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550 W 16 750 g 1 Komunikačný displej
Domáca pekáreň Unold 68456 Technické parametre: • Výkon: 550W • Rozmery: 26,7 x 36,9 x 30,6 Popis a vlastnosti: • 16 programov • voliteľný stupeň upečení kôrky • veľké okienko • hěntací háky • ...
Napriek svojmu konfrontačnému názvu je „Kiss My Axe“ pochmúrnym albumom, ktorý odráža zrelého umelca, ktorým sa v tom čase stal Al Di Meola. Prvýkrát vydaný vo februári 1992 je album brilantnou ...
Folk a country LP
Album „Orange And Blue“ bol prvýkrát vydaný v roku 1994 a je pozoruhodným dôkazom jedinečného zmyslu Al Di Meolu pre swing. Legendárny gitarista nahral album na „Al Di Meola Jazz Guitar“, ...
25 m
Edel+White Dentálna niť Superfloss 25 m Super silná dentálna niť určená pre široké zubné medzery.
Český 180 strán Náučná a odborná Náboženstvo a ezoterika Architektúra Báje, legendy, povesti Záhady, zaujímavosti Mytológia Starovek
Kniha sa pokúša odhaliť dedičstvo duchovnej a prírodnej sily starých Keltov bez falošnej mystifikácie. Autori sa dívajú na minulosť a prechádzajú až k duchovnému znovuzrodeniu Európy. Keltský ...
400 ml
Unikátna chuť tejto ústnej vody zvádza k častému používaniu. Pri rannom vstávaní, večer pred spaním je ústna voda Fresh + Protect edel + white® osviežujúci a prirodzene chráni pred zlým dychom ...
75 ml
EDEL+WHITE Zubní pasta Sel de Vie 75ml od Scanderra na GigaLekáreň.sk za 4.18 € skladem.
Výkon: Príkon (W): 360 Kapacita (počet vajec): 7 Vybavenie: Tón na konci varenia: áno Funkcia udržania tepla: nie Kontrolka: áno Nastaviteľné na požadovanú tvrdosť: nie Množstvo vody v závislosti ...
Folk a country CD
Album „Orange And Blue“ bol prvýkrát vydaný v roku 1994 a je pozoruhodným dôkazom jedinečného zmyslu Al Di Meolu pre swing. Legendárny gitarista nahral album na „Al Di Meola Jazz Guitar“, ...
Napriek svojmu konfrontačnému názvu je „Kiss My Axe“ pochmúrnym albumom, ktorý odráža zrelého umelca, ktorým sa v tom čase stal Al Di Meola. Prvýkrát vydaný vo februári 1992 je album brilantnou ...
Dámske L (32-33-34) Krátke
Complete Organ Music, 3 Audio-CDs
Mendelssohn's passion for the organ was due in part to his Lutheran upbringing, but he also owes much to his famous predecessor, J.S. Bach, whose influence is especially felt in the Ostinato in C minor. While he only composed sporadically for the organ between 1823 and 1831, Mendelssohn reached new ...
Mendelssohn's passion for the organ was due in part to his Lutheran upbringing, but he also owes much to his famous predecessor, J.S. Bach, whose influence is especially felt in the Ostinato in C minor. While he only composed sporadically for the organ between 1823 and 1831, Mendelssohn reached new heights of awareness in his composition in the 1830s. A visit to England in 1832 saw him commissioned to write some organ music for publisher Vincent Novello, and in his lifetime he would be much admired by (and admire in turn) several leading English organists, including Thomas Attwood, to whom he dedicated the Three Preludes and Fugues Op.37 in 1837, which can be found on discs 1 and 2. The end of disc 2, and the entirety of disc 3, is devoted to his last and most significant works for the organ, the Six Sonatas Op.65, which were commissioned by English publishers Coventry & Hollier in 1844. This release is the first complete recording of Mendelssohn's organ music by an Italian organist, adapting this iconic composer's work to modern Italian instruments and thus presenting it from a slightly different perspective. Giulio Piovani first studied the organ under Giuseppe Gai at the 'A. Vivaldi' Conservatory of Alessandria. He then went on to specialise at the 'F. Ghedini' Conservatory of Cuneo, and has since worked with the Academia di Musica Sacra di S. Rocco di Alessandria and the Diocese of Vigevano. He is currently organist of the Waldesian Temple of Milan, since 2011. Other
14.52 €
97 %
222 recenzií
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Mindfulness - gelebte Achtsamkeit Maex, Edel
Stressbewältigung durch Achtsamkeit Manchmal ist das Leben wie eine Achterbahnfahrt! Die verschiedenen Hoch- und Tiefphasen erfordern gute Nerven und ein gewisses Maß an Resilienz. Vor allem das Konze
21.91 €
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Prohibition of Discrimination Under the European Convention on Human Rights Frédéric Edel
The European Convention on Human Rights guarantees equality among human beings by means of two provisions that prohibit discrimination: on the one hand, Article 14 of the Convention, ratified by all member states of the Council of Europe; and, on the other hand, the first article of Protocol No. ...
The European Convention on Human Rights guarantees equality among human beings by means of two provisions that prohibit discrimination: on the one hand, Article 14 of the Convention, ratified by all member states of the Council of Europe; and, on the other hand, the first article of Protocol No. 12, ratified by only some of the members. The content of the prohibition laid down by these two provisions is the same, the only difference is in the extent of their scope: whereas Article 14 prohibits discrimination in the "enjoyment of rights and freedoms set forth by the present Convention", the first article of Protocol No. 12 prohibits discrimination in a broader sense in the "enjoyment of all rights set forth by law". This study proposes an insight into the case law of the European Court of Human Rights on discrimination with respect both to the main principles which guide its implementation and to the specific solutions which the Court has adopted in relation to discrimination. Other questions examined include the scope of the prohibition of discrimination (to what does it apply?), the question of the content of such a prohibition (what precise obligations does it imply?), and last, the question of a judicial review (how does the Court assess compliance with it?). The "Human rights files" series is aimed at specialists in European law: lawyers, practitioners and research students. It also constitutes a useful resource for the implementation of the European Convention on Human
61.60 €
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Prohibition of Discrimination Under the European Convention on Human Rights Frédéric Edel
The European Convention on Human Rights guarantees equality among human beings by means of two provisions that prohibit discrimination: on the one hand, Article 14 of the Convention, ratified by all member states of the Council of Europe; and, on the other hand, the first article of Protocol No. ...
The European Convention on Human Rights guarantees equality among human beings by means of two provisions that prohibit discrimination: on the one hand, Article 14 of the Convention, ratified by all member states of the Council of Europe; and, on the other hand, the first article of Protocol No. 12, ratified by only some of the members. The content of the prohibition laid down by these two provisions is the same, the only difference is in the extent of their scope: whereas Article 14 prohibits discrimination in the "enjoyment of rights and freedoms set forth by the present Convention", the first article of Protocol No. 12 prohibits discrimination in a broader sense in the "enjoyment of all rights set forth by law". This study proposes an insight into the case law of the European Court of Human Rights on discrimination with respect both to the main principles which guide its implementation and to the specific solutions which the Court has adopted in relation to discrimination. Other questions examined include the scope of the prohibition of discrimination (to what does it apply?), the question of the content of such a prohibition (what precise obligations does it imply?), and last, the question of a judicial review (how does the Court assess compliance with it?). The "Human rights files" series is aimed at specialists in European law: lawyers, practitioners and research students. It also constitutes a useful resource for the implementation of the European Convention on Human
65.02 €
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