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Tablety, ktoré upokoja a utíšia zvieratá v čase silného stresu. - upokojuje a utišuje zvieratá v čase silného stresu (sám doma, ohňostroj, …
Tablety, ktoré upokoja a utíšia zvieratá v čase silného stresu. - upokojuje a utišuje zvieratá v čase silného stresu (sám doma, ohňostroj, …
Doplnkové krmivo pre dospelé psy (20-60 kg) Použitie: prispieva k upokojeniu nervóznych, bojazlivých alebo agresívnych či hyperaktívnych …
Guitar Exercises For Dummies Mark Phillips, Jon Chappell
A guitar-playing practice guide with hundreds of warm-up and technique-building exercises If you already play some guitar but need some practice, you’re in the right place. Guitar Exercises For Dummies is a friendly guide that provides just enough need-to-know information about practicing scales, ...
A guitar-playing practice guide with hundreds of warm-up and technique-building exercises If you already play some guitar but need some practice, you’re in the right place. Guitar Exercises For Dummies is a friendly guide that provides just enough need-to-know information about practicing scales, chords, and arpeggios in the context of specific skills and techniques to help you maximize its 400+ exercises and improve your guitar playing. (If you need instruction on topics like buying or tuning a guitar and playing basic chords, check out Guitar For Dummies.) This practical book starts off with warm-up exercises (on and off-instrument) and then logically transitions to scales, scale sequences, arpeggios, arpeggio sequences, and chords, with a focus on building strength and consistency as well as refining technique. Each section helps you to practice correct hand and body posture and experience variations, such as fingering options and hand positions, and then ends with a brief musical piece for you to try. You can also practice incorporating other facets of musical performance in your exercises, such as: Tempo Time signature Phrasing Dynamics The book wraps up with tips to help you maximize your practice time (like setting goals for each session), ways to improve your musicianship (such as studying other performers’ body language), and an appendix that explains the accompanying website (where you can find audio tracks and additional information). Grab your guitar, grab a copy
25.51 €
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Guitar Exercises For Dummies Mark Phillips, Jon Chappell
A guitar-playing practice guide with hundreds of warm-up and technique-building exercises If you already play some guitar but need some practice, you’re in the right place. Guitar Exercises For Dummies is a friendly guide that provides just enough need-to-know information about practicing scales, ...
A guitar-playing practice guide with hundreds of warm-up and technique-building exercises If you already play some guitar but need some practice, you’re in the right place. Guitar Exercises For Dummies is a friendly guide that provides just enough need-to-know information about practicing scales, chords, and arpeggios in the context of specific skills and techniques to help you maximize its 400+ exercises and improve your guitar playing. (If you need instruction on topics like buying or tuning a guitar and playing basic chords, check out Guitar For Dummies.) This practical book starts off with warm-up exercises (on and off-instrument) and then logically transitions to scales, scale sequences, arpeggios, arpeggio sequences, and chords, with a focus on building strength and consistency as well as refining technique. Each section helps you to practice correct hand and body posture and experience variations, such as fingering options and hand positions, and then ends with a brief musical piece for you to try. You can also practice incorporating other facets of musical performance in your exercises, such as: Tempo Time signature Phrasing Dynamics The book wraps up with tips to help you maximize your practice time (like setting goals for each session), ways to improve your musicianship (such as studying other performers’ body language), and an appendix that explains the accompanying website (where you can find audio tracks and additional information). Grab your guitar, grab a copy
25.51 €
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Guitar All-in-One For Dummies Mark Phillips, Jon Chappell, Desi Serna
A one-stop resource to the essentials of owning and playing the guitar If you’ve just bought a guitar, or you’ve had one for a while, you probably know it takes some time and effort to learn how to play the popular instrument. There’s so much to know about owning, maintaining, and playing a guitar. ...
A one-stop resource to the essentials of owning and playing the guitar If you’ve just bought a guitar, or you’ve had one for a while, you probably know it takes some time and effort to learn how to play the popular instrument. There’s so much to know about owning, maintaining, and playing a guitar. Where do you even begin? In Guitar All-in-One For Dummies, a team of expert guitarists and music teachers shows you the essentials you need to know about owning and playing a guitar. From picking your first notes to exploring music theory and composition, maintaining your gear, and diving into the specifics of genres like blues and rock, this book is a comprehensive and practical goldmine of indispensable info. Created for the budding guitarist who wants all their lessons and advice in one place, the book will show you how to: Maintain, tune, and string your guitar, as well as decipher music notation and guitar tablature Understand guitar theory, sounds and techniques to help you learn new songs and add your style to classic tunes Practice several popular genres of guitar music, including blues, rock, and classical Access accompanying online video and audio instructional resources that demonstrate the lessons you find in the book Perfect for guitar players at any skill level, Guitar All-in-One For Dummies is a must-have resource for anyone who wants to get the most out of their own guitar and make great music.
31.31 €
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Guitar All-in-One For Dummies Mark Phillips, Jon Chappell, Desi Serna
A one-stop resource to the essentials of owning and playing the guitar If you’ve just bought a guitar, or you’ve had one for a while, you probably know it takes some time and effort to learn how to play the popular instrument. There’s so much to know about owning, maintaining, and playing a guitar. ...
A one-stop resource to the essentials of owning and playing the guitar If you’ve just bought a guitar, or you’ve had one for a while, you probably know it takes some time and effort to learn how to play the popular instrument. There’s so much to know about owning, maintaining, and playing a guitar. Where do you even begin? In Guitar All-in-One For Dummies, a team of expert guitarists and music teachers shows you the essentials you need to know about owning and playing a guitar. From picking your first notes to exploring music theory and composition, maintaining your gear, and diving into the specifics of genres like blues and rock, this book is a comprehensive and practical goldmine of indispensable info. Created for the budding guitarist who wants all their lessons and advice in one place, the book will show you how to: Maintain, tune, and string your guitar, as well as decipher music notation and guitar tablature Understand guitar theory, sounds and techniques to help you learn new songs and add your style to classic tunes Practice several popular genres of guitar music, including blues, rock, and classical Access accompanying online video and audio instructional resources that demonstrate the lessons you find in the book Perfect for guitar players at any skill level, Guitar All-in-One For Dummies is a must-have resource for anyone who wants to get the most out of their own guitar and make great music.
31.31 €
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MARK-CHAPPELL Serene-UM pro psy a kočky Drops 100 ml
Kapky pro kočky, psy a malá zvířata pomáhají zklidnit nervózní, bojácná nebo agresivní, hyperaktivní zvířata. Kapky se snadno aplikují, pomáhají při cestovní nevolnosti, jsou přírodní a bez vedlejších účinků. účinné složky: L-tryptofan: esenciální aminokyselina a prekursor serotoninu, ...
Kapky pro kočky, psy a malá zvířata pomáhají zklidnit nervózní, bojácná nebo agresivní, hyperaktivní zvířata. Kapky se snadno aplikují, pomáhají při cestovní nevolnosti, jsou přírodní a bez vedlejších účinků. účinné složky: L-tryptofan: esenciální aminokyselina a prekursor serotoninu, neurohormonu, jehož nedostatek je prvotní příčinou úzkostí a depresí, změn chování, špatných nálad, poruch usínání. Serotonin podporuje přirozený pocit spokojenosti a radosti. Tryptofan může nahradit syntetická antidepresiva. B-vitamíny: podílí se na zmírnění bojácnosti a podporují správné fungování nervového systému Taurin: esenciální aminokyselina pro kočky zajiš?ující správnou funkci zraku a srdečního svalu Vitamín E: přírodní antioxidant Selen: pro správnou činnost imunitního systému Složení: voda, chlorid vápenatý, karboxymetyl sodný, přírodní zchutňující substance, L-tryptofan, vit.B3, inositol, glycerin, taurin, vit.B6, kyselina citronová, kyselina sorbová, propylparaben, metylparaben, vit.D3, alfa tokoferol acetát, vit.E, chlorid zinečnatý, seleničitan sodný Návod na použití: Nakapejte Serene-UM do nápoje, popř. můžete přidat do krmiva. Je nezbytné začít podávání Serene-UM kapky 3-4 dny před očekávanou událostí, aby se maximalizoval účinek přípravku. Dávkování: Kočky (do 2,5 kg) 1/2 čaj.lžičky 2x denně Kočky (2,5-5 kg) 1 čaj.lžička 2x denně Psi (do 5 kg) 1 čaj.lžička 3x denně Psi (5-10kg) 2 čaj.lžičky až 3x denně Psi (10-20 kg) 3 čaj.lžičky až 3x denně 1 čaj.lžička = cca 5ml
12.85 €
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MARK-CHAPPELL Serene-UM pro psy a kočky Drops 100 ml
Kapky pro kočky, psy a malá zvířata pomáhají zklidnit nervózní, bojácná nebo agresivní, hyperaktivní zvířata. Kapky se snadno aplikují, pomáhají při cestovní nevolnosti, jsou přírodní a bez vedlejších účinků. účinné složky: L-tryptofan: esenciální aminokyselina a prekursor serotoninu, ...
Kapky pro kočky, psy a malá zvířata pomáhají zklidnit nervózní, bojácná nebo agresivní, hyperaktivní zvířata. Kapky se snadno aplikují, pomáhají při cestovní nevolnosti, jsou přírodní a bez vedlejších účinků. účinné složky: L-tryptofan: esenciální aminokyselina a prekursor serotoninu, neurohormonu, jehož nedostatek je prvotní příčinou úzkostí a depresí, změn chování, špatných nálad, poruch usínání. Serotonin podporuje přirozený pocit spokojenosti a radosti. Tryptofan může nahradit syntetická antidepresiva. B-vitamíny: podílí se na zmírnění bojácnosti a podporují správné fungování nervového systému Taurin: esenciální aminokyselina pro kočky zajiš?ující správnou funkci zraku a srdečního svalu Vitamín E: přírodní antioxidant Selen: pro správnou činnost imunitního systému Složení: voda, chlorid vápenatý, karboxymetyl sodný, přírodní zchutňující substance, L-tryptofan, vit.B3, inositol, glycerin, taurin, vit.B6, kyselina citronová, kyselina sorbová, propylparaben, metylparaben, vit.D3, alfa tokoferol acetát, vit.E, chlorid zinečnatý, seleničitan sodný Návod na použití: Nakapejte Serene-UM do nápoje, popř. můžete přidat do krmiva. Je nezbytné začít podávání Serene-UM kapky 3-4 dny před očekávanou událostí, aby se maximalizoval účinek přípravku. Dávkování: Kočky (do 2,5 kg) 1/2 čaj.lžičky 2x denně Kočky (2,5-5 kg) 1 čaj.lžička 2x denně Psi (do 5 kg) 1 čaj.lžička 3x denně Psi (5-10kg) 2 čaj.lžičky až 3x denně Psi (10-20 kg) 3 čaj.lžičky až 3x denně 1 čaj.lžička = cca 5ml
14.02 €
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MARK-CHAPPELL Multivitamínový komplex
Ak hľadáte nové trendy na trhu, predstavujeme Multivitamínový komplex Mark & Chappell!Prísada: TukMinerályInformácie o výrobcovi:Menforsan Laboratorios…
18.39 €
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