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Interaktívny bubon s karuselou je skvelou voľbou pre každé dieťa, ktoré má rado hudbu a príjemné zvuky. Tento hudobný bubon umožňuje deťom rozhodovať sa, aké melódie budú počuť. Dieťa sa zavedie ...
Sada rôznofarebných gumových loptičiek. Loptičky sú vyrobené z mäkkého a na omak príjemného materiálu. Každá loptička má na svojom povrchu inú textúru. Každá loptička má na svojom povrchu inú ...
HUANGER Sada senzorických zvieratiek 6 ks Sada obsahuje 6 gumených zvieratiek rôznych tvarov, farieb a povrchov. Rozvíjajú predstavivosť, stimulujú kreatívne myslenie, zdokonaľujú manuálne ...
BUBEN A KLAVIER V JEDNOM Pre deti od 18 mesiacov Zvuky bubnov a bubnového činela Dve palice s mäkkými hrotmi na hranie Veľa hudobných režimov a vopred nahraných melódií Dve úrovne hlasitosti ...
SADA ZMYSLOVÝCH GULIČIEK Pre deti od 6 mesiacov veku Súprava obsahuje 8 farebných loptičiek Rôzne tvary a výstupky Stimulujú dotyk bábätka Stimulujú zmyslové a kognitívne receptory Hra s ...
INTERAKTÍVNY TELEFÓN PRE DETI Perfektná hračka od 18 mesiacov Až 5 rôznych zábavných režimov Dotykový panel bezpečný pre deti Príjemné a veselé melódie Učenie čísel Mobilná hra - kliknutie ...
GUMOVÉ BLOKY PRE DETI Pre deti od 6 mesiacov veku Bloky sú vyrobené z mäkkej, na dotyk príjemnej gumy Na stenách blokov sú umiestnené čísla, zvieratá a vzory Bloky pri stlačení vydávajú ...
Kolotoč nad postieľku pre ľahké zaspávanie a zabavenie Vášho bábätka. Súčasťou sú 4 závesné hračky, ktoré možno odňať a použiť samostatne. Umožňuje zapínanie/vypínanie melódie či otáčanie ...
Detská interaktívna hudobná kocka Baby Mix je skvelá hračka, stimuluje koordináciu a rozvoj zmyslov a precvičuje jemnú motoriku vášho dieťaťa. Obsahuje sústavu otáčajúcich sa ozubených koliesok, ...
HUANGER HE0519 interactive educational panel table
Huanger HE0519 interactive educational panel table Inspire your little one to explore the world with the Huanger HE0519 Interactive Educational Table! This versatile table combines learning with fun, offering a variety of engaging features that encourage creativity and development. With a variety ...
Huanger HE0519 interactive educational panel table Inspire your little one to explore the world with the Huanger HE0519 Interactive Educational Table! This versatile table combines learning with fun, offering a variety of engaging features that encourage creativity and development. With a variety of elements and interactive add-ons, children can enjoy endless fun that supports their cognitive and manual development. Fun that teaches The table is equipped with an interactive educational panel that can be easily removed, allowing the child to play with it outside the table as well. The centerpiece of the table is a colorful slide, on which the toddler can watch the balls roll down and into special containers. This type of play develops manual skills and promotes the development of logical thinking. The panel also has three movable cogs that can be set in motion, which helps develop precision of movement and manual skills. Meanwhile, the toucan-shaped piano, which offers various melodies and sounds, further supports the development of musical sensitivity and stimulates the sense of hearing. Manufacturer Huanger Model HE0519 Child s age From 18 months of age Gender Boy, girl Dimensions 46 cm x 75 cm x 46 cm
34.98 €
80 %
6963 recenzií
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HUANGER HE0295 interactive bubble stand up paddle
Huanger HE0295 interactive bubble up toy. The Huanger HE0295 toy is a versatile developmental tool for toddlers as young as 6 months old. It provides multi-level developmental stimulation while providing lots of fun. The colorful hoops, which can be stacked on a stick, teach logical thinking and ...
Huanger HE0295 interactive bubble up toy. The Huanger HE0295 toy is a versatile developmental tool for toddlers as young as 6 months old. It provides multi-level developmental stimulation while providing lots of fun. The colorful hoops, which can be stacked on a stick, teach logical thinking and cause-and-effect reasoning. Each hoop also acts as a rattle, stimulating auditory development and eye-hand coordination. The pyramid is equipped with a rounded base that allows it to swing, which develops the sense of balance and motor coordination. A wealth of play possibilities The interactive pyramid offers many different forms of play - from stacking the hoop, to pressing the elephant on top, to rocking the toy like a dancer. Rattle sounds, melodies, lights and happy elephant noises provide engaging and interactive play. The two-stage volume control allows you to adjust the intensity of the sounds to suit your baby and the environment. It s a great way to build a relationship with your little one, encouraging them to interact and explore the world. Manufacturer Huanger Model HE0295 Manufacturer code 47443 Age of child 6+ months Material of production plastic Effects sound, light Gender boys, girls
10.04 €
80 %
6963 recenzií
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HUANGER HE0651 Edukačná podložka s klavírom
Huanger HE0651 edukačná podložka s klavírom. Vzdelávacia podložka Huanger je gymnastická podložka, ktorá podporuje zmyslový rozvoj a posilňuje svaly vášho dieťaťa od prvých dní života. Podložka vybavená farebnými príveskami, veľkým zrkadlom a klavírom sa prispôsobí rôznym štádiám vývoja vášho ...
Huanger HE0651 edukačná podložka s klavírom. Vzdelávacia podložka Huanger je gymnastická podložka, ktorá podporuje zmyslový rozvoj a posilňuje svaly vášho dieťaťa od prvých dní života. Podložka vybavená farebnými príveskami, veľkým zrkadlom a klavírom sa prispôsobí rôznym štádiám vývoja vášho dieťatka. Vyrobená z najkvalitnejšieho materiálu mäkkého na dotyk, podložka je bezpečná a pohodlná, podporuje aktívnu hru a učenie. HE0651 ponúka tri rôzne spôsoby hry: batoľa môže ležať na chrbte, hrať sa s hračkami a udierať nohami na klávesy klavíra, cvičiť zdvíhanie hlavy a spoznávať svet, zatiaľ čo staršie dieťa môže sedieť a stláčať klávesy jeho ruky. Bezpečná a pútavá hra Podložka Huanger HE0651 je navrhnutá tak, aby udržala vaše dieťa v bezpečí a pohodlí, izoluje ho od studenej podlahy a stimuluje fyzický a motorický vývoj. Vďaka rôznym funkciám a možnostiam hrania poskytuje podložka hodiny radostnej aktivity a učenia. Klavír s melódiami navyše funguje ako hracia skrinka vedľa postieľky alebo interaktívny hudobný stolík, ktorý rozvíja motoriku, sluch a zrak bábätka. Výrobca Huanger Model HE0651 Vek dieťaťa 0+ Pohlavie dievčatá, chlapci Materiál plast, tkanina Rozmery Rozmery 50 x 80 x 48 cm Hmotnosť (s obalom) 0,1 kg Typ interaktívne Účinky zvuk, svetlo Certifikácie CE, EN 71
10.45 €
80 %
6963 recenzií
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HUANGER Interactive steering wheel for children blue HE0541
Huanger HE0541 interactive steering wheel for kids (blue) The Huanger HE0541 musical steering wheel features an equipped touchpad and provides exciting entertainment on multiple levels. A steering wheel in the shape of a smiling lion that tinkles as it spins, and a horn that children eagerly press, ...
Huanger HE0541 interactive steering wheel for kids (blue) The Huanger HE0541 musical steering wheel features an equipped touchpad and provides exciting entertainment on multiple levels. A steering wheel in the shape of a smiling lion that tinkles as it spins, and a horn that children eagerly press, are just the beginning. When you turn the key, you can hear the realistic sound of the car starting up, and three gears with the sound of a clock add to the realism of the fun. In addition, the toy offers plenty of cheerful melodies that will make any car trip a pleasure. Education through play The interactive steering wheel is not only a toy, but also an educational tool. By manually spinning and maneuvering the various functions, children learn the basics of motoring and develop manual skills. The variety of sounds and functions introduces toddlers to the world of motoring, teaching them to maneuver and recognize directions. With its diverse functionality, the Huanger HE0541 interactive steering wheel will quickly become every toddler s favorite toy, especially when traveling. A toy that never gets boring, provides fun and develops motor skills, becoming an indispensable companion for every trip! Manufacturer Huanger Model HE0541 Dimensions 14 x 10 x 23 cm Age of children 18+ months Material plastic Certifications CE Gender girls and boys Batteries 1.5 AAA 3x (not included) Color blue
10.53 €
80 %
6963 recenzií
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HUANGER educational mat HE0631
Huanger HE0631 educational mat The Huanger HE0631 Educational Mat promotes sensory development and strengthens your baby s muscles from the first days of life. With colorful pendants, a large mirror and a piano, the mat provides fun and education, growing with your toddler and adapting to his needs ...
Huanger HE0631 educational mat The Huanger HE0631 Educational Mat promotes sensory development and strengthens your baby s muscles from the first days of life. With colorful pendants, a large mirror and a piano, the mat provides fun and education, growing with your toddler and adapting to his needs at different stages of development. It offers three different ways to play that help develop baby s motor and physical skills. The toddler can play with the toys while lying on his back and hitting the piano keys with his feet, exercise on his tummy while lifting his head and learning about the world around him, and sit and play the piano with his hands. Safe and baby-friendly Made of the highest quality, nice-to-touch materials, the Huanger HE0631 mat provides comfort and safety for the toddler. The mat perfectly insulates the baby from the cold floor, while its colorful elements and music box melody stimulate sensory development. The included piano can be easily transformed into an interactive music table, which further develops the baby s motor skills, hearing and vision. This is an excellent gift choice that will provide hours of great fun and learning! Manufacturer Huanger Model HE0631 Product weight (including unit packaging) 0.1 kg Material plastic, fabric Certifications CE, EN 71 Age of child 0+
13.93 €
80 %
6963 recenzií
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HUANGER Interactive educational baby walker blue
Interaktívny vzdelávací chodítko od Huanger je vynikajúcim nástrojom na podporu vývoja vášho dieťaťa. Neposkytuje iba možnosť naučiť sa chodiť, ale tiež ponúka zábavu a senzorickú stimuláciu, prispôsobujúc sa rastúcim schopnostiam vášho batoľaťa. Vybavené hudobným a svetelným panelom, ktorý zapája ...
Interaktívny vzdelávací chodítko od Huanger je vynikajúcim nástrojom na podporu vývoja vášho dieťaťa. Neposkytuje iba možnosť naučiť sa chodiť, ale tiež ponúka zábavu a senzorickú stimuláciu, prispôsobujúc sa rastúcim schopnostiam vášho batoľaťa. Vybavené hudobným a svetelným panelom, ktorý zapája dieťa do zábavy a aktivity. Zvukové a svetelné efekty priťahujú pozornosť batoľaťa, podporujúc jeho senzorický a motorický vývoj. Bezpečnosť a funkčnosťProtišmykové kolesá a zámky kolies zaisťujú bezpečnosť pri učení chôdze. Chodítko je stabilné a spoľahlivé, ideálne pre prvé kroky dieťaťa. Má "kresliacu" dosku, ktorá umožňuje dieťaťu kresliť a rozvíjať umelecké zručnosti. Poskytuje priestor pre kreatívnu hru a objavovanie. Technické parametre Farba: Modrá Model: HE0810 Vhodné pre vek: 12+ mesiacov Materiál: Plast Určenie: Pre chlapcov aj dievčatá Certifikácie: CE, EN 71 Rozmery: 41 x 40 x 32 cm
16.40 €
80 %
6963 recenzií
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HUANGER Musical potty blue HE0806
Musical potty (blue) Huanger HE0806 Prepare your child to use the toilet independently with the help of the Huanger HE0806 musical potty! The potty s interactive feature rewards your child with a cheerful melody after each successful use, encouraging independent use and making it easy to learn. Its ...
Musical potty (blue) Huanger HE0806 Prepare your child to use the toilet independently with the help of the Huanger HE0806 musical potty! The potty s interactive feature rewards your child with a cheerful melody after each successful use, encouraging independent use and making it easy to learn. Its non-slip feet provide stability, and the removable stand makes it easy to keep the potty clean. All parts are easy to remove and clean, making hygiene maintenance quick and easy. Functionality tailored to your child s needs The Huanger HE0806 potty is a 3-in-1 product that grows with your child and adapts to his needs at different stages of development. It can be used as a potty - ideal for toddlers starting to learn to use the toilet, or a footrest that allows your child to reach the sink or toilet independently, promoting independence. The potty also has a removable toilet seat cover, allowing the toddler to easily adapt to using an adult toilet. Manufacturer Huanger Model HE0806 Color Blue Age of child From 18 months of age Gender Boy Dimensions with lid up 36 cm x 34.5 cm x 45 cm
18.91 €
80 %
6963 recenzií
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HUANGER Musical potty pink HE0807
Musical potty (pink) Huanger HE0807 Prepare your child to use the toilet independently with the help of the Huanger HE0807 musical potty! The potty s interactive feature rewards your child with a cheerful melody after each successful use, encouraging independent use and making it easy to learn. Its ...
Musical potty (pink) Huanger HE0807 Prepare your child to use the toilet independently with the help of the Huanger HE0807 musical potty! The potty s interactive feature rewards your child with a cheerful melody after each successful use, encouraging independent use and making it easy to learn. Its non-slip feet provide stability, and the removable stand makes it easy to keep the potty clean. All parts are easy to remove and clean, making hygiene maintenance quick and easy. Functionality tailored to your child s needs The Huanger HE0807 potty is a 3-in-1 product that grows with your child and adapts to his needs at different stages of development. It can be used as a potty - ideal for toddlers starting to learn to use the toilet, or a footrest that allows your child to reach the sink or toilet independently, promoting independence. The potty also has a removable toilet seat cover, allowing the toddler to easily adapt to using an adult toilet. Manufacturer Huanger Model HE0807 Color Pink Age of child From 18 months of age Gender Girl Dimensions with lid up 36 cm x 34.5 cm x 45 cm
18.91 €
80 %
6963 recenzií
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HUANGER Educational mat with piano HE0604
Educational mat with piano Huanger HE0604 Huanger HE0604 Educational Mat with Piano is a multifunctional toy that grows with your child, offering three different ways to play. Equipped with a headband with suspended 4 animal-shaped rattles and a mirror, the mat stimulates sensory development, motor ...
Educational mat with piano Huanger HE0604 Huanger HE0604 Educational Mat with Piano is a multifunctional toy that grows with your child, offering three different ways to play. Equipped with a headband with suspended 4 animal-shaped rattles and a mirror, the mat stimulates sensory development, motor coordination and manual skills. It is designed for children from the first day of life and is made of safe, eco-friendly materials, meeting all safety standards (CE and EN certificates). Safety and comfort at the highest level Huanger HE0604 mat has been designed with the safety and comfort of the little ones in mind. Soft, colorful materials, the absence of hard parts and a fold-out protector create a safe and friendly environment for play. The on/off switch piano offers 10 different melodies and three modes for all-around fun and musical ear development. Plus, it comes packaged in a pretty, colorful box, making it the perfect gift for any occasion. Manufacturer Huanger Model HE0604 Manufacturer code 604 Gender boys Material of production plastic, fabric
20.40 €
80 %
6963 recenzií
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HUANGER Educational mat with piano HE0603
Huanger HE0603 educational mat with piano. The Huanger HE0603 educational mat is the perfect solution for any parent who wants to support their child s development in a creative and engaging way. The Huanger mat is an excellent choice that will provide hours of fun and learning. The mat is made of ...
Huanger HE0603 educational mat with piano. The Huanger HE0603 educational mat is the perfect solution for any parent who wants to support their child s development in a creative and engaging way. The Huanger mat is an excellent choice that will provide hours of fun and learning. The mat is made of the highest quality, safe materials, so the baby can use it even from the first days after birth. When the toddler is in a lying position, he can play with the toys and at the same time hit the keys of the interactive piano with his feet. In addition, the piano is easy to assemble and disassemble and can be used as a separate toy or music box. Manufacturer Huanger Model HE0603 Gender boys, girls
20.40 €
80 %
6963 recenzií
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HUANGER HE0801 interactive walker/pusher
Huanger HE0801 interactive walker/pusher The Huanger HE0801 interactive walker/pusher is ideal for parents who want to support their children in learning to walk in a fun and safe way. With interactive elements and attractive colors, the walker captures the attention of toddlers, encouraging them ...
Huanger HE0801 interactive walker/pusher The Huanger HE0801 interactive walker/pusher is ideal for parents who want to support their children in learning to walk in a fun and safe way. With interactive elements and attractive colors, the walker captures the attention of toddlers, encouraging them to explore and take their first steps. Equipped with a detachable disappearing board, it allows the child to draw and play creatively, developing imagination and artistic skills. The pull-out telephone with squeaker and rattle, and the mirror with dial to spin further engage the child, providing stimuli to support the development of visual perception and motor skills. A wealth of features for baby s development The Huanger HE0801 walker is equipped with a variety of interactive elements that develop the baby s senses and cognitive abilities. The multicolored piano with detachable keys allows learning the solmization range, and pressing the star on the piano starts cheerful melodies that stimulate hearing and develop musical sensitivity. In addition, rotating elements with different shapes and textures help develop manual and perceptual skills. Manufacturer Huanger Model HE0801 Child s age From 6 months of age Gender Boy, girl Dimensions 43 cm x 34 cm x 45 cm
23.08 €
80 %
6963 recenzií
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HUANGER Interactive educational 4-in-1 table pink HE0817
Huanger HE0817 Interactive 4-in-1 Educational Table (pink) The Huanger HE0817 4-in-1 Interactive Educational Table is an ideal choice for parents who want to combine fun and learning for their child. This innovative product combines the functions of a walker, pusher, educational table, scooter and ...
Huanger HE0817 Interactive 4-in-1 Educational Table (pink) The Huanger HE0817 4-in-1 Interactive Educational Table is an ideal choice for parents who want to combine fun and learning for their child. This innovative product combines the functions of a walker, pusher, educational table, scooter and rider, offering endless possibilities for development and enjoyment. Multifunctionality for your child s development Huanger educational table is more than just a toy! With its walker and pusher function, it supports your toddler in taking his first steps, teaching him balance and coordination. Once your child becomes confident, the table can be easily transformed into an educational table, scooter or ride-on, adapting it to your child s changing needs and skills. Development through play The interactive panel on the front of the table is a real activity center! Your child can throw balls into the mini basket, match geometric shapes, and play with the musical piano in the shape of a cake. The playing and glowing crab, the movable pinwheels and the book-mushroom with animal pictures develop manual and sensory skills, exercising hand-eye coordination and musical sensitivity. Manufacturer Huanger Model HE0817 Color Pink Age of child From 12 months of age Gender Girl Dimensions of the table 37 cm x 31 cm x 18 cm Dimensions of scooter/rider 54 cm x 33 cm x 47 cm Dimensions of pusher 46 cm x 44 cm x 43 cm
24.70 €
80 %
6963 recenzií
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HUANGER Interactive educational table 4 in 1 green HE0816
Huanger HE0816 Interactive 4-in-1 Educational Table (Green) The Huanger HE0816 4-in-1 Interactive Educational Table is an ideal choice for parents who want to combine fun and learning for their child. This innovative product combines the functions of a walker, pusher, educational table, scooter and ...
Huanger HE0816 Interactive 4-in-1 Educational Table (Green) The Huanger HE0816 4-in-1 Interactive Educational Table is an ideal choice for parents who want to combine fun and learning for their child. This innovative product combines the functions of a walker, pusher, educational table, scooter and rider, offering endless possibilities for development and enjoyment. Multifunctionality for your child s development Huanger educational table is more than just a toy! With its walker and pusher function, it supports your toddler in taking his first steps, teaching him balance and coordination. Once your child becomes confident, the table can be easily transformed into an educational table, scooter or ride-on, adapting it to your child s changing needs and skills. Development through play The interactive panel on the front of the table is a real activity center! Your child can throw balls into the mini basket, match geometric shapes, and play with the musical piano in the shape of a cake. The playing and glowing crab, the movable pinwheels and the book-mushroom with animal pictures develop manual and sensory skills, exercising hand-eye coordination and musical sensitivity. Manufacturer Huanger Model HE0816 Color Green Age of child From 12 months of age Gender Boy Dimensions of the table 37 cm x 31 cm x 18 cm Dimensions of scooter/rider 54 cm x 33 cm x 47 cm Dimensions of pusher 46 cm x 44 cm x 43 cm
29.07 €
80 %
6963 recenzií
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HUANGER Interactive remote control for children HE0529
Huanger HE0529 interactive remote control for kids The Huanger HE0529 Interactive Remote Control for Kids is the perfect toy for toddlers who are curious about the world and love to imitate adults. Your child will be delighted to use a real remote control that looks and works like the one used by ...
Huanger HE0529 interactive remote control for kids The Huanger HE0529 Interactive Remote Control for Kids is the perfect toy for toddlers who are curious about the world and love to imitate adults. Your child will be delighted to use a real remote control that looks and works like the one used by adults. The toy helps develop imagination and communication skills in children as young as 6 months old. With the function of changing TV channels, children learn to imitate the daily activities of adults, which positively affects their social and emotional development. Playing with the remote control also stimulates curiosity and a desire to explore the surrounding world. Functionality at the highest level The remote control has been equipped with a keyboard with 10 buttons, which allow the child to learn through play. Each button is responsible for different sound and light effects, which makes playtime even more exciting. In addition, the ability to adjust the volume allows you to adjust the sound level to suit your child s needs and the environment. The toy also offers a variety of melodies and songs that are sure to interest the little ones and provide them with hours of fun entertainment. Manufacturer Huanger Model HE0529 Child s age From 6 months of age Gender Boy, girl Dimensions 16 cm x 7.5 cm x 3 cm Power supply 3x AAA battery (not included)
4.70 €
80 %
6963 recenzií
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HUANGER HE8026 Interactive Car Keys
Huanger HE8026 Interactive Car Keys. Huanger HE8026 Interactive Car Keys is a great toy for children six months and older, providing hours of fun and enjoyment. Made of non-toxic, child-friendly material, it is safe and durable. The toy is equipped with 4 colorful keys that activate a variety of ...
Huanger HE8026 Interactive Car Keys. Huanger HE8026 Interactive Car Keys is a great toy for children six months and older, providing hours of fun and enjoyment. Made of non-toxic, child-friendly material, it is safe and durable. The toy is equipped with 4 colorful keys that activate a variety of sound and light effects. The child can enjoy sounds that simulate the opening and closing of the car, horn, engine ignition, doorbell and 10 different songs. Multifunctionality and high quality workmanship The colorful keys encourage the toddler to interact, developing his eye-hand coordination and manual skills. The keys are easy to carry, making them an ideal companion for play in different places. Thanks to their high quality workmanship, the keys are resistant to intense play and guarantee long-lasting use. They re a great choice for little car lovers and sound fun lovers. Huanger HE8026 interactive keys are a great gift for little ones, combining fun, education and sensory skill development. Manufacturer Huanger Model HE8026 Dimensions 7 x 3.5 x 10 cm Age of the child 6 months + Gender boys and girls Material plastic Effects sound, light Weight 0.5 kg Certifications CE, EN 71
5.02 €
80 %
6963 recenzií
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HUANGER HE0536 toy phone with recording function yellow
Huanger HE0536 toy phone with recording function. The Huanger HE0536 interactive toy phone is an indispensable toy that will provide your child with endless fun and learning. Equipped with a variety of sounds and melodies, such as lullabies, animal sounds, musical instruments and car sound effects, ...
Huanger HE0536 toy phone with recording function. The Huanger HE0536 interactive toy phone is an indispensable toy that will provide your child with endless fun and learning. Equipped with a variety of sounds and melodies, such as lullabies, animal sounds, musical instruments and car sound effects, this phone allows your little one to discover new sounds and develop their sense of hearing. This toy is ideal for babies 18 months and older, supporting the development of their sensory abilities. Interactivity and creativity The Huanger HE0536 phone is designed to stimulate a child s cognitive interaction. The toy has various buttons with drawings depicting a variety of scenes and sounds, which encourages the child to play creatively and develop imagination. The ability to adjust the volume makes playtime even more comfortable and tailored to the toddler s needs. What s more, the recorder function allows your child to record and play back their own voices, which promotes speech and imagination development. This allows your child to develop language skills in a fun way from an early age. Variety of sounds and melodies Huanger HE0536 will surprise your child with a wealth of sounds. The sounds of musical instruments, lullabies, car sounds, animal sounds and many other sounds - all of which support the development of the toddler s hearing and perception. In addition, the ability to play a variety of melodies also makes this phone perfect for helping your baby fall asleep.
5.10 €
80 %
6963 recenzií
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HUANGER HE0705 interactive crawling learning toy
Huanger HE0705 interactive crawling learning toy. Meet the Huanger HE0706 interactive crawling toy - created with the youngest explorers in mind! This cute and fun toy is designed to support toddlers in their first attempts at crawling, stimulating their natural curiosity and desire to move. To ...
Huanger HE0705 interactive crawling learning toy. Meet the Huanger HE0706 interactive crawling toy - created with the youngest explorers in mind! This cute and fun toy is designed to support toddlers in their first attempts at crawling, stimulating their natural curiosity and desire to move. To make playtime even more fun, the toy is equipped with sound and light effects to stimulate baby s senses. The sounds encourage movement while developing the sense of hearing, while the flickering lights attract the toddler s attention, stimulating his eyesight. Manufacturer Huanger Model HE0705 Age of the child From 18 months of age Gender Boy, girl Dimensions 13.5 cm x 13.2 cm x 16.8 cm
5.43 €
80 %
6963 recenzií
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HUANGER Interactive steering wheel for kids HE0542
Interactive steering wheel for kids Huanger HE0542 The Huanger HE0542 steering wheel is an electronic toy that takes your child into the world of motoring. Equipped with buttons, lights and sounds, it simulates a realistic driving experience, engaging the imagination and stimulating the toddler s ...
Interactive steering wheel for kids Huanger HE0542 The Huanger HE0542 steering wheel is an electronic toy that takes your child into the world of motoring. Equipped with buttons, lights and sounds, it simulates a realistic driving experience, engaging the imagination and stimulating the toddler s senses. By turning the steering wheel, the child sets the little car in motion, adding extra fun to the play. The steering wheel offers up to 11 different functionalities, which provide hours of engaging play. The toy not only entertains, but also develops the child s motor skills, eye-hand coordination and spatial imagination. Thanks to realistic sound and light effects, the toddler also learns to understand the cause and effect of his actions. Mobility and convenience One of the greatest advantages of the Huanger HE0542 steering wheel is that it can be mounted in various places with straps. The product can be easily mounted to a crib, car seat or other places, making it an ideal companion both at home and on the go. The toy is designed for children 18 months and older, providing them with endless fun and engaging play. Thanks to the Huanger HE0542 interactive steering wheel, every child will feel like a real driver while developing their skills and imagination. Manufacturer Huanger Model HE0542 Child s age 18+ months Dimensions 17.5 x 10 x 23 cm Gender girls and boys
6.23 €
80 %
6963 recenzií
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HUANGER Toy musical drum HE0702
Huanger HE0702 toy musical drum. The Huanger HE0702 Musical Drum is a 3-in-1 toy that combines the functions of a drum, music box and projector. This allows the child to enjoy a variety of play activities that develop the senses and promote learning. As a drum, it encourages rhythmic play, ...
Huanger HE0702 toy musical drum. The Huanger HE0702 Musical Drum is a 3-in-1 toy that combines the functions of a drum, music box and projector. This allows the child to enjoy a variety of play activities that develop the senses and promote learning. As a drum, it encourages rhythmic play, developing motor skills and coordination. In music box mode, the spinning horses and melodies create a relaxing atmosphere, ideal for falling asleep. And as a projector, the drum turns the night sky into a fabulous light show, imitating the stars and creating a calming mood. In addition, the toy is equipped with five sound buttons that offer a variety of functions, including drum beats, percussion melodies, animal sounds, volume control, and fun melodies and rhymes. Manufacturer Huanger Model HE0702 Age of child From 18 months of age Gender Girl Dimensions 10.5 cm x 10.5 cm x 11.5 cm
6.36 €
80 %
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HUANGER Toy musical drum HE0701
Huanger HE0701 toy musical drum. The Huanger HE0701 Musical Drum is a 3-in-1 toy that combines the functions of a drum, music box and projector. This allows the child to enjoy a variety of play activities that develop the senses and promote learning. As a drum, it encourages rhythmic play, ...
Huanger HE0701 toy musical drum. The Huanger HE0701 Musical Drum is a 3-in-1 toy that combines the functions of a drum, music box and projector. This allows the child to enjoy a variety of play activities that develop the senses and promote learning. As a drum, it encourages rhythmic play, developing motor skills and coordination. In music box mode, the spinning horses and melodies create a relaxing atmosphere, ideal for falling asleep. And as a projector, the drum turns the night sky into a fabulous light show, imitating the stars and creating a calming mood. In addition, the toy is equipped with five sound buttons that offer a variety of functions, including drum beats, percussion melodies, animal sounds, volume control, and fun melodies and rhymes. Manufacturer Huanger Model HE0701 Age of child From 18 months of age Gender Boy Dimensions 10.5 cm x 10.5 cm x 11.5 cm
6.36 €
80 %
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HUANGER HE8035 toy phone blue
Huanger HE8035 toy phone The Huanger HE8035 toy phone is ideal for toddlers over 18 months of age to support your child s early development. With interactive features, the phone encourages toddlers to explore the world of sounds, colors and shapes while stimulating their senses. Educational and ...
Huanger HE8035 toy phone The Huanger HE8035 toy phone is ideal for toddlers over 18 months of age to support your child s early development. With interactive features, the phone encourages toddlers to explore the world of sounds, colors and shapes while stimulating their senses. Educational and developmental features The Huanger phone is designed for the all-around development of children from the age of 18 months. Each button on the screen has a different function, offering sounds, melodies and simple puzzles to help learn numbers, animals and first words. Through play, the baby develops motor coordination, language skills, and logical thinking. Multifunctional design for developing various skills While playing with the Huanger HE8035 phone, the child engages multiple senses simultaneously - sight, hearing and touch. The phone s interactive features encourage exploration, which promotes the development of hand-eye coordination and manual skills. The touch buttons are appropriately sized for little hands, helping to refine precise movements and strengthen hand muscles. Manufacturer Huanger Model HE8035 Child s age From 18 months of age Gender Boy, girl Dimensions 14 cm x 8.5 cm x 2.7 cm
6.44 €
80 %
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HUANGER HE0502 interactive musical guitar
Huanger Interactive Musical Guitar HE0502 The Huanger Interactive Musical Guitar is a charming toy resembling a real musical instrument that will introduce your child to the fascinating world of melodies and rhythms, while developing manual and cognitive skills. It offers a rich array of functions ...
Huanger Interactive Musical Guitar HE0502 The Huanger Interactive Musical Guitar is a charming toy resembling a real musical instrument that will introduce your child to the fascinating world of melodies and rhythms, while developing manual and cognitive skills. It offers a rich array of functions that will delight any little artist. Equipped with 9 buttons that trigger a variety of melodies and sounds, the toy offers 3 music modes - pop, rock and blues. Illuminated buttons, a movable cylinder and a pink song-changing lever provide dynamic fun, while an extendable ball acts as a rattle. Safe and comfortable to use The guitar features rounded, safe shapes, making it ideal for children as young as 18 months old. Its multicolored finish and compact size are adapted to the height of toddlers, ensuring their comfort while playing. The toy is powered by three AA batteries, which are included in the set. It is an excellent gift idea for the little ones, which will provide a multitude of entertainment and delight any toddler. Manufacturer Huanger Model HE0502 Age of the child 18 months + Material Plastic Batteries 3x AA 1.5V Certifications CE Dimensions 41 x 6 x 20 cm Dominant color pink Product weight with packaging 1.2 kg Gender girls
7.77 €
80 %
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HUANGER HE0501 interactive musical guitar
Huanger Interactive Musical Guitar HE0501 The Huanger Interactive Musical Guitar is a charming toy resembling a real musical instrument that will introduce your child to the fascinating world of melodies and rhythms, while developing manual and cognitive skills. It offers a rich array of functions ...
Huanger Interactive Musical Guitar HE0501 The Huanger Interactive Musical Guitar is a charming toy resembling a real musical instrument that will introduce your child to the fascinating world of melodies and rhythms, while developing manual and cognitive skills. It offers a rich array of functions that will delight any little artist. Equipped with 9 buttons that trigger a variety of melodies and sounds, the toy offers 3 music modes - pop, rock and blues. Illuminated buttons, a movable cylinder and a green lever that changes songs provide dynamic fun, while an extendable ball acts as a rattle. Safety and convenience of use The guitar features rounded, safe shapes, making it ideal for children as young as 18 months old. Its multicolored finish and compact size are adapted to the height of toddlers, ensuring their comfort while playing. The toy is powered by three AA batteries, which are included in the set. It is an excellent gift idea for the little ones, which will provide a multitude of entertainment and delight any toddler. Manufacturer Huanger Model HE0501 Age of the child 18 months + Material Plastic Batteries 3x AA 1.5V Certifications CE Dimensions 41 x 6 x 20 cm Dominant color blue Product weight with packaging 1.2 kg Gender boys
7.77 €
80 %
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HUANGER Interaktívny volant na zavesenie do auta
Interaktívna podložka s volantom slúži na zavesenie na opierku hlavy vo vozidle. dokonale spestrí cestu vášho batoľaťa a zaistí pokojnú jazdu autom otočný volant a tlačidlá, ktoré vydávajú zvuky klaksónu …
22.70 €
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HUANGER Interactive educational 2-in-1 walker + piano HE0621
Interactive educational 2-in-1 walker + piano Huanger HE0621 Huanger interactive walker supports the development of the little ones on many levels. The walker stimulates the sense of sight, helping children learn to distinguish colors and shapes and develop their imagination. With melodies, sounds ...
Interactive educational 2-in-1 walker + piano Huanger HE0621 Huanger interactive walker supports the development of the little ones on many levels. The walker stimulates the sense of sight, helping children learn to distinguish colors and shapes and develop their imagination. With melodies, sounds and rattling, the toy supports auditory development, teaching the child to distinguish between different sounds. The walker encourages the child to lie on its back, which has a positive effect on posture and strengthens the muscles of the spine. The piano and rattles develop motor coordination, while the pusher helps the baby learn to walk and maintain correct posture. Multifunctionality and safety Huanger HE0621 offers a variety of play options: from lying on a mat with a headband and rattles, to exercising on the tummy with toys within reach of hands, to sitting and playing with rattles and a mirror. The piano music panel, which can be placed next to the crib, acts as a soother and sleeper, offering two-stage volume control. The walker provides stable support, allowing baby to enjoy safe and engaging play. Included mat pusher 5 pendants 4 rattles mirror piano Manufacturer Huanger Model HE0621 Dimensions of the mat 75 x 45 cm Height to headband 45 cm Functions of the toy Pusher, interactive mat, piano panel Gender boys and girls Material plastic, fabric Effects sound, light
34.45 €
80 %
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