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Sculpture Toaletné vody Pánske
Svieža a zmyselná vôňa - Dlhodržiaca intenzívna vôňa - Vhodná pre každodenné nosenie i špeciálne príležitosti - Elegantné balenie a originálny dizajn flakónu
3 varianty
Český 404 strán Náučná a odborná Architektúra Dizajn
Dlho očakávaný slovenský preklad kľúčové práce amerického matematika a významného teoretika architektúry, prezývaného "Vitruvius 21. storočia". Kniha ponúka inovatívny prístup k ...
Sculpture Parfémované vody Pánske 100 ml
Nikos Sculpture Mykonos Parfumovaná voda pre mužov 100 ml
Český Beletria 256 strán Historické romány Novely, poviedky Romány
Český 450 strán Architektúra
Odyssee Kazantzakis, Nikos
Kazantzakis' dichterisches Hauptwerk, das Homers Epen fortschreibt, ist länger als dessen Ilias und Odyssee zusammen: In 33.333 Versen erzählt es von Odysseus' neuen Abenteuern, die den Helden über Sp
68.96 €
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Jeż Nikoś. Kamper Katarzyna Majzel-Pośpiech
\nJeż Nikoś. Kamper czytelnik dowie się, jak wygląda kamper. Jakie są plusy i minusy takiego podróżowania. Jest to pierwsza opowieść z cyklu podróże kamperem.Dodatkowa aktywność:- kamper do wycięcia,
3.62 €
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Dzieci Kaina Nikos Panagiotopoulos
Literackie requiem dla konsumpcyjnego pokolenia, które doprowadziło Grecję do upadku. Sześcioro ludzi, dawniej bliskich przyjaciół, wraca do wioski, w której jako nastolatkowie spędzali lato. Zmiany,
6.40 €
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Zorba the Greek Nikos Kazantzakis
Set before the start of the First World War, this moving fable sees a young English writer set out to Crete to claim a small inheritance. But when he arrives, he meets Alexis Zorba, a middle-aged Greek man with a zest for life. Zorba has had a family and many lovers, has fought in the Balkan wars, ...
Set before the start of the First World War, this moving fable sees a young English writer set out to Crete to claim a small inheritance. But when he arrives, he meets Alexis Zorba, a middle-aged Greek man with a zest for life. Zorba has had a family and many lovers, has fought in the Balkan wars, has lived and loved - he is a simple but deep man who lives every moment fully and without shame. As their friendship develops, the Englishman is gradually won over, transformed and inspired along with the reader. Zorba the Greek, Nikos Kazantzakis' most popular and enduring novel, has its origins in the author's own experiences in the Peleponnesus in the 1920s. His swashbuckling hero has legions of fans across the world and his adventures are as exhilarating now as they were on first publication in the 1950s. 'There can never be any doubt that Kazantzakis was the possessor of genius.' Sunday Telegraph
13.25 €
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Řek Zorba Nikos Kazantzakis
Velkolepá oslava života, přirozenosti a chuti žít. "Carpe diem." Knižní předloha oscarového snímku s Anthony Quinnem v titulní roli člověka, který dokáže vychutnávat všechny krásy života i se smiřovat s jeho ranami. Kniha plná kontrastů mezi dvěma přáteli... nespoutaným, živelným Zorbasem a jeho ...
Velkolepá oslava života, přirozenosti a chuti žít. "Carpe diem." Knižní předloha oscarového snímku s Anthony Quinnem v titulní roli člověka, který dokáže vychutnávat všechny krásy života i se smiřovat s jeho ranami. Kniha plná kontrastů mezi dvěma přáteli... nespoutaným, živelným Zorbasem a jeho intelektuálním přítelem „knihomolem“. Oslava života a poezie je zarámovaná do překrásné krétské přírody a přináší jeden z nejpozitivněji naladěných příběhů ve světové literatuře. Vychutnejte si moudrost, životní energii a řecké slunce.
13.96 €
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Zorba the Greek Nikos Kazantzakis
The classic novel, international sensation, and inspiration for the film starring Anthony Quinn explores the struggle between the aesthetic and the rational, the inner life and the life of the mind.The classic novel Zorba the Greek is the story of two men, their incredible friendship, and the ...
The classic novel, international sensation, and inspiration for the film starring Anthony Quinn explores the struggle between the aesthetic and the rational, the inner life and the life of the mind.The classic novel Zorba the Greek is the story of two men, their incredible friendship, and the importance of living life to the fullest. Zorba, a Greek working man, is a larger-than-life character, energetic and unpredictable. He accompanies the unnamed narrator to Crete to work in the narrators lignite mine, and the pair develops a singular relationship. The two men couldnt be further apart: The narrator is cerebral, modest, and reserved; Zorba is unfettered, spirited, and beyond the reins of civility. Over the course of their journey, he becomes the narrators greatest friend and inspiration and helps him to appreciate the joy of living. Zorba has been acclaimed as one of the most remarkable figures in literature; he is a character in the great tradition of Sinbad the Sailor, Falstaff, and Sancho Panza. He responds to all that life offers him with passion, whether hes supervising laborers at a mine, confronting mad monks in a mountain monastery, embellishing the tales of his past adventures, or making love. Zorba the Greek explores the beauty and pain of existence, inviting readers to reevaluate the most important aspects of their lives and live to the fullest.
16.42 €
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Zorba the Greek Nikos Kazantzakis
Set before the start of the First World War, this moving fable sees a young English writer set out to Crete to claim a small inheritance. But when he arrives, he meets Alexis Zorba, a middle-aged Greek man with a zest for life. Zorba has had a family and many lovers, has fought in the Balkan wars, ...
Set before the start of the First World War, this moving fable sees a young English writer set out to Crete to claim a small inheritance. But when he arrives, he meets Alexis Zorba, a middle-aged Greek man with a zest for life. Zorba has had a family and many lovers, has fought in the Balkan wars, has lived and loved - he is a simple but deep man who lives every moment fully and without shame. As their friendship develops, the Englishman is gradually won over, transformed and inspired along with the reader. Zorba the Greek, Nikos Kazantzakis' most popular and enduring novel, has its origins in the author's own experiences in the Peleponnesus in the 1920s. His swashbuckling hero has legions of fans across the world and his adventures are as exhilarating now as they were on first publication in the 1950s. 'There can never be any doubt that Kazantzakis was the possessor of genius.' Sunday Telegraph
13.30 €
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Zorba the Greek Nikos Kazantzakis
The classic novel, international sensation, and inspiration for the film starring Anthony Quinn explores the struggle between the aesthetic and the rational, the inner life and the life of the mind.The classic novel Zorba the Greek is the story of two men, their incredible friendship, and the ...
The classic novel, international sensation, and inspiration for the film starring Anthony Quinn explores the struggle between the aesthetic and the rational, the inner life and the life of the mind.The classic novel Zorba the Greek is the story of two men, their incredible friendship, and the importance of living life to the fullest. Zorba, a Greek working man, is a larger-than-life character, energetic and unpredictable. He accompanies the unnamed narrator to Crete to work in the narrators lignite mine, and the pair develops a singular relationship. The two men couldnt be further apart: The narrator is cerebral, modest, and reserved; Zorba is unfettered, spirited, and beyond the reins of civility. Over the course of their journey, he becomes the narrators greatest friend and inspiration and helps him to appreciate the joy of living. Zorba has been acclaimed as one of the most remarkable figures in literature; he is a character in the great tradition of Sinbad the Sailor, Falstaff, and Sancho Panza. He responds to all that life offers him with passion, whether hes supervising laborers at a mine, confronting mad monks in a mountain monastery, embellishing the tales of his past adventures, or making love. Zorba the Greek explores the beauty and pain of existence, inviting readers to reevaluate the most important aspects of their lives and live to the fullest.
16.42 €
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VOLCANO Pánske polo tričko s krátkym rukávom ONIKOSOS-300-GREEN
Pánske tričko značky Volcano. Polo tričko je must have kúskom oblečenia, ktoré si zaslúži miesto vo vašom šatníku. Klasický strih je dobrý na každý typ postavy. Tričko s krátkym rukávom bolo vyrobené z mäkkej bavlnenej tkaniny. Bavlnené vlákna zabezpečia spoľahlivú cirkuláciu vzduchu. Materiál je ...
Pánske tričko značky Volcano. Polo tričko je must have kúskom oblečenia, ktoré si zaslúži miesto vo vašom šatníku. Klasický strih je dobrý na každý typ postavy. Tričko s krátkym rukávom bolo vyrobené z mäkkej bavlnenej tkaniny. Bavlnené vlákna zabezpečia spoľahlivú cirkuláciu vzduchu. Materiál je príjemný k pokožke a mäkký, čo zvyšuje komfort nosenia. Na bokoch sú dva rozparky. Pánska polokošeľa v zelenom prevedení je ľahko skombinovateľná k mnohým outfitom. Tričko pre mužov je vhodné na rôzne príležitosti vďaka svojmu športovo-elegantnému dizajnu. Super voľba na bežné nosenie aj voľnočasové aktivity. Detaily produktu: zelené polo tričko pre pánov klasický strih krátky rukáv golierik a tri gombíky dva rozparky po stranách každému outfitu dodá šmrnc
23.95 €
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NIKOS Dámsky parfum Sculpture Voyage En Orient EDP
Nechajte sa prekvapiť 100% originálnym dámskym parfémom Nikos Sculpture Voyage En Orient EDP a zvýraznite svoju ženskosť pomocou tohto exkluzívneho dámskeho parfému s jedinečnou, osobnou vôňou. Objavte 100 % originálne produkty Nikos! Objem: 100 mlNázov vône: Nikos: Sculpture Voyage En ...
Nechajte sa prekvapiť 100% originálnym dámskym parfémom Nikos Sculpture Voyage En Orient EDP a zvýraznite svoju ženskosť pomocou tohto exkluzívneho dámskeho parfému s jedinečnou, osobnou vôňou. Objavte 100 % originálne produkty Nikos! Objem: 100 mlNázov vône: Nikos: Sculpture Voyage En OrientDôležité informácie: V závislosti od reklamných akcií výrobcu alebo ročného obdobia sa môže líšiť dizajn balenia výrobku. Rozdielne balenia sa uchovávajú do vypredania zásob.Typ: Vôňa s vôňou, ktorá sa nachádza v balení: Typ balenia: EDP (parfumovaná voda)Pohlavie: DámskaTyp vône: Parfumovaná voda (Parfumovaná voda), s vôňou (Parfumovaná voda): EDP NIKOS SCULPTURE VOYAGE ORIENT EDP SPRAY 100 ML Dodatok pre krásu a zdravie
83.46 €
86 %
35 recenzií
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NIKOS Sculpture Homme čistý parfém pre mužov 100 ml
Čistý parfém Homme od značky Nikos Sculpture bola vytvorená výlučne pre mužov. Toto balenie obsahuje 100 ml vami vybraté vône. NIKOS SCULPTURE MEN PARFUMOVÝ SPREJ 100 ML Nikos Sculpture Homme Per M 100 ml Nikos Sculpture Homme Edp Spray Dodatok pre krásu a zdravie
69.85 €
86 %
35 recenzií
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NIKOS Sculpture Pour Femme parfumovaná voda 50 ml
NIKOSSOCHA PRE ŽENU 50ML PARFUMOVANÁ VODA V SPREJIRarita Vôňu sochy uviedol Nikos na trh v roku 1994. Je to kvetinová a svieža vôňa. Parfém obsahuje tóny: Vôňa obsahuje bergamot, estragón, fréziu, zelené tóny, broskyňu, citrón, cyklámen, kosatec, jazmín, konvalinku, orchideu, ylang ylang, benzoín, ...
NIKOSSOCHA PRE ŽENU 50ML PARFUMOVANÁ VODA V SPREJIRarita Vôňu sochy uviedol Nikos na trh v roku 1994. Je to kvetinová a svieža vôňa. Parfém obsahuje tóny: Vôňa obsahuje bergamot, estragón, fréziu, zelené tóny, broskyňu, citrón, cyklámen, kosatec, jazmín, konvalinku, orchideu, ylang ylang, benzoín, pižmo, santalové drevo, fazuľu tonka, vanilku a céder.
173.63 €
86 %
35 recenzií
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