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Star Wars
Jedi padawan Cal Kestis, ktorý prežil Rozkaz 66 a potom strávil roky na úteku, sa prvýkrát objavil ako hlavný hrdina v hre Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Teraz ho toto galerijné dioráma zobrazuje ...

Heo GmbH Soška Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - Darth Revan Gentle Giant
85.99 €
Do obchodu
+Darček: 3.44€ zľava na ďalší nákup
Sith (alebo Jedi?) Darth Revan stojí na vrchole horiacej sochy s dvoma svetelnými mečmi a vejúcim plášťom v dioráme od Gentle Giant LTD. Dioráma je vyrobená z vysoko kvalitného PVC, je ručne maľovaná a obdivovať môžete množstvo precíznych detailov, vrátane priesvitných plameňov a čepelí svetelných ...

Heo GmbH Soška Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - Darth Revan Gallery PVC Statue Gentle Giant
101.99 €
Do obchodu
+Darček: 2.04€ zľava na ďalší nákup
Perfektne spracovaná soška od umelcov z Gentle Giant predstavuje Darth Revana v bielom habite a s fialovým svetelným mečom, stojaceho na vrchole starobylých kamenných ruín.Soška je vyrobená z vysoko kvalitného PVC, vyznačuje sa detailným sochárskym spracovaním a aplikáciami farieb.Perfektný ...

Cosmic Group Soška Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi - Gentle Giant
199.99 €
Do obchodu
+Darček: 4.00€ zľava na ďalší nákup
S vydaním vlastného seriálu Obi-Wan Kenobi na Disney+ sa majster Jedi dočkáva aj krásneho detailného spracovania v podobe kvalitnej figúrky od spoločnosti Gentle Giant v rámci ich Premier collection. S nasadenou kapucňou a pozdvihnutým svetelným mečom je Ben pripravený do boja. Diorama dopĺňa ...

GENTLE GIANT Zákon Gangu řívěšek na klíče Samcro
7.76 €
Do obchodu
Sons of Anarchy přívěšek na klíče SamcroSons of Anarchy přívěšek na klíče Samcro je originální přívěšek na klíče s oficiální licencí televizního seriálu Zákon gangu. Přívěšek je vyrobený z kovu a součástí je klasické kovové očko na klíče.popis:licencovaný produkt: Sons of Anarchyomezený náklad ...

GENTLE GIANT Zákon Gangu řívěšek na klíče Red A
7.76 €
Do obchodu
Sons of Anarchy přívěšek na klíče Red ASons of Anarchy přívěšek na klíče Red A je originální přívěšek na klíče s oficiální licencí televizního seriálu Zákon gangu. Přívěšek je vyrobený z kovu a součástí je klasické kovové očko na klíče.popis:licencovaný produkt: Sons of Anarchyomezený náklad ...

GENTLE GIANT Číše na víno Wildwood 19 cm
21.80 €
Do obchodu
Č a iacute; a scaron;e na v a iacute;no Wildwood 19 cm Stolujte jako prav a iacute; kr a aacute;lov a eacute; a pořiďte si stylov a yacute; poh a aacute;r na v a iacute;no v netradičn a iacute;m fantasy proveden a iacute;. Tato bohatě zdoben a aacute; č a iacute; a scaron;e na v a iacute;no je ...

GENTLE GIANT Star Wars zarážky na knihy Mandalorian Logo 11 cm
35.38 €
Do obchodu
Gentle Giant Ltd has taken this iconic insignia and fashioned it into a stunning set of bookends for use with books, video games, DVDs, or just as a stand alone decoration. This Mandalorian Logo bookend will look great on your entertainment center, or in your library! Hand cast in resin and hand ...

GENTLE GIANT Star Wars zarážky na knihy Imperial/Rebel Logo 15 cm
35.38 €
Do obchodu
The Empire or the Rebellion? Now you don't have to choose with the newest offering from Gentle Giant LTD's bookends series. Just as the galaxy is divided in half, now your bookshelf can be as well with this pair of bookends featuring half of the Imperial and Rebel logos. The Imperial side will keep ...

GENTLE GIANT Batman mikina Justice League Heroes
38.96 €
Do obchodu
Batman mikina Justice League Heroeselegantní mikina v klasickém střihu zdobená potiskem z Batmanovského univerza.POPIS:licencovaný produkt: Batman materiál: 50procent polyester / 50procent bavlnadostupné v různých velikostechunisex provedenídodávka zahrnuje jeden kus: Batman mikina Justice League ...

GENTLE GIANT Mikina Batman vs Superman Battle Of The Worlds Finest
38.96 €
Do obchodu
Mikina Batman vs Superman Battle Of The Worlds Finestelegantní mikina v klasickém střihu zdobená potiskem z chystaného filmu Batman vs. Superman. Jedná se o oficiálně licencovaný produkt s velmi kvalitním potiskem. Batman vs. Superman je velmi očekávaný film ve kterém se poprvé na filmovém plátně ...

GENTLE GIANT Star Wars Bust 1/6 TIE Fighter PGM Exclusive 13 cm
47.17 €
Do obchodu
Officially licensed resin bust from Gentle Giants Star Wars series. It stands approx. 13 cm tall and comes with certificate of authenticity in a printed box....

GENTLE GIANT Star Wars Jumbo Kenner Akční figurka Emperor Palpatine
47.17 €
Do obchodu
Gentle Giant Ltd expands their hugely collectible line of vintage Star Wars action figure 12 reproductions with the The Return of the Jedi Emperor's Royal Guard Jumbo! These silent sentinels have fascinated Star Wars fans for over 3 decades and now you can protect your Emperor figure in his throne ...

GENTLE GIANT Star Wars Episode VII Bust 1/6 First Order Snowtrooper PGM Exclu
47.17 €
Do obchodu
Officially licensed resin bust from Gentle Giants Star Wars series. It stands approx. 13 cm tall and comes with certificate of authenticity in a printed box....

GENTLE GIANT Star Wars Episode VII Bust 1/6 Maz Kanata 14 cm
47.17 €
Do obchodu
The mysterious pirate queen Maz Kanata has been part of the galactic smuggling scene for hundreds of years. Hundreds of years before the rise of the First Order, Maz had been already travelling the galaxy while understanding her own sensitivity to The Force. Gentle Giant LTD is proud to present the ...

GENTLE GIANT Star Wars Bust 1/6 Jango Fett 19 cm
47.17 €
Do obchodu
Blasting his way into your collection comes the original bounty hunter! Making his way from Star Wars: Attack of the Clones to your display, Jango Fett is the next offering in Gentle Giant LTD's highly collectible classic mini bust line. Like father line son, the Gentle Giant LTD Jango Fett Classic ...

GENTLE GIANT Star Wars Bust 1/6 Endor Trooper 18 cm
47.17 €
Do obchodu
Han Solo and Princess Leia lead a crack strike team of loyal Rebels to storm the Imperial Base on the forest moon of Endor. Lightly armed and without backup, these brave souls fought fiercely to destroy the outpost and bring down the energy shield protecting the second Death Star. Their efforts ...

GENTLE GIANT Star Wars Jumbo Vintage Kenner Akční figurka Leia Hoth Outfit
52.41 €
Do obchodu
Just like they were when you were a kid, only BIGGER! Gentle Giant is proud to bring you the latest addition to our exciting line of vintage Kenner-inspired Star Wars Action Figure reproductions with the release of the classic Princess Leia in Hoth Battle Gear figure.Digitally scanned from mint 3 ...

GENTLE GIANT Marvel Comics Mini-Socha Captain America 15 cm
66.43 €
Do obchodu
The Star Spangled Avenger makes many of his fans feel like kids again. This time, Gentle Giant Ltd. is having some fun and giving Captain America a childlike appearance!This red, white and blue chunk of cute was digitally sculpted, and then printed out on state of the art 3D Systems printers. The ...

GENTLE GIANT Star Wars Episode VII Bust 1/6 First Order Flametrooper 16 cm
70.75 €
Do obchodu
The story that began a long time ago returns giving us the next chapter in the saga from a galaxy far, far away. Gentle Giant Ltd. is honored in bringing collectors all-new characters from Star Wars: Episode 7, The Force Awakens.Gentle Giant Ltd. announces the next character from our amazing mini ...

GENTLE GIANT Star Wars Episode V Bust 1/6 Lobot PGM Exclusive 18 cm
70.75 €
Do obchodu
Officially licensed resin bust from Gentle Giants Star Wars series. It stands approx. 18 cm tall and comes with certificate of authenticity in a printed box....

GENTLE GIANT Star Wars Episode VII Bust 1/6 Finn 17 cm
70.75 €
Do obchodu
The Resistance is here! Finn, the reluctant hero of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, makes his way into Gentle Giant LTD.'s long running line of 1:6th scale Star Wars Mini Busts. Sporting his borrowed resistance jacket and armed with a blaster rifle, Finn is ready to take on the First Order and join ...

GENTLE GIANT Star Wars Episode VII Bust 1/6 First Order Stormtrooper Deluxe M
70.75 €
Do obchodu
The story that began a long time ago returns, giving us the next chapter in the saga from a galaxy far, far away. Gentle Giant Ltd. is honored in bringing collectors all-new characters from Star Wars: Episode 7, The Force Awakens. Gentle Giant Ltd. announces the first of our mini busts from Star ...

GENTLE GIANT Star Wars Rogue One Bust 1/6 Bistan 19 cm
70.75 €
Do obchodu
The alien Bistan is a lakaru that joined the galactic rebellion after the Empire tracked the rebellion to his home planet. As a result of that conflict he enlisted as a soldier for the Alliance. In the Battle of Scarif, Bistan was a door-gunner on an Alliance U-Wing fighter. Fans fell in love with ...

GENTLE GIANT Star Wars Rebels Maquette Inquisitor 24 cm
70.75 €
Do obchodu
Star Wars Rebels continues the epic tradition of the legendary Star Wars saga with all-new exciting, action-packed adventures. It is a dark time in the galaxy, as the evil Galactic Empire tightens its grip of power from world to world. In the beginning of this exciting new series, the Emperor ...

GENTLE GIANT Star Wars Episode VI Bust 1/6 Darth Vader Emperor's Wrath 17 cm
70.75 €
Do obchodu
One of the most pivotal moments in the Star Wars Saga is captured in Gentle Giant Ltd.'s Darth Vader Emperor's Wrath mini bust. As this point in the story we know Darth Vader is more machine than man, as he coldly brings his son before his master to be turned to the Dark Side of the Force... or ...

GENTLE GIANT Star Wars Episode VII Bust 1/6 Kylo Ren 22 cm
70.75 €
Do obchodu
Gentle Giant Ltd. is joining the dark side with their newest 1:6 scale, Star Wars Mini Bust, Kylo Ren from Star Wars: Episode 7, The Force Awakens. Kylo Ren commands the First Order's armies and desires nothing more than to finish what his grandfather, Darth Vader started. This highly detailed mini ...

GENTLE GIANT Star Wars Episode VI Bust 1/6 Bib Fortuna 18 cm
70.75 €
Do obchodu
Officially licensed resin bust from Gentle Giants Star Wars series. It stands approx. 18 cm tall and comes with certificate of authenticity in a printed box....

GENTLE GIANT Star Wars Episode VII Bust 1/6 FN-2199 PGM Exclusive 18 cm
70.75 €
Do obchodu
Officially licensed resin bust from Gentle Giants Star Wars series. It stands approx. 18 cm tall and comes with certificate of authenticity in a printed box....

GENTLE GIANT Star Wars Rogue One Bust 1/6 Jyn Erso Seal Commander 16 cm
70.75 €
Do obchodu
From Lucasfilm comes the first of the Star Wars story films, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, an all-new epic adventure. In a time of conflict, a group of unlikely heroes band together on a mission to steal the plans to the Death Star, the Empire's ultimate weapon of destruction. Putting behind a ...

GENTLE GIANT Star Trek Stonework Faux Marble zarážka na knihy Starfleet Emble
86.85 €
Do obchodu
The say revenge is a dish best served cold... and it is very cold... in space... STONE cold! Like the new Star Trek: Discovery Starfleet Emblem Stoneworks bookend! This white, limited-edition, faux marble bookend highlights the timelessness of these Star Trek icons and will add a touch of class to ...

GENTLE GIANT Star Trek Stonework Faux Marble zarážka na knihy Klingon Emblem
86.85 €
Do obchodu
Today is a good day to die! Or to read, so grab a book or an ancient text from your shelf. We can help you with the new Star Trek: Discovery Klingon Emblem Stoneworks bookend! This white, limited-edition, faux marble bookend highlights the timelessness of these Star Trek symbols and will add a ...

GENTLE GIANT Marvel Comics Animated Series Mini-Socha Daredevil 11 cm
86.87 €
Do obchodu
The Kid Without Fear?well... maybe a LITTLE bit of fear, joins the Gentle Giant Ltd. Marvel Animated Statue series. Daredevil will be the 13th character in our popular and adorable Marvel animated statue line. The blind acrobat crime fighter is clearly still learning the ropes in this statue, ...

GENTLE GIANT Marvel Comics zarážky na knihy Spider-Man Logo 16 cm
86.87 €
Do obchodu
Thwip! You don?t need web shooters to hold your books upright when you have the snazzy new Spider-Man logo bookends from Gentle Giant LTD! Using the classic Spider-Man logo for this dramatic and functional addition to your shelves, the Spider-Man logo bookends run the risk of overshadowing the ...

GENTLE GIANT Marvel Comics Animated Series Mini-Socha Wolverine 10 cm
89.47 €
Do obchodu
MORE MUTANTS! You asked and we answered! Wolverine has been one of the top three most requested characters to be included in our line of Marvel Animated Statues and now the wait is over! Wolverine is here bub and he may be small but he is full of berserker rage in his classic tiger-stripe costume! ...

GENTLE GIANT Marvel Comics Animated Series Mini-Socha Venom 11 cm
89.47 €
Do obchodu
Sometimes a villain, sometimes an antihero, the alien Symbiote know as Venom strikes fear into the hearts of the Marvel Universe! When he is a villain, the hulking brute that is Venom is one of the deadliest foes of Spider-Man. But, what about his down time? In our latest Marvel Animated Statue, we ...

GENTLE GIANT Star Wars Jumbo Kenner Akční figurka Emperor's Royal Guard 30 cm
91.37 €
Do obchodu
Gentle Giant Ltd expands their hugely collectible line of vintage Star Wars action figure 12 reproductions with the The Return of the Jedi Emperor's Royal Guard Jumbo! These silent sentinels have fascinated Star Wars fans for over 3 decades and now you can protect your Emperor figure in his throne ...

GENTLE GIANT Star Wars Collectors Gallery Socha 1/8 IG-88 24 cm
94.33 €
Do obchodu
The fearsome assassin droid IG-88 was a rival to Boba Fett and was an imposing presence when he arrived on the Executor, answering Darth Vader?s call for ruthless bounty hunters. Far more terrifying than battle droids were the assassin droids, who were independently programmed mechanical killers ...

GENTLE GIANT Star Wars Collectors Gallery Socha 1/8 Zuckuss 24 cm
94.33 €
Do obchodu
Zuckuss is the Gand bounty hunter that teamed up with 4-LOM to hunt Han Solo and collect the bounty for the Empire and as well as Jabba the Hutt. Zuckuss is sometimes known as The Uncanny One in the underground world of bounty hunters because of his tracking skills. He has an innate ...

GENTLE GIANT Star Wars Rogue One Collectors Gallery Socha 1/8 Shoretrooper 2
94.33 €
Do obchodu
From Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. come the Empire?s Shoretoopers. Armored soldiers who patrol the beaches of the planet Scarif, the secret location of the imperial army and its Death Star construction facility. These well-trained, specialist Troopers are at the ready to defend against the always ...

GENTLE GIANT Star Wars Collectors Gallery Socha 1/8 Bossk 24 cm
94.33 €
Do obchodu
The artists a Gentle Giant take you on a journey to see the moments just following the events of the death of Jabba, we find Bossk standing over the shattered throne of Jabba. At his feet, a chain left by Jabba's escaped prize. What will he do next? Pursue the rebels or look for his next bounty? ...

GENTLE GIANT Star Wars Rogue One Collectors Gallery Socha 1/8 Death Trooper
94.33 €
Do obchodu
The elite soldiers of Imperial Intelligence, Death Trooper Specialists are encased in specialized Stormtrooper armor with a dark, ominous gleam. These soldiers serve as bodyguards and enforcers for Director Krennic, a highly placed officer within the Advanced Weapons Research division of the ...

GENTLE GIANT DC Comics Super Powers Collection Jumbo Kenner Akční figurka 1/6
94.46 €
Do obchodu
Gentle Giant Ltd. is proud in announcing the Boy Wonder himself, Robin!. This jumbo figure will be the next release in this stunning line of retro figures. The Robin jumbo figure was developed using state of the art 3D technology. Gentle Giant Ltd. has taken an original mint condition Super Powers ...

GENTLE GIANT Marvel Comics Animated Series Mini-Socha Thor 12 cm
94.59 €
Do obchodu
Odin's beard!! Gentle Giant Ltd.'s animated Marvel statue line expands into Asgard! The Mighty Thor becomes the 11th character in Gentle Giant's popular and adorable Marvel animated statue line. With his beanie propeller helmet, flowing cape, and wielding Mjölnir, this tiny god of thunder is ...

GENTLE GIANT Marvel Comics zarážky na knihy Deadpool Logo 16 cm
94.59 €
Do obchodu
One of Marvel's most unique anti-heroes, Deadpool is a character whose origins are shrouded in mystery. Originally created to be a villain and foil to Cable and The New Mutants (later X-Force), then morphing into the current devil-may-care attitude and flamboyant, ultraviolent tongue-in-cheek, ...

GENTLE GIANT Marvel Comics Mini-Socha Groot a Rocket 16 cm
94.59 €
Do obchodu
The Marvel Universe?s favorite dynamic duo come to life in a most animated way with the new Groot and Rocket animated statue from Gentle Giant LTD. Pairing perfectly with your animated Star-Lord statue, Groot and Rocket continue to cross the cosmos as vital and inseparable members of Peter Quill?s ...

GENTLE GIANT Star Wars Stonework Faux Marble zarážka na knihy Stormtrooper 18
96.34 €
Do obchodu
Emerging from stone like some sort of Sith artifact comes the new Stormtrooper STONEWORKS bookend. Stormtrooper's helmet is one of the most iconic costume pieces in the history of film and this polystone bookend will bring a touch of class and a hint of menace to your bookshelf.Designed and ...

GENTLE GIANT Star Wars Stonework Faux Marble zarážka na knihy Darth Vader 26
96.34 €
Do obchodu
Emerging from stone like some sort of Sith artifact comes the new Darth Vader STONEWORKS bookend. Darth Vader's helmet is one of the most iconic costume pieces in the history of film and this polystone bookend will bring a touch of class and a hint of menace to your bookshelf.Designed and ...

GENTLE GIANT Marvel Comics Animated Series Mini-Socha Ant-Man 11 cm
97.43 €
Do obchodu
Gentle Giant LTD's Marvel Animated Statue line expands again with the inclusion of Ant-Man! Scott Lang in is a panic and is running for his life in this charming new statue that is based on the variant cover for The Astonishing Ant-Man #001. It is up to you if you want to consider him in scale with ...

GENTLE GIANT Star Wars Jumbo Vintage Kenner Akční figurka Leia Organa Bespin
113.53 €
Do obchodu
Just like they were when you were a kid, only BIGGER! Gentle Giant is proud to bring you the latest addition to our exciting line of vintage Kenner-inspired Star Wars Action Figure reproductions with the release of the classic Princess Leia in Hoth Battle Gear figure.Digitally scanned from mint 3 ? ...

GENTLE GIANT Marvel Comics Animated Series Mini-Socha Storm 15 cm
113.90 €
Do obchodu
Ororo Munroe, aka Storm, is one of the most powerful mutants in history. She is a trusted and wise team-member of the X-Men, with the mutant ability to control weather patterns. Storm was raised as an orphan on the streets of Cairo where she learned survival skills as well as becoming a master ...