať svoje obľúbené stanice ...
Pánske Analógové Kruh Športové Silikón
S (44-46)
Patagonia Flísové mikiny K'S LW SYNCH SNAP-T P/O Viacfarebná Tovar dostupný v chlapčenských veľkostiach. EUR 16 Jahre.
Anglický 288 strán Cestopisy
Anglický 320 strán Náučná a odborná Cudzojazyčná literatúra Cestopisy
Prvá minerálna kompozitná podlaha SPC bez obsahu PVC . Extrémne pevná a stabilná doska CERAMIN vyrobená patentovanou technológiu nemeckej firmy Classen je základom novej kolekcie ONE NATUE ECO. Vodeodolné XL široké lamely s integrovanou podložkou a 4V-drážkou a trieda použitia 33 umožňujú ...
Prvá minerálna kompozitná podlaha SPC bez obsahu PVC . Extrémne pevná a stabilná doska CERAMIN vyrobená patentovanou technológiu nemeckej firmy Classen je základom novej kolekcie ONE NATUE ECO. Vodeodolné XL široké lamely s integrovanou podložkou a 4V-drážkou a trieda použitia 33 umožňujú inštalovať túto podlahu nielen do všetkých bytových priestorov, ale aj do komerčných nebytových priestorov s vysokou intenzitou zaťaženia. Nové, digitálne tlačené dekory sú jedinečné nielen svojím vzhľadom, ale aj štruktúrou povrchu. Rovnaké nenájdete u žiadneho iného výrobcu.
2.00 €
Do obchodu
Lunas Uno: En la Patagonia Puppo, Flavia
Niveau A1 Eine unterhaltsame Lektürereihe für junge Spanischlernende, die Lust aufs Lesen macht: - Geschichten, die in verschiedenen spanischsprachigen Ländern spielen - Thematisierung der sprachlich
16.89 €
Do obchodu
Puzzle 500 Torres Del Paine, Patagonia, Chile
\nPuzzle 500 elementowe - klasyczne puzzle o wymiarach 47 x 33 cm.\n \nPuzzle przedstawiają zdjęcia lub obrazy. Po ułożeniu można je wykorzystać jako oryginalną ozdobę wiszącą na ścianie lub pod szybą
6.39 €
Do obchodu
Training for the Uphill Athlete Steve House, Scott Johnston, Kilian Jornet
Dovetailing on the success of Training for the New Alpinism and Patagonia's own emphasis on all mountain use, Training for the Uphill Athlete translates theory into methodology to allow you to write your own training plans and coach yourself to endurance goals. Steve House, one of the best ...
Dovetailing on the success of Training for the New Alpinism and Patagonia's own emphasis on all mountain use, Training for the Uphill Athlete translates theory into methodology to allow you to write your own training plans and coach yourself to endurance goals. Steve House, one of the best mountaineers, and his coach Scott Johnston, an Olympic-level cross country ski coach, along with Kilian Jornet, hands-down best endurance athlete at this time, present training principles for the multisport mountain athlete who regularly participates in a mix of distance running, ski mountaineering, and other endurance sports that require optimum fitness and customized strength. This is an authoritative but accessible training manual for athletes and coaches who feel most alive in the mountains or pushing the uphill ascent. Distance running, ski mountaineering, skimo, and skyrunning are becoming increasingly popular all over the world, and are often undertaken by the same person during a single year. This book collects the scientifically backed and athlete-tested wisdom and experience of three of the best uphill athletes and coaches and extrapolates both to educate outdoor athletes of all stripes to perform their best. The book includes the same mix of theory, application, and experiential essays from experts in the field, as well as instructional illustrations as in Training for the New Alpinism. Contributions by Kilian Jornet increase the worldwide appeal of the book.
26.00 €
Do obchodu
Prvá minerálna kompozitná podlaha SPC bez obsahu PVC . Extrémne pevná a stabilná doska CERAMIN vyrobená patentovanou technológiu nemeckej firmy Classen je základom novej kolekcie ONE NATUE ECO. Vodeodolné XL široké lamely s integrovanou podložkou a 4V-drážkou a trieda použitia 33 umožňujú ...
Prvá minerálna kompozitná podlaha SPC bez obsahu PVC . Extrémne pevná a stabilná doska CERAMIN vyrobená patentovanou technológiu nemeckej firmy Classen je základom novej kolekcie ONE NATUE ECO. Vodeodolné XL široké lamely s integrovanou podložkou a 4V-drážkou a trieda použitia 33 umožňujú inštalovať túto podlahu nielen do všetkých bytových priestorov, ale aj do komerčných nebytových priestorov s vysokou intenzitou zaťaženia. Nové, digitálne tlačené dekory sú jedinečné nielen svojím vzhľadom, ale aj štruktúrou povrchu. Rovnaké nenájdete u žiadneho iného výrobcu.
33.50 €
Do obchodu
Training for the Uphill Athlete Steve House, Scott Johnston, Kilian Jornet
Dovetailing on the success of Training for the New Alpinism and Patagonia's own emphasis on all mountain use, Training for the Uphill Athlete translates theory into methodology to allow you to write your own training plans and coach yourself to endurance goals. Steve House, one of the best ...
Dovetailing on the success of Training for the New Alpinism and Patagonia's own emphasis on all mountain use, Training for the Uphill Athlete translates theory into methodology to allow you to write your own training plans and coach yourself to endurance goals. Steve House, one of the best mountaineers, and his coach Scott Johnston, an Olympic-level cross country ski coach, along with Kilian Jornet, hands-down best endurance athlete at this time, present training principles for the multisport mountain athlete who regularly participates in a mix of distance running, ski mountaineering, and other endurance sports that require optimum fitness and customized strength. This is an authoritative but accessible training manual for athletes and coaches who feel most alive in the mountains or pushing the uphill ascent. Distance running, ski mountaineering, skimo, and skyrunning are becoming increasingly popular all over the world, and are often undertaken by the same person during a single year. This book collects the scientifically backed and athlete-tested wisdom and experience of three of the best uphill athletes and coaches and extrapolates both to educate outdoor athletes of all stripes to perform their best. The book includes the same mix of theory, application, and experiential essays from experts in the field, as well as instructional illustrations as in Training for the New Alpinism. Contributions by Kilian Jornet increase the worldwide appeal of the book.
36.95 €
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