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Energia strely 1,80 J, M-Lock systém, nastaviteľná Hop-Up, 22 mm montážna lišta, 50 ranový zásobník.
RC auto – nákladné, rozmery 14 × 11 × 28 cm (V׊×D), vhodné do interiéru, elektrický jednosmerný motor, náhon na 2 kolesá, svetelné a zvukové efekty, autíčko napájané NiMh akumulátorom, ...
RC auto – cestné a autobus, rozmery 9 × 8 × 34 (V׊×D), vhodné von aj do interiéru, elektrický jednosmerný motor, LED svetlá a gumové pneumatiky, zvukové efekty, dosah prenosu 20 m, autíčko ...
Manuálna sniperka funguje na princípe bolt-action, má energiu až 1.9 J a úsťovú rýchlosť 135 m/s.
Sklopná a teleskopická dvojnožka s možnosťou uchytenia na systém M-Lock.
Náhradný zásobník pre airsoft pušku Double Eagle M40. Kapacita zásobníka je 27 BB guľôčok.
RC auto – vysokozdvižný vozík, rozmery 32 × 16 × 45 cm (V׊×D), vhodné von aj do interiéru, elektrický jednosmerný motor, náhon na 4 kolesá, svetelné a zvukové efekty, maximálna rýchlosť 10 km/h, ...
RC auto – terénne, rozmery 29 × 24 × 61 cm (V׊×D), vhodné von, elektrický jednosmerný motor, náhon na 4 kolesá, olejové tlmiče, dvojrotorový, vodoodolnosť, proporcionálne ovládanie, LED svetlá, ...
Hľadáte kreatívne hračky pre chlapcov? Konštrukčná kreatívna stavebnica, ktorá obsahuje 531 dielov, umožní každému mladému projektantovi stavať úžasné terénne vozidlo v červenej farbe. Všetko, čo ...
DOUBLE EAGLE Land Rover Defender, diaľkovo ovládané auto
Obrí RC model auta Land Rover Defender je veľmi prepracované auto na vysielačku. Za detily spracovanie sa firma Double Eagle vôbec nemusí hanbiť. Model je veľmi pohľadný vhodný ako hlavný kúsok do vašej vitríny. Tento terénny automobil však nie je len do vitríny. Má veľmi dobré jazdné vlastnosti ...
Obrí RC model auta Land Rover Defender je veľmi prepracované auto na vysielačku. Za detily spracovanie sa firma Double Eagle vôbec nemusí hanbiť. Model je veľmi pohľadný vhodný ako hlavný kúsok do vašej vitríny. Tento terénny automobil však nie je len do vitríny. Má veľmi dobré jazdné vlastnosti pre jazdu vo vonkajšom prostredí. Proporcionálna regulácia rýchlosti umožňuje veľmi pomalý prejazd ťažkým terénom. Maximálna rýchlosť je 11km/h. Kolesá sú z gumová a mäkká jazda po klzkom teréne je bezpečnejšia a rýchlejšia. Gumové sú aj zrkadlá, neulomí sa hneď pri prvej kolízii. Funkčné LED osvetlenie Ako sa pri licencovaných RC modeloch patrí, model je samozrejme osvetlený LED svetlami. Nemusíte sa báť jazdy v horších viditeľnostných podmienkach. Jazda viacerých RC modelov na jednom mieste Ovládanie pracuje na frekvencii 2,4 Ghz. Nemusíte sa prať so žiadnou teleskopickou anténou ani rušenie iného modelu v okolí. Vďaka tejto technológii môžete nakúpiť viac modelov a usporiadať preteky v trialovej jazde zručnosti. Všetko potrebné v balení V balení je všetko čo potrebujete na prevádzku modelu. Ovládač, nabíjačka aj akumulátor do auta. Na prevádzku chýbajú len dve ceruzkové AA batérie Obsah balenia: RC model auta Diaľkové ovládanie Akumulátor do modelu Nabíjačka Návod na obsluhu Základné údaje Mierka 1/8 Konštrukcia auta crawler Dĺžka auta 50 [cm] Šírka auta 26 [cm] Výška auta 30 [cm] Auto je vhodné na von áno Auto je vhodné do interiéru áno Typ motorov v aute jednosmerné Rýchlosť
107.09 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE Remote control RC fire truck 1:20 Mercedes-Benz Arocs E667-003
Remote control RC fire truck with remote control 1:20 Double Eagle Mercedes-Benz Arocs E667-003. Discover the thrilling world of rescue operations with the Mercedes-Benz Arocs fire truck from Double Eagle! The 1:20 scale E667-003 not only attracts attention with its realistic performance, but also ...
Remote control RC fire truck with remote control 1:20 Double Eagle Mercedes-Benz Arocs E667-003. Discover the thrilling world of rescue operations with the Mercedes-Benz Arocs fire truck from Double Eagle! The 1:20 scale E667-003 not only attracts attention with its realistic performance, but also offers advanced control capabilities that will take the fun to a whole new level. This toy is designed for children aged 8 years or older. Avant-garde technology and control Remote control with a 2.4GHz controller provides full control of the vehicle, and a range of up to 25 meters allows a wide field for rescue operations. The advanced 7.4V/11200mAh battery guarantees long hours of fun without worrying about the need for frequent charging. The controller also allows you to operate multiple fire trucks simultaneously, opening the door to team rescue operations with friends. Innovative features and realistic details What makes this fire truck stand out above all is its functionality. The ladder, which is made of high-strength material, can extend up to 70 cm in height, rotate 660° and lift at 60°, allowing for realistic simulations of rescue operations. In addition, the 800 ml water tank and the ability to spray water up to 8 meters make the fun even more realistic. Interactivity and design The model s realism is also enhanced by sounds and lights, which add authenticity to any rescue operation. Thoughtful design, Mercedes logo, opening doors and rubber tires are details that will
110.32 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE tahač s cisternou RTR 2,4Ghz 1:26
RC nákladiak v mierke 1:26 od Double Eagle zaujme nielen detailnými vonkajšími prvkami, ale aj funkciami, vďaka ktorým bude vaše hranie ešte realistickejšie. Diaľkové ovládanie pomocou ovládača vám dáva plnú kontrolu nad vozidlom - môžete riadiť, riadiť a užívať si realistické zvuky a svetlá. ...
RC nákladiak v mierke 1:26 od Double Eagle zaujme nielen detailnými vonkajšími prvkami, ale aj funkciami, vďaka ktorým bude vaše hranie ešte realistickejšie. Diaľkové ovládanie pomocou ovládača vám dáva plnú kontrolu nad vozidlom - môžete riadiť, riadiť a užívať si realistické zvuky a svetlá. Navyše s dvoma rýchlosťami – vysokou a nízkou – môžete prispôsobiť tempo jazdy svojim preferenciám. Realistická hra na každom kroku Vozidlo je vybavené funkčnou vodnou pumpou, predlžovacou hadicou a vozíkom na navíjanie rúrok, čo vám umožňuje simulovať realistické situácie nakladania a vykladania. Vďaka možnosti odpojiť príves poskytuje vozík maximálnu kontrolu nad manévrovaním v akomkoľvek teréne. Neexistujú žiadne obmedzenia - môžete zatáčať o 90 ° a prekonávať aj tie najťažšie prekážky! Súčasťou sady: auto batérie diaľkové ovládanie užívateľská príručka Model E582-003 Mierka 1:26 Frekvencia 2,4 GHz Batéria 3,7V 600mAh Doba nabíjania Približne 3 hodiny Batéria diaľkového ovládania PowerAA 1,5V x 2 (nie je súčasťou balenia) Rozmery42 x 11,8 x 15,5 cm
32.23 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE Remote-controlled city bus 1:20 red E635-003
Remote control RC city bus 1:20 Double Eagle (red) E635-003. A faithfully reproduced model of a city bus in 1:20 scale will provide plenty of fun for both the youngest and older users. The model has sound functions (including a horn), which can be turned off if necessary. The unit also has working ...
Remote control RC city bus 1:20 Double Eagle (red) E635-003. A faithfully reproduced model of a city bus in 1:20 scale will provide plenty of fun for both the youngest and older users. The model has sound functions (including a horn), which can be turned off if necessary. The unit also has working headlights, taillights and turn signals, as well as movable doors. The intuitive controller allows you to get into the fun and feel like a real bus driver. Includes: E635 bus model Transmitter Rechargeable battery 4.8 V 300 mAh Manufacturer Double Eagle Model E635-003 Vehicle dimensions 330 x 80 x 88 mm Transmitter signal range 25 m Charging time 4-5 h Nadajnik 2.4 GHz Maximum speed 3.6 km/h Car power supply 3.6 V, 400 mAh Required for launch AA batteries for the transmitter
32.35 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE RC remote control car 1:18 green Buggy high speed E330-003
RC remote control car with remote control 1:18 Double Eagle (green) Buggy E330-003. Imagine a remote-controlled model that pushes the boundaries of fun with its dizzying speed and off-road design. The remote-controlled 4x4 truck is the embodiment of power and adrenaline, designed for children over ...
RC remote control car with remote control 1:18 Double Eagle (green) Buggy E330-003. Imagine a remote-controlled model that pushes the boundaries of fun with its dizzying speed and off-road design. The remote-controlled 4x4 truck is the embodiment of power and adrenaline, designed for children over 6 and adults seeking intense thrills. It easily reaches speeds of up to 20 km/h, making any obstacle on the road just waiting to be overcome! 4x4 drive Off-road driving in miniature is within reach! The suspension system on four independent wheels provides exceptional stability and the ability to overcome uneven terrain. In addition, solid tires made of high-quality rubber provide excellent grip, which is a guarantee not only of safety, but also of maximum control while driving. Combined with 4x4 drive, no terrain is too difficult for this little giant. Powerful engine Under the hood of this off-roader is a high-performance electric motor, powered by a 7.4V lithium battery with a capacity of 1,200 mAh, which provides the power and endurance needed for prolonged fun. This motor not only propels the truck to impressive speeds, but also provides strong and consistent acceleration, which is invaluable on steep hills and challenging terrain. Aggressive design It s not just the performance, but also the truck s appearance that impresses. With a stylish graffiti pattern that combines dynamism and distinctiveness, this model stands out. Every detail, from the LED lights combined with the
33.08 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE RC remote control car 1:12 red Jeep fire department E549-003
Remote control RC car with remote control 1:12 Double Eagle Jeep (fire department) E549-003. The fire department car model from Double Eagle will provide plenty of fun for both the youngest and the slightly older. With authentic details, realistic siren sounds and stimulated lights, everyone will ...
Remote control RC car with remote control 1:12 Double Eagle Jeep (fire department) E549-003. The fire department car model from Double Eagle will provide plenty of fun for both the youngest and the slightly older. With authentic details, realistic siren sounds and stimulated lights, everyone will feel like a real hero saving the world from danger. The included controller will allow you to smoothly control the vehicle in any direction. With attention to the smallest details The reproduction of the signal lights with fire siren and authentic details both inside and outside make the game extremely realistic and engaging. The car is equipped with tires with deep treads that provide better grip on the road, even in difficult off-road conditions. Full control in your hands With the included controller, controlling the vehicle will be easier than you think. You can drive it forward, backward, turn left and right - no matter where you go on your rescue mission. The set includes: car controller battery instruction manual Manufacturer Double Eagle Model E549-003 Scale 1:12 Age 6+ Rechargeable battery 6V AA Rechargeable battery 4-5 hours Remote controller power supply AA 1.5V x2 battery (not included) Frequency range 2.4 GHz Dimensions 34 x 15 x 8.5 cm Weight 1.6 kg
33.44 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE Remote-controlled car 1:14 Orange Land Rover Defender E327-003
Double Eagle Land Rover Defender Remote Control RC Car 1:14 Scale E327-003 Discover the passion for classic off-road adventures with the Double Eagle Land Rover Defender RC model. This specimen is a licensed replica of the real Land Rover Defender in 1:14 scale, captivating with its detail and ...
Double Eagle Land Rover Defender Remote Control RC Car 1:14 Scale E327-003 Discover the passion for classic off-road adventures with the Double Eagle Land Rover Defender RC model. This specimen is a licensed replica of the real Land Rover Defender in 1:14 scale, captivating with its detail and realism. It s the perfect choice for automotive enthusiasts and RC vehicle enthusiasts of all ages, providing hours of thrilling fun both indoors and outdoors. Exciting Design Thanks to Land Rover s authorization, this model faithfully reproduces the design and structure of the real off-road vehicle, guaranteeing the authenticity of every detail. It s not just a toy but also a collector s model for fans of this legendary brand. Simulated lights increase the realism of play, allowing for exciting adventures even after dark. This detail emphasizes the attention to detail and practicality of the model. Advanced Off-Road Construction Equipped with independent shock absorbers on all four wheels, the Land Rover Defender offers great freedom of movement and the ability to overcome difficult terrain obstacles thanks to its all-wheel drive. This model combines elegance with functionality, providing excellent driving experiences. 2.4 GHz Communication Technology Remote control using a 2.4 GHz controller provides reliable communication with the vehicle, eliminating interference even when playing with multiple vehicles simultaneously. This allows for exciting races and off-road competitions
35.99 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE Remote control RC car 1:16 white Electric car E725-003
RC remote control car 1:16 Double Eagle (white) Electric Car E725-003. Discover a new era of fun with the advanced Double Eagle remote control car model E725-003. This is not just a toy, but a true 1:16 scale automotive experience that delights both younger and older remote control enthusiasts. ...
RC remote control car 1:16 Double Eagle (white) Electric Car E725-003. Discover a new era of fun with the advanced Double Eagle remote control car model E725-003. This is not just a toy, but a true 1:16 scale automotive experience that delights both younger and older remote control enthusiasts. With its unique combination of technology and design, the E725-003 is becoming a benchmark in the RC world. Thoughtful design One of the most impressive features of the E725-003 car is its charging system. With just 30 minutes of connection to a power source, it provides energy for up to 30 minutes of continuous play. This is the perfect balance between charging time and running time. What s more, this model has a built-in dynamic light mode. This feature not only enhances realism while driving, but also adds an exciting visual element to any play session, especially after dark. Automatic parking and realistic effects The E725-003 features easy and automatic parking, making it easy to maneuver even for younger users. In addition, the car offers realistic sounds and vivid lighting, making every ride full of excitement and close to a real automotive experience. Manufacturer Double Eagle Model E725-003 Charging time 30 minutes Operating time 30 minut
37.37 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE Remote-controlled car 1:12 white Jeep Polica E550-003
Remote Controlled RC Car 1:12 Double Eagle Jeep (Police) E550-003 The 1:12 scale police Jeep model from Double Eagle ensures excellent fun and unforgettable adventures for everyone, regardless of age. With authentic details and imitation of lights and sounds, your child can play the role of a law ...
Remote Controlled RC Car 1:12 Double Eagle Jeep (Police) E550-003 The 1:12 scale police Jeep model from Double Eagle ensures excellent fun and unforgettable adventures for everyone, regardless of age. With authentic details and imitation of lights and sounds, your child can play the role of a law enforcer and embark on an adventurous rescue mission. Solid construction, powerful drive, and easy control make the vehicle ready to take on any challenge. Attention to Detail The car has been created with attention to the smallest details, impressing with an exceptionally realistic appearance. Equipped with durable tires, a powerful engine, and shock absorption system, the vehicle ensures dynamic driving and the ability to conquer various terrains. It also imitates realistic sounds and lights, adding authenticity to every police mission. Full Control With the included remote control, driving the Jeep becomes child s play. The 2.4 GHz connection ensures stable signal transmission up to a distance of 25 meters. The controller allows smooth driving forward, backward, as well as turning left and right. Included in the set: car battery controller user manual Manufacturer Double Eagle Model E550-003 Scale 1:12 Frequency 2.4G Control Range ? 25 m Controller Power Supply AA 1.5V x2 batteries (not included) Battery 6V AA (included) Battery Charging Time 4-5 hours Battery Operating Time 25 minutes
37.41 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE RC remote control car 1:14 darkgreen Land Rover Defender E362-003
RC remote control car 1:14 Double Eagle (green) Land Rover Defender E362-003. Discover a new dimension of fun with the remote-controlled Land Rover Defender from Double Eagle. This 1:14 scale model is the quintessential example of realistic design and durability, made for children over 8 years old ...
RC remote control car 1:14 Double Eagle (green) Land Rover Defender E362-003. Discover a new dimension of fun with the remote-controlled Land Rover Defender from Double Eagle. This 1:14 scale model is the quintessential example of realistic design and durability, made for children over 8 years old and adults looking for thrilling adventures. Equipped with a powerful drive and remote control system, it will provide you with an unforgettable experience! Double Eagle products are certified according to international safety standards. Reign over the terrain With the Land Rover Defender you will conquer the wilderness with ease! Equipped with large, heavy-duty off-road tires and an independent four-wheel suspension system, the Defender provides extraordinary stability and capability to overcome bumps. Top-quality rubber tires and a crash-resistant chassis offer excellent traction, which ensures not only safety, but also full control during dynamic driving. Powerful drive Under the hood of this model is a powerful motor powered by a 7.4V/500mAh battery, providing the endurance and power needed for extended fun. The efficient electric motor not only propels the car to an impressive 6.5km/h, but also maintains the strong and steady acceleration needed on steep climbs and challenging terrain. Authentic details The Defender model is officially licensed by Land Rover. It was created with attention to every detail, making it a perfect reproduction of the original. It was equipped with
38.06 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE Remote-controlled truck 1:26 red Car Transporter E583-003
RC Car Transport Truck Remote Control 1:26 Double Eagle E583-003 The RC model of a transport truck in 1:26 scale by Double Eagle not only impresses with precise details but also offers exceptional features that will make playing with it even more exciting! From realistic sounds and lights to moving ...
RC Car Transport Truck Remote Control 1:26 Double Eagle E583-003 The RC model of a transport truck in 1:26 scale by Double Eagle not only impresses with precise details but also offers exceptional features that will make playing with it even more exciting! From realistic sounds and lights to moving parts - every aspect of this model has been carefully designed to provide maximum realism and satisfaction. The included remote control allows convenient vehicle control in every direction, and with the speed adjustment feature, you can tailor the driving pace to your preferences. Simulate Loading and Unloading Every detail of the truck is designed to deliver maximum fun. With the lifting transport frame and rear elevator, you can fully simulate the process of loading and unloading vehicles. Just press the appropriate button on the remote to allow the vehicles to safely descend from the platform! Moreover, illuminated headlights and horn sound make the play even more realistic. Maneuver Like a Pro Feel like a real master of the wheel! With the ability to disconnect the frame, you can adapt to any situation and overcome any obstacle with ease. Meanwhile, the 90° turning function of the front part allows precise maneuvering even in the toughest terrain conditions, giving you full control over every move. Full Control Over Every Move The remote control pilot allows you to freely steer the truck remotely up to 50 meters away. You can drive the vehicle forward, backward, and perform
38.30 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE Remote control RC garbage truck 1:26 oranžová Mercedes-Benz Antos E676-003
Remote control RC garbage truck 1:26 Double Eagle Mercedes-Benz Antos E676-003. Let your child discover the fascinating world of city work with the unique Mercedes-Benz Antos garbage truck model from Double Eagle. This detailed 1:26 scale remote-controlled car not only offers hours of engaging fun, ...
Remote control RC garbage truck 1:26 Double Eagle Mercedes-Benz Antos E676-003. Let your child discover the fascinating world of city work with the unique Mercedes-Benz Antos garbage truck model from Double Eagle. This detailed 1:26 scale remote-controlled car not only offers hours of engaging fun, but also lets you learn by doing. The toy features high quality workmanship and functionality that brings children closer to the real tasks performed by garbage trucks. The toy is designed for children over 6 years old. Technology and durability Equipped with a state-of-the-art 2.4GHz radio control system, the garbage truck provides smooth and intuitive operation. The strong shock-resistant construction and the manufacture of non-toxic and safe materials guarantee the safety and durability of the toy. As a result, you can be sure that the game is suitable for your child. Educational aspects of play With this toy, your child will get the opportunity to learn about the real work of a municipal vehicle. Children can practice dexterity and planning. To empty the trash can, included in the set, your child has to hook it to the tailgate of the vehicle, after which he has to lift it up. He will compress the trash with a special knob. Want to empty it out? Lift the lid and tilt the trailer. Thanks to this, your kid not only develops manual skills, but also learns environmental responsibility and care for cleanliness. Dimensions and specifications The toy measures 31.5 × 12 × 16.5 cm,
38.66 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE RC remote control car 1:16 green Electric Car E725-003
RC remote control car 1:16 Double Eagle Electric Car E725-003. Discover a new era of fun with the advanced Double Eagle remote-controlled car model E725-003. It is not just a toy, but a real automotive experience in 1:16 scale that delights both younger and older lovers of remote-controlled ...
RC remote control car 1:16 Double Eagle Electric Car E725-003. Discover a new era of fun with the advanced Double Eagle remote-controlled car model E725-003. It is not just a toy, but a real automotive experience in 1:16 scale that delights both younger and older lovers of remote-controlled vehicles. With its unique combination of technology and design, the E725-003 is becoming a benchmark in the RC world. Thoughtful design One of the most impressive features of the E725-003 car is its charging system. With just 30 minutes of connection to a power source, it provides energy for up to 30 minutes of continuous play. This is the perfect balance between charging time and running time. What s more, this model has a built-in dynamic light mode. This feature not only enhances realism while driving, but also adds an exciting visual element to any play session, especially after dark. Automatic parking and realistic effects The E725-003 features easy and automatic parking, making it easy to maneuver even for younger users. In addition, the car offers realistic sounds and vivid lighting, making every ride full of excitement and close to a real automotive experience. Manufacturer Double Eagle Model E725-003 Charging time 30 minutes Operating time 30 minut
38.99 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE RC remote control car 1:14 red Land Rover Defender E362-003
RC remote control car 1:14 Double Eagle Land Rover Defender E362-003. Discover a new dimension of fun with the remote-controlled Land Rover Defender from Double Eagle. This 1:14 scale model is the quintessential example of realistic design and durability, made for children over 8 years old and ...
RC remote control car 1:14 Double Eagle Land Rover Defender E362-003. Discover a new dimension of fun with the remote-controlled Land Rover Defender from Double Eagle. This 1:14 scale model is the quintessential example of realistic design and durability, made for children over 8 years old and adults looking for thrilling adventures. Equipped with a powerful drive and remote control system, it will provide you with an unforgettable experience! Double Eagle products are certified according to international safety standards. Reign over the terrain With the Land Rover Defender you will conquer the wilderness with ease! Equipped with large, heavy-duty off-road tires and a four-independent wheel suspension system, Defender provides extraordinary stability and capability to overcome bumps. Top-quality rubber tires and a crash-resistant chassis offer excellent traction, which ensures not only safety, but also full control during dynamic driving. Powerful drive Under the hood of this model is a powerful motor powered by a 7.4V/500mAh battery, providing the endurance and power needed for extended fun. The efficient electric motor not only propels the car to an impressive 6.5km/h, but also maintains the strong and steady acceleration needed on steep climbs and challenging terrain. Authentic details The Defender model is officially licensed by Land Rover. It was created with attention to every detail, making it a perfect reproduction of the original. It was equipped with LED lights,
41.26 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE Remote control RC fire truck 1:20 red E597-003
RC remote control fire truck 1:20 Double Eagle E597-003. Introducing the Double Eagle E597-003 remote-controlled fire truck model, which not only impresses with its detail and realism, but also offers unprecedented features. It is not just a toy, but a tool for learning and developing imagination, ...
RC remote control fire truck 1:20 Double Eagle E597-003. Introducing the Double Eagle E597-003 remote-controlled fire truck model, which not only impresses with its detail and realism, but also offers unprecedented features. It is not just a toy, but a tool for learning and developing imagination, ideal for young technology enthusiasts and fans of rescue operations. The toy is designed for children aged six and older. Advanced features for realistic fun What sets this model apart from other remote-controlled toys are interesting features that make the fun even better! Adjustable nozzle angle, the ability to adjust the height of the ladder and its 300-degree rotation are just some of the features that make playing with this fire truck as realistic as possible. In addition, the ability to spray water and control the spray with a single button, makes it easier for little firefighters to put out fires. Thoughtful design Inspired by real fire trucks, this model was created in 1:20 scale, making it an impressive addition to any collection. The vehicle s dimensions (38.5 × 12 × 22.5 cm) perfectly replicate the proportions of a real fire truck, and the included 4.8 V 400 mAH battery ensures long playtime without the need for frequent recharging. Interactive elements As an added bonus, working lights and sounds transport the child right into the middle of the rescue operation, providing even more excitement. Easy water filling and remote spray control will make every firefighting
41.90 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE Remote control RC car 1:14 biela Land Rover Defender pick-up E332-003
Remote control RC remote control car 1:14 Double Eagle (white) Land Rover Defender (pick-up) E332-003. The 1:14 scale Land Rover Defender D110 model from Double Eagle is a faithful reproduction of this legendary vehicle. With 4 large wheels, it allows you to move freely on various surfaces, ...
Remote control RC remote control car 1:14 Double Eagle (white) Land Rover Defender (pick-up) E332-003. The 1:14 scale Land Rover Defender D110 model from Double Eagle is a faithful reproduction of this legendary vehicle. With 4 large wheels, it allows you to move freely on various surfaces, offering an authentic off-road driving experience. It is equipped with working lights so that the fun can continue even after dark, and its control will be facilitated by the included remote control. Control in your hands With the included remote control, you will gain full control of the vehicle. Whether you re driving the vehicle on a smooth surface at home or on a bumpy track in the garden, the remote control provides precise control in every direction. You can drive the car forward, backward and turn right and left, opening up endless possibilities for fun. Ideal for Land Rover fans The Double Eagle car is not only a great toy, but also a unique model for collectors. Its remarkable resemblance to the real Land Rover Defender D110 vehicle is sure to delight any enthusiast. The set includes: car battery remote control Manufacturer Double Eagle Model E332-003 Scale 1:14 Age 8+ Battery 4.8V Remote control power supply AA 1.5V x2 battery (not included) Frequency range 2.4 GHz Package dimensions 52.5 x 27 x 25.5 cm
41.94 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE Remote control RC tour bus 1:18 red E640-003
Remote control RC tour bus 1:18 Double Eagle E640-003. The 1:18 scale RC tour bus model from Double Eagle is a great toy for everyone, regardless of age. Working lights, sounds and the ability to open the doors make the fun even more realistic and exciting, and the removable roof allows you to ...
Remote control RC tour bus 1:18 Double Eagle E640-003. The 1:18 scale RC tour bus model from Double Eagle is a great toy for everyone, regardless of age. Working lights, sounds and the ability to open the doors make the fun even more realistic and exciting, and the removable roof allows you to admire the interior of the vehicle. The remote control lets you take on the role of the driver, giving you full control over driving and maneuvering the bus. Take on the role of the driver Let the fun become even more exciting with realistic details! The ability to open and close the doors with the touch of a button adds realism, letting you feel like a real driver. Working lights, authentic sounds and turn signals will make you feel like you re navigating the streets of a real city. Everything under control With the remote control, you can easily take control of any maneuver. It will allow you to steer the bus forward, backward and make turns in both directions, making you feel like a real master steering wheel! You can also use it to sound the horn, turn on the lights or control the bus doors. The set includes bus battery remote control instruction manual Manufacturer Double Eagle Model E640-003 Scale 1:18 Material ABS Frequency 2.4 GHz Rechargeable battery 4.8V 400 mAh Charging time Approximately 3 hours Remote control power supply AA 1.5V x2 battery (not included) Dimensions 34.5 x 9.5 x 12.5 cm
44.45 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE Remote-controlled car 1:14 green Land Rover Defender E327-003
Double Eagle 1:14 remote control RC car (green) Land Rover Defender E327-003. Discover a passion for classic off-road adventures with the Land Rover Defender RC model from Double Eagle. This piece is a licensed replica of the real Land Rover Defender in 1:14 scale, making it stunning in its detail ...
Double Eagle 1:14 remote control RC car (green) Land Rover Defender E327-003. Discover a passion for classic off-road adventures with the Land Rover Defender RC model from Double Eagle. This piece is a licensed replica of the real Land Rover Defender in 1:14 scale, making it stunning in its detail and realism. It is an ideal choice for automotive and remote-controlled vehicle fans of all ages, providing hours of exciting fun both at home and in the field. Thrilling design Thanks to Land Rover s authorization, this model faithfully reproduces the design and structure of the real off-road vehicle, which guarantees the authenticity of every detail. It is not only a toy, but also a collector s model for admirers of this legendary brand. Simulated lights add to the realism of play, allowing for exciting adventures even after dark. It s a detail that highlights the model s attention to detail and practicality. Advanced off-road design Equipped with independent shock absorbers on all four wheels, the Land Rover Defender offers great freedom of movement and the ability to overcome difficult off-road obstacles thanks to all-wheel drive. This model combines elegance with functionality for a superior driving experience. 2.4 GHz connectivity technology Remote control via a controller with 2.4 GHz connectivity ensures reliable communication with the vehicle, eliminating interference even when playing with multiple vehicles at the same time. This allows you to organize exciting races and
45.99 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE Remote control RC truck 1:26 red Mercedes-Benz Arocs E664-003
RC remote control truck 1:26 Double Eagle Mercedes-Benz Arocs E664-003. Do you dream of becoming a driver of a big truck? Now it s possible with the Mercedes-Benz Arocs remote control model from Double Eagle! The 1:26 scale E664-003 model not only impresses with its realism, but also offers an ...
RC remote control truck 1:26 Double Eagle Mercedes-Benz Arocs E664-003. Do you dream of becoming a driver of a big truck? Now it s possible with the Mercedes-Benz Arocs remote control model from Double Eagle! The 1:26 scale E664-003 model not only impresses with its realism, but also offers an extraordinary driving experience. It is designed for children eight years old and older. Technology at your fingertips Equipped with an advanced 2.4GHz remote controller, this truck enables smooth and precise control. An operating range of up to 25 meters allows for exciting large-scale adventures without restricting play space. What s more, the vehicle s speed of up to 3m/h guarantees a realistic driving experience without risk. Innovations and realistic details The model is distinguished by the ability to turn the trailer at a 90° angle, which mimics the behavior of a real Mercedes-Benz Arocs truck. In addition, the trailer can be detached, adding realism and variety to the fun. Functional supports and ramps allow you to stage advanced loading and unloading scenarios. Interactivity and fun The truck comes to life with integrated sounds that simulate acceleration, steering, reverse gear and horn. For those who prefer quieter fun, there is an option to mute the sounds. In addition, working LED lights add realism to any game, regardless of the time of day. Accessibility and ease of use With younger car enthusiasts in mind, this model is designed for users aged 8 and older. Ease of use
46.11 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE Remote-controlled car 1:14 organge Land Rover Defender Pick-up E332-003
Remote Controlled RC Car with 1:14 Double Eagle Land Rover Defender Pickup E332-003 The 1:14 scale model of the Land Rover Defender D110 by Double Eagle is a faithful reproduction of this legendary vehicle. With 4 large wheels, it allows for smooth movement across various surfaces, offering ...
Remote Controlled RC Car with 1:14 Double Eagle Land Rover Defender Pickup E332-003 The 1:14 scale model of the Land Rover Defender D110 by Double Eagle is a faithful reproduction of this legendary vehicle. With 4 large wheels, it allows for smooth movement across various surfaces, offering authentic off-road driving experiences. It is equipped with functioning lights, allowing the fun to continue even after dark, and its control is facilitated by the included remote. Control in Your Hands With the included remote, you gain full control over the vehicle. Whether you re driving on smooth surfaces indoors or rough terrain in the garden, the remote provides precise control in every direction. You can drive the car forward, backward, and turn right and left, opening up unlimited possibilities for fun. Perfect for Land Rover Fans The Double Eagle car is not only a great toy but also a unique model for collectors. Its remarkable resemblance to the real Land Rover Defender D110 will surely delight any enthusiast. Moreover, it is compatible with LEGO bricks, allowing for even greater creativity and customization. Included in the Set car battery remote control Manufacturer Double Eagle Model E332-003 Scale 1:14 Age 8+ Battery 4.8V Remote Control Power Supply AA Battery 1.5V x2 (not included) Frequency Range 2.4 GHz Packaging Dimensions 52.5 x 27 x 25.5 cm
50.28 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE Remote control RC car 1:8 red Land Rover Defender E375-003
RC remote control car 1:8 Double Eagle Land Rover Defender E375-003. The RC Land Rover Defender E375-003 remote control car from Double Eagle is not only a toy, but also a great way to experience adventures on a micro scale. With advanced features, high-quality workmanship and authentic details, ...
RC remote control car 1:8 Double Eagle Land Rover Defender E375-003. The RC Land Rover Defender E375-003 remote control car from Double Eagle is not only a toy, but also a great way to experience adventures on a micro scale. With advanced features, high-quality workmanship and authentic details, this model will provide exciting fun both in the field and at home. The toy is designed for children aged six and older. Unlimited possibilities for exploration This model is designed for hardcore enthusiasts and adventure lovers. With an operating range of 25 meters and a speed of more than 3 km/h, it guarantees excellent control and the ability to explore the toughest terrain without limits. Experience ultimate driving freedom wherever you are and whenever you want. Technology and durability Equipped with a 3.7 V 1200 mAH battery, this Land Rover model guarantees long hours of fun without frequent charging. The 2.4 GHz controller ensures smooth and stable connectivity, eliminating interference from other devices. The high-traction TPR tires, measuring 8.5 cm by 14 cm, provide excellent grip on any surface, from smooth asphalt to rough off-road paths. Realism and interactivity The E375-003 stands out not only for its excellent technical performance, but also for its realism. Working lights and sounds significantly increase the authenticity of the experience, taking the fun to a whole new level. Every detail of this vehicle has been worked out with the utmost care to reflect the
56.44 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE Remote-controlled RC remote control car 1:8 grey Land Rover Defender E375-003
RC remote control car 1:8 Double Eagle (gray) Land Rover Defender E375-003. The RC Land Rover Defender E375-003 remote control car from Double Eagle is not only a toy, but also a great way to experience adventures on a micro scale. With advanced features, high-quality workmanship and authentic ...
RC remote control car 1:8 Double Eagle (gray) Land Rover Defender E375-003. The RC Land Rover Defender E375-003 remote control car from Double Eagle is not only a toy, but also a great way to experience adventures on a micro scale. With advanced features, high-quality workmanship and authentic details, this model will provide exciting fun both in the field and at home. The toy is designed for children aged six and older. Unlimited possibilities for exploration This model is designed for hardcore enthusiasts and adventure lovers. With an operating range of 25 meters and a speed of more than 3 km/h, it guarantees excellent control and the ability to explore the toughest terrain without limits. Experience ultimate driving freedom wherever you are and whenever you want. Technology and durability Equipped with a 3.7 V 1200 mAH battery, this Land Rover model guarantees long hours of fun without frequent charging. The 2.4 GHz controller ensures smooth and stable connectivity, eliminating interference from other devices. High-traction TPR tires provide excellent grip on any surface, from smooth asphalt to rough off-road paths. Realism and interactivity The E375-003 stands out not only for its excellent technical performance, but also for its realism. Working lights and sounds significantly increase the authenticity of the experience, taking the fun to a whole new level. Every detail of this vehicle has been worked out with the utmost care to reflect the character of a real Land
61.54 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE Remote-controlled car 1:14 red Land Rover Defender E339-003
Remote Controlled RC Car 1:14 Double Eagle Land Rover Defender E339-003 The 1:14 scale model of the Land Rover Defender isn t just a perfect toy for Land Rover enthusiasts, but also an excellent gift for children aged 6 and above who enjoy remote-controlled vehicles. Made of high-quality ABS ...
Remote Controlled RC Car 1:14 Double Eagle Land Rover Defender E339-003 The 1:14 scale model of the Land Rover Defender isn t just a perfect toy for Land Rover enthusiasts, but also an excellent gift for children aged 6 and above who enjoy remote-controlled vehicles. Made of high-quality ABS plastic, it offers durability and resilience worthy of the legendary Defender. Equipped with four large wheels, it can effortlessly tackle various terrains, and with its functioning lights, you can enjoy the fun regardless of the time of day. Easy Control Control your off-road vehicle with the 2.4 GHz remote, providing stable connection up to 20 meters away. Move it forward, backward, right, and left, experiencing the joy of full control over every maneuver. Land Rover Brand Quality The Land Rover Defender car is licensed by Land Rover, ensuring authenticity and detailed reproduction of the legendary off-road vehicle. This allows you to not only enjoy unlimited play possibilities but also experience the true quality and style of the Land Rover brand, associated with fearless exploration and adventure on any terrain. Included in the set: car remote control battery user manual Manufacturer Double Eagle Model E339-003 Scale 1:14 Age 6+ Battery 4.8V Battery Charging Time 3 hours Remote Control Power AA 1.5V x2 batteries (not included) Frequency Range 2.4 GHz Remote Range Up to 20 meters Package Dimensions 52.5 x 27 x 25.5 cm
69.27 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE Remote-controlled car 1:14 red Jeep Crawler Pro E340-003
Double Eagle Jeep Crawler Pro Remote Control RC Car 1:14 Scale E340-003 Discover a remote-controlled model that takes fun to the next level with phenomenal precision and off-road performance. The Double Eagle Jeep Crawler Pro RC car is the essence of power and excitement, designed for children aged ...
Double Eagle Jeep Crawler Pro Remote Control RC Car 1:14 Scale E340-003 Discover a remote-controlled model that takes fun to the next level with phenomenal precision and off-road performance. The Double Eagle Jeep Crawler Pro RC car is the essence of power and excitement, designed for children aged 8 and above, as well as all adult RC model enthusiasts. It guarantees the sensations you expect from a real Jeep, reaching speeds that take your breath away! Well-Thought-Out 4x4 Drive Get ready for authentic off-road experiences! The independent suspension and advanced 4x4 drive of the Jeep Crawler Pro ensure unique stability and unmatched capability to overcome off-road obstacles. Reinforced, high-traction tires give you an advantage in any terrain, ensuring safety and full control during driving. Potent Engine Power Under the hood of the Jeep Crawler Pro lies a high-performance brushed motor, which, thanks to the efficient 7.4V/800mAh lithium battery, provides strength and durability for hours of play. This motor not only accelerates the model to impressive speeds but also delivers powerful acceleration necessary for overcoming terrain challenges. Realistic Design The stylish and aggressive look of the Jeep Crawler Pro attracts attention wherever you go. With every detail, from the realistically functioning LED lights to the authentic body styling, this model marks its presence, emphasizing its unique, off-road nature. Intuitive Control Remote controlling the Jeep Crawler Pro
69.47 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE RC remote control car 1:14 grey Land Rover Defender E339-003
RC remote control car 1:14 Double Eagle (gray) Land Rover Defender E339-003. The 1:14 scale model of the Land Rover Defender car is not only an ideal toy for Land Rover brand lovers, but also a perfect gift for children over 6 years old who like remote-controlled vehicles. Made of high-quality ABS ...
RC remote control car 1:14 Double Eagle (gray) Land Rover Defender E339-003. The 1:14 scale model of the Land Rover Defender car is not only an ideal toy for Land Rover brand lovers, but also a perfect gift for children over 6 years old who like remote-controlled vehicles. Made of high-quality ABS plastic, it offers durability and strength worthy of the legendary Defender. The vehicle features 4 large wheels that allow it to traverse a variety of terrains with ease, and with working lights you can enjoy the fun, no matter what time of day it is. Easy control Control your off-road vehicle with the 2.4 GHz remote control, which provides a stable connection even at a distance of up to 20 meters. Make it move forward, backward and turn right and left, enjoying full control over every maneuver. Land Rover brand quality The Land Rover Defender car was created under Land Rover license, guaranteeing authenticity and detailed reproduction of the legendary off-road vehicle. As a result, you can not only enjoy unlimited play opportunities, but also experience the true quality and style of the Land Rover brand, which is associated with fearless exploration and adventure on any terrain. The set includes: car remote control battery instruction manual Manufacturer Double Eagle Model E339-003 Scale 1:14 Age 6+ Battery 4.8V Battery charging time 3 hours Remote control power supply AA 1.5V x2 battery (not included) Frequency range 2.4 GHz Remote control range Up to 20 meters Package
70.97 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE RC remote control car 1:14 blue Jeep Crawler Pro E340-003
Remote control RC remote control car 1:14 Double Eagle (blue) Jeep Crawler Pro E340-003. Discover a remote-controlled model that takes fun to the next level with phenomenal precision and off-road performance. The remote-controlled Jeep Crawler Pro is the essence of power and excitement, designed ...
Remote control RC remote control car 1:14 Double Eagle (blue) Jeep Crawler Pro E340-003. Discover a remote-controlled model that takes fun to the next level with phenomenal precision and off-road performance. The remote-controlled Jeep Crawler Pro is the essence of power and excitement, designed for children over the age of 8 and all adult RC model enthusiasts. It guarantees the experience you expect from a real Jeep, reaching speeds that will take your breath away! Thoughtfully designed 4x4 drive Get ready for an authentic off-road experience! The Jeep Crawler Pro s independent suspension and advanced 4x4 drive provide unique stability and unmatched off-road capability. Reinforced, high-traction tires give you the edge in any terrain, guaranteeing safety and full control while driving. Powerful engine power Under the hood of the Jeep Crawler Pro lurks a high-performance brush motor, which, thanks to a powerful 7.4V/800mAh lithium battery, provides power and endurance for hours of fun. This motor not only accelerates the model to impressive speeds, but also delivers the powerful acceleration needed to overcome off-road challenges. Realistic design The stylish and aggressive design of the Jeep Crawler Pro attracts attention wherever you go. With every detail, from the realistic LED headlights to the authentic exterior styling, this model makes its presence known, highlighting its unique off-road nature. Intuitive control Remote control of the Jeep Crawler Pro is intuitive and
72.75 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE Remote-controlled car 1:10 Ford F-150 Raptor E331-003
Remote Controlled RC Car 1:10 Double Eagle Ford F-150 Raptor E331-003 The 1:10 scale Ford F-150 Raptor model is a real treat for any remote control car enthusiast – excellent quality, performance, and durability that will provide hours of endless fun and exciting adventures! Its magnetic motors ...
Remote Controlled RC Car 1:10 Double Eagle Ford F-150 Raptor E331-003 The 1:10 scale Ford F-150 Raptor model is a real treat for any remote control car enthusiast – excellent quality, performance, and durability that will provide hours of endless fun and exciting adventures! Its magnetic motors allow it to reach speeds of over 35 km/h, and the ability to tackle 45-degree inclines and a waterproof ESC speed controller ensures that no terrain will be inaccessible to you. Dynamic 4x4 Driving on Any Terrain Four-wheel drive is the foundation of dynamic driving! With a 4x4 construction, front and rear differentials, and an aluminum frame, the car is ready for any off-road challenge. Moreover, the IPX4 waterproof level of the speed controller provides protection against moisture and rain, allowing for unlimited adventures in any weather conditions. Power and Dynamism Combined Two 390 magnetic motors are the heart of this machine. They provide impressive speed and power with minimal noise and low power loss. It is thanks to them that the car reaches speeds of over 35 km/h, ensuring dynamic driving on any terrain. The metal servo with three wires ensures quiet and precise operation, allowing you full control over the steering and quick response to your commands. Safety Comes First The integrated speed controller provides even greater protection compared to other RC cars. It protects against overheating, overloading, and engine lock-up, ensuring long life and reliability.
74.09 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE RC remote control car 1:18 4x4 Off-Road E324-003
RC remote control car with remote control 1:18 Double Eagle 4x4 Off-Road E324-003. Discover the world of remote-controlled off-road vehicles with the 4x4 Off-Road model from Double Eagle. The 1:18 scale model features a unique graffiti design that gives it an aggressive off-road character. Designed ...
RC remote control car with remote control 1:18 Double Eagle 4x4 Off-Road E324-003. Discover the world of remote-controlled off-road vehicles with the 4x4 Off-Road model from Double Eagle. The 1:18 scale model features a unique graffiti design that gives it an aggressive off-road character. Designed for RC model enthusiasts of all ages, it is a guarantee of adrenaline-filled off-road adventures. Four-wheel drive With efficient all-wheel drive, backed by powerful motors at the front and rear, the car effortlessly overcomes off-road obstacles. The 4 WD system provides greater stability and control than traditional 2 WD models, making it an ideal choice for rough terrain. Durability and protection The car is equipped with sturdy, independent bumpers that protect it from damage during falls or collisions. This feature increases the durability of the model and allows you to enjoy the fun without worrying about accidental damage. 2.4GHz connectivity Thanks to the 2.4GHz connectivity, the controller enables smooth control of the vehicle without interference and allows you to operate several models simultaneously. Thanks to the pistol-shaped design, performing difficult maneuvers becomes effortless, providing incredible excitement while traversing challenging terrains. Included RC 4x4 Off-Road car Remote control Ni-Cd 4.8V 300mAh battery pack Charging cable Manufacturer Double Eagle Manufacturer code E324-003 Name RC 4x4 Off-Road remote controlled car 1:18 Age +6 Car battery 4.8V
16.96 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE Remote-controlled car 1:18 red Buggy Omnidirectional E346-003
RC Remote Control Car 1:18 Double Eagle Buggy (Multi-Directional) E346-003 The 1:18 scale Buggy model from Double Eagle is a true master of acrobatics, ensuring unforgettable moments of entertainment. Equipped with 4 large wheels, it allows for easy movement on various surfaces and effortless ...
RC Remote Control Car 1:18 Double Eagle Buggy (Multi-Directional) E346-003 The 1:18 scale Buggy model from Double Eagle is a true master of acrobatics, ensuring unforgettable moments of entertainment. Equipped with 4 large wheels, it allows for easy movement on various surfaces and effortless overcoming of small obstacles. With the ability to move forward, backward, right, and left, as well as the capability to rotate 360 degrees and drive sideways, it enables performing amazing stunts and spectacular maneuvers. The included remote control in the set makes controlling it even more convenient. Rotate, Spin, Drift Ready for an adventure full of exciting acrobatics? The Double Eagle car allows you to move forward, backward, right, and left with ease, providing unlimited freedom of movement. You can also perform incredible maneuvers by rotating the vehicle 360 degrees and even driving it sideways, making every ride a unique spectacle! Full Control Over the Vehicle Also included in the set is a remote control that allows for precise control of your favorite car with incredible smoothness. Thanks to the advanced transmission system, you can enjoy a stable connection even at a distance of 20 meters, ensuring uninterrupted fun. Included in the set: car remote control battery user manual Manufacturer Double Eagle Model E346-003 Scale 1:18 Age 6+ Battery 3.7V Remote Control Power Supply AA Battery 1.5V x2 (not included) Frequency Range 2.4 GHz Range Up to 20 meters Packaging
18.99 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE RC remote control car 1:18 blue Buggy multi-directional E346-003
Remote-controlled RC remote control car 1:18 Double Eagle (blue) Buggy (multi-directional) E346-003. The 1:18 scale Buggy model from Double Eagle is a true master of aerobatics that will provide you with unforgettable moments of entertainment. Equipped with 4 large wheels, it allows you to move ...
Remote-controlled RC remote control car 1:18 Double Eagle (blue) Buggy (multi-directional) E346-003. The 1:18 scale Buggy model from Double Eagle is a true master of aerobatics that will provide you with unforgettable moments of entertainment. Equipped with 4 large wheels, it allows you to move freely on various surfaces and easily overcome small obstacles. Thanks to its forward, backward, right and left driving capabilities, as well as its ability to rotate 360 degrees and drive sideways, it allows you to perform amazing acrobatics and impressive maneuvers. The included remote control will make controlling it even more convenient. Turn, spin, drift Ready for an adventure full of exciting stunts? The Double Eagle car will let you move forward, backward, right and left with ease, providing unlimited freedom of movement. You can also perform unbelievable maneuvers, rotating the vehicle 360 degrees and even driving it sideways, making every ride a unique spectacle! Full control over the vehicle In the set you will also find a remote control, which allows you to precisely control your favorite car with incredible smoothness Thanks to the advanced transmission system, you can enjoy a stable connection even at a distance of 20 meters, which will ensure uninterrupted fun. Included: car remote control battery instruction manual Manufacturer Double Eagle Model E346-003 Scale 1:18 Age 6+ Battery 3.7V Remote control power supply AA 1.5V x2 battery (not included) Frequency range 2.4 GHz
19.07 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE Remote-controlled car blue Ford Amphibious E344-003
Double Eagle (blue) Ford (amphibious) remote control RC car E344-003. Discover boundless driving freedom with the Double Eagle Ford E344-003 amphibious off-road car. This remote-controlled vehicle is a true pioneer in the field of RC toys, offering unparalleled versatility both on land and in the ...
Double Eagle (blue) Ford (amphibious) remote control RC car E344-003. Discover boundless driving freedom with the Double Eagle Ford E344-003 amphibious off-road car. This remote-controlled vehicle is a true pioneer in the field of RC toys, offering unparalleled versatility both on land and in the water. Designed for children over 8 years old and adult RC model enthusiasts, this Ford provides an unprecedented driving experience in all conditions. An amphibious vehicle that can do anything Designed for unlimited adventures, the Ford Double Eagle can conquer any terrain and boldly set out to conquer the wetlands. Thanks to its unique waterproof design, the RC vehicle is ready for any challenge. Reliable 4×4 drive Whether it s a bumpy path or watery terrain, the innovative four-wheel drive provides unrivaled traction and control. The Ford Double Eagle is synonymous with durability and strength, and its ability to climb gradients of up to 30° means there are no obstacles in front of it. Advanced technologies Ford won t surprise you with a low energy level! Equipped with a low-voltage warning system, it will immediately provide you with information when the charge level drops to minimum values. High-traction TPR tires are responsible for driving stability, and the interference-free remote control system allows for trouble-free fun within a radius of at least 25 meters. Go on an adventure with the Double Eagle! Includes: RC Ford (amphibious) remote control car E344-003 Rechargeable
20.12 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE Remote-controlled car 1:16 red Jeep drift E348-003
Remote Controlled RC Car Double Eagle Jeep (Drift) E348-003 Embark on an unforgettable adventure behind the wheel of the licensed Double Eagle Jeep and let yourself be carried away by thrilling drifts on the track. This remote-controlled car is the perfect combination of power, precision, and ...
Remote Controlled RC Car Double Eagle Jeep (Drift) E348-003 Embark on an unforgettable adventure behind the wheel of the licensed Double Eagle Jeep and let yourself be carried away by thrilling drifts on the track. This remote-controlled car is the perfect combination of power, precision, and style, designed for RC enthusiasts seeking exciting experiences at every turn. The model is suitable for children aged 8 and above. Exceptional Drifting Experience Discover the exciting world of drifting with the Double Eagle Jeep. The unique drive system and distinctive design of this model allow for smooth and controlled drifts that will take your breath away. Get ready for an adrenaline rush and unforgettable experiences behind the wheel of this compact vehicle. Power and Speed That Will Surprise You Under the hood of this powerful car lies a dual motor that provides not only incredible power but also lightning-fast speed. Additionally, the powerful 1200mAh battery will provide you with entertainment for a long time without the need for frequent recharging. The Jeep s wheels move in all directions, ensuring an even smoother driving experience. The vehicle is ready for any challenge! Authentic Design The Double Eagle Jeep is not just a remote-controlled car; it is also a true design gem. Its authentic appearance and meticulous craftsmanship make it stand out from other models. Every detail of the body reflects the distinctive features of a real Jeep, which will not escape the notice
21.01 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE remote control RC quad blue E383-003
Double Eagle RC remote control quad (blue) E383-003 Enter the world of dynamic and exciting fun with the Double Eagle E383-003 remote-controlled quad. This innovative model opens up new opportunities for play, encouraging activity and developing manual skills. This toy is designed for children ...
Double Eagle RC remote control quad (blue) E383-003 Enter the world of dynamic and exciting fun with the Double Eagle E383-003 remote-controlled quad. This innovative model opens up new opportunities for play, encouraging activity and developing manual skills. This toy is designed for children eight years old and older. Advanced capabilities and safety The unique features of this quad, such as the ability to bounce off the floor, 360° rotation, the ability to climb hills and stand on two wheels, provide countless hours of fun and excitement. The designers also took care of the safety of indoor play - the quad does not scratch furniture, floors and walls, making it an ideal playmate in any home. Workmanship and technology Quad E383-003 was designed with durability and safety of use in mind. Soft, crash-resistant sponge wheels minimize the risk of damage to both the vehicle and the environment. Powered by a powerful 3.7V / 1200 mAH battery, the quad provides long-lasting fun, and the included USB cable makes charging easy. Technological solutions for maximum control The controller, powered by 1.5 V AA batteries, allows precise control of the quad from a distance, making any adventure easy to master even for the youngest users. The model s operating range allows interaction with the vehicle in spacious rooms and outdoors. Who is this quad for? Recommended for children 8 years old and older, the Double Eagle E383-003 remote-controlled quad is an excellent choice for young
21.21 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE Remote-controlled car orange Land Rover Amphibious E343-003
Double Eagle (orange) Land Rover (amphibious) remote control RC car E343-003. Discover boundless driving freedom with the Double Eagle Land Rover E343-003 amphibious off-road car. This remote-controlled vehicle is a true pioneer in the field of RC toys, offering unparalleled versatility both on ...
Double Eagle (orange) Land Rover (amphibious) remote control RC car E343-003. Discover boundless driving freedom with the Double Eagle Land Rover E343-003 amphibious off-road car. This remote-controlled vehicle is a true pioneer in the field of RC toys, offering unparalleled versatility both on land and in the water. Designed for children over 8 years old and adult RC model enthusiasts, this Land Rover provides an unprecedented driving experience in all conditions. An amphibious vehicle that can do anything Designed for unlimited adventures, the Land Rover Double Eagle can conquer any terrain and boldly set out to conquer the wetlands. Thanks to its unique waterproof design, the RC vehicle is ready for any challenge. Reliable 4×4 drive Whether it s a bumpy path or watery terrain, the innovative four-wheel drive provides unrivaled traction and control. The Land Rover Double Eagle is synonymous with durability and strength, and its ability to climb gradients of up to 30° makes it a no-brainer. Advanced technologies Land Rover won t surprise you by being too low on power! Equipped with a low-voltage warning system, it will immediately provide you with information when the charge level drops to minimum values. High-traction TPR tires are responsible for driving stability, and the interference-free remote control system allows for trouble-free fun within a radius of at least 25 meters. Go on an adventure with the Double Eagle! Includes: RC Land Rover remote control car
21.21 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE Remote-controlled car yellow Jeep Amphibious E342-003
Remote control RC car with remote control Double Eagle (yellow) Jeep (amphibious) E342-003. Discover boundless driving freedom with the Double Eagle Jeep E342-003 amphibious off-road vehicle. This remote-controlled vehicle is a true pioneer in the field of RC toys, offering unparalleled versatility ...
Remote control RC car with remote control Double Eagle (yellow) Jeep (amphibious) E342-003. Discover boundless driving freedom with the Double Eagle Jeep E342-003 amphibious off-road vehicle. This remote-controlled vehicle is a true pioneer in the field of RC toys, offering unparalleled versatility both on land and in the water. Designed for children over 8 years old and adult RC model enthusiasts, this Jeep provides an unprecedented driving experience in all conditions. An amphibious vehicle that can do anything Designed for unlimited adventures, the Jeep Double Eagle can conquer any terrain and boldly set out to conquer the wetlands. Thanks to its unique waterproof design, the RC vehicle is ready for any challenge. Reliable 4×4 drive Whether it s a bumpy path or watery terrain, the innovative four-wheel drive provides unrivaled traction and control. The Jeep Double Eagle is synonymous with durability and strength, and its ability to climb gradients of up to 30° makes it a no-brainer. Advanced technologies Jeep won t surprise you by being too low on power! Equipped with a low-voltage warning system, it will immediately provide you with information when the charge level drops to minimum values. High-traction TPR tires are responsible for driving stability, and the interference-free remote control system allows for trouble-free fun within a radius of at least 25 meters. Go on an adventure with the Double Eagle! Includes: RC remote control car Jeep (amphibious vehicle)
21.21 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE Remote-controlled car 1:18 red Ford Amphibious E344-003
Double Eagle Ford Remote Control RC Car (Amphibious) E344-003 Discover boundless driving freedom with the amphibious off-road car Double Eagle Ford E342-003. This remote-controlled vehicle is a true pioneer in the world of RC toys, offering unparalleled versatility both on land and in water. ...
Double Eagle Ford Remote Control RC Car (Amphibious) E344-003 Discover boundless driving freedom with the amphibious off-road car Double Eagle Ford E342-003. This remote-controlled vehicle is a true pioneer in the world of RC toys, offering unparalleled versatility both on land and in water. Designed for children aged 8 and above as well as adult RC model enthusiasts, this Ford provides unprecedented driving experiences in any conditions. An Amphibian That Can Do It All Designed for unlimited adventures, the Double Eagle Ford can conquer any terrain and boldly venture into wetlands. Thanks to its exceptional waterproof construction, the RC vehicle is ready for any challenge. Reliable 4×4 Drive Whether it s a bumpy trail or watery terrain, the innovative four-wheel drive provides unbeatable traction and control. The Ford Double Eagle is synonymous with durability and strength, and its ability to climb slopes of up to 30° means there are no obstacles in its way. Advanced Technologies The Ford won t catch you off guard with too low energy levels! Equipped with a low-voltage warning system, it will immediately alert you when the charge level drops to minimum values. TPR high-traction tires ensure driving stability, while the interference-free remote control system allows for seamless play within a radius of at least 25 meters. Embark on an adventure with Double Eagle! Included in the Set Double Eagle Ford Remote Control RC Car (Amphibious) E344-003 Battery USB Charging Cable
21.30 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE Remote-controlled car red Land Rover Amphibious E343-003
Double Eagle Land Rover Remote Control RC Car (Amphibious) E343-003 Discover boundless driving freedom with the amphibious off-road car Double Eagle Land Rover E342-003. This remote-controlled vehicle is a true pioneer in the world of RC toys, offering unparalleled versatility both on land and in ...
Double Eagle Land Rover Remote Control RC Car (Amphibious) E343-003 Discover boundless driving freedom with the amphibious off-road car Double Eagle Land Rover E342-003. This remote-controlled vehicle is a true pioneer in the world of RC toys, offering unparalleled versatility both on land and in water. Designed for children aged 8 and above as well as adult RC model enthusiasts, this Land Rover provides unprecedented driving experiences in any conditions. An Amphibian That Can Do It All Designed for unlimited adventures, the Double Eagle Land Rover can conquer any terrain and boldly venture into wetlands. Thanks to its exceptional waterproof construction, the RC vehicle is ready for any challenge. Reliable 4×4 Drive Whether it s a bumpy trail or watery terrain, the innovative four-wheel drive provides unbeatable traction and control. The Land Rover Double Eagle is synonymous with durability and strength, and its ability to climb slopes of up to 30° means there are no obstacles in its way. Advanced Technologies The Land Rover won t catch you off guard with too low energy levels! Equipped with a low-voltage warning system, it will immediately alert you when the charge level drops to minimum values. TPR high-traction tires ensure driving stability, while the interference-free remote control system allows for seamless play within a radius of at least 25 meters. Embark on an adventure with Double Eagle! Included in the Set Double Eagle Land Rover Remote Control RC Car
21.30 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE Remote-controlled car red Jeep Amphibious E342-003
Double Eagle Jeep Remote Control RC Car (Amphibious) E342-003 Discover boundless driving freedom with the amphibious off-road car Double Eagle Jeep E342-003. This remote-controlled vehicle is a true pioneer in the world of RC toys, offering unparalleled versatility both on land and in water. ...
Double Eagle Jeep Remote Control RC Car (Amphibious) E342-003 Discover boundless driving freedom with the amphibious off-road car Double Eagle Jeep E342-003. This remote-controlled vehicle is a true pioneer in the world of RC toys, offering unparalleled versatility both on land and in water. Designed for children aged 8 and above as well as adult RC model enthusiasts, this Jeep provides unprecedented driving experiences in any conditions. An Amphibian That Can Do It All Designed for unlimited adventures, the Double Eagle Jeep can conquer any terrain and boldly venture into wetlands. Thanks to its exceptional waterproof construction, the RC vehicle is ready for any challenge. Reliable 4×4 Drive Whether it s a bumpy trail or watery terrain, the innovative four-wheel drive provides unbeatable traction and control. The Jeep Double Eagle is synonymous with durability and strength, and its ability to climb slopes of up to 30° means there are no obstacles in its way. Advanced Technologies The Jeep won t catch you off guard with too low energy levels! Equipped with a low-voltage warning system, it will immediately alert you when the charge level drops to minimum values. TPR high-traction tires ensure driving stability, while the interference-free remote control system allows for seamless play within a radius of at least 25 meters. Embark on an adventure with Double Eagle! Included in the Set Double Eagle Jeep Remote Control RC Car (Amphibious) E342-003 Battery USB Charging Cable
22.79 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE Remote control RC quad 1:8 red E383-003
Double Eagle E383-003 remote control RC quad. Enter the world of dynamic and exciting fun with the Double Eagle E383-003 remote-controlled quad. This innovative model opens up new possibilities for play, encouraging activity and developing manual skills. This toy is designed for children eight ...
Double Eagle E383-003 remote control RC quad. Enter the world of dynamic and exciting fun with the Double Eagle E383-003 remote-controlled quad. This innovative model opens up new possibilities for play, encouraging activity and developing manual skills. This toy is designed for children eight years old and older. Advanced capabilities and safety The unique features of this quad, such as the ability to bounce off the floor, 360° rotation, the ability to climb hills and stand on two wheels, provide countless hours of fun and excitement. The designers also took care of the safety of indoor play - the quad does not scratch furniture, floors and walls, making it an ideal playmate in any home. Workmanship and technology Quad E383-003 was designed with durability and safety of use in mind. Soft, crash-resistant sponge wheels minimize the risk of damage to both the vehicle and the environment. Powered by a powerful 3.7V / 1200 mAH battery, the quad provides long-lasting fun, and the included USB cable makes charging easy. Technological solutions for maximum control The controller, powered by 2 x AA batteries, allows precise control of the quad from a distance, making any adventure easy to master even for the youngest users. The model s operating range allows interaction with the vehicle in spacious rooms and outdoors. Who is this quad for? Recommended for children 8 years old and older, the Double Eagle E383-003 remote-controlled quad is an excellent choice for young automotive and
25.14 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE Remote-controlled car 1:16 yellow Jeep drift E348-003
RC remote control car 1:16 Double Eagle (yellow) Jeep (drift) E348-003. Embark on an unforgettable adventure behind the wheel of the licensed Jeep from Double Eagle and get carried away with spinning drifts on the track. This remote-controlled car is the perfect combination of power, precision and ...
RC remote control car 1:16 Double Eagle (yellow) Jeep (drift) E348-003. Embark on an unforgettable adventure behind the wheel of the licensed Jeep from Double Eagle and get carried away with spinning drifts on the track. This remote-controlled car is the perfect combination of power, precision and style, created for RC enthusiasts who are looking for a thrilling experience at every turn. The model is suitable for children over the age of 8. A unique drifting experience Discover the exciting world of drifting with the Jeep from Double Eagle. The unique drive system and unique design of this model allow for smooth and controlled drifts that will take your breath away. Get ready for a dose of adrenaline and an unforgettable experience behind the wheel of this compact vehicle. Power and speed that will surprise you Under the hood of this powerful car is a twin engine that provides not only incredible power, but also lightning speed. In addition, the powerful 1,200 mAh battery will keep you entertained for a long time without having to take breaks for charging. The Jeep s wheels move in all directions for an even smoother driving experience. The vehicle is ready for any challenge! Authentic design The Jeep from Double Eagle is not only a remote-controlled car, but also a real gem of design. Its authentic appearance and careful workmanship make it stand out from other models. Every detail of the body reflects the characteristic features of a real Jeep, which will not escape the
28.34 €
80 %
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DOUBLE EAGLE Remote control RC auto s 1:18 red Buggy high speed E330-003
RC remote control car with remote control 1:18 Double Eagle Buggy (high speed) E330-003. Imagine a remote-controlled model that pushes the boundaries of fun with its dizzying speed and off-road design. The remote-controlled 4x4 truck is the embodiment of power and adrenaline, designed for children ...
RC remote control car with remote control 1:18 Double Eagle Buggy (high speed) E330-003. Imagine a remote-controlled model that pushes the boundaries of fun with its dizzying speed and off-road design. The remote-controlled 4x4 truck is the embodiment of power and adrenaline, designed for children over 6 and adults seeking intense thrills. It easily reaches speeds of up to 20 km/h, making any obstacle on the road just waiting to be overcome! 4 x 4 drive Off-road driving in miniature is within reach! The suspension system on four independent wheels provides exceptional stability and the ability to overcome uneven terrain. In addition, solid tires made of high-quality rubber provide excellent grip, which is a guarantee not only of safety, but also of maximum control while driving. Combined with 4x4 drive, no terrain is too difficult for this little giant. Powerful engine Under the hood of this off-roader is a high-performance electric motor, powered by a 7.4V lithium battery with a capacity of 1,200 mAh, which provides the power and endurance needed for prolonged fun. This motor not only propels the truck to impressive speeds, but also provides strong and consistent acceleration, which is invaluable on steep hills and challenging terrain. Aggressive design It s not just the performance, but also the truck s appearance that impresses. With a stylish graffiti pattern that combines dynamism and distinctiveness, this model stands out. Every detail, from the LED lights combined
28.34 €
80 %
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Double Eagle Autobus RTR 2,4Ghz DE635 1:20
ČERVENÝ AUTOBUS NA DIAĽKOVÉ OVLÁDANIE. Vydajte sa na vzrušujúcu cestu s týmto jedinečným autobusom na diaľkové ovládanie. Autobus EE je v každom detaile odrazom pôvodného vozidla. Ako sa na skutočné vozidlo MHD patrí, je vybavený automaticky otváranými dverami ovládanými vodičom. Veľkou výhodou ...
ČERVENÝ AUTOBUS NA DIAĽKOVÉ OVLÁDANIE. Vydajte sa na vzrušujúcu cestu s týmto jedinečným autobusom na diaľkové ovládanie. Autobus EE je v každom detaile odrazom pôvodného vozidla. Ako sa na skutočné vozidlo MHD patrí, je vybavený automaticky otváranými dverami ovládanými vodičom. Veľkou výhodou modelu je, že má LED osvetlenie , ktoré nielen efektne vyzerá, ale umožňuje aj jazdu v zatemnených miestnostiach. Vďaka jednoduchosti ovládania je model ideálny pre ľudí, ktorí začínajú svoje dobrodružstvo s modelmi na diaľkové ovládanie. Vybavený 2,4 GHz vysielačom , ktorý umožňuje ovládať niekoľko modelov súčasne bez rušenia. Vozidlo jazdí na gumených kolesách s priemerom 3 cm, ktoré nepoškriabajú podlahu a uľahčia jazdu. Hrať sa s modelmi na diaľkové ovládanie je veľké dobrodružstvo, pri ktorom nie je čas na nudu. Úžasne stimuluje zrakovú a pohybovú koordináciu a podporuje správny rozvoj manuálnych zručností. Autobus zaujme svojimi detailmi - otváracie dvere, sedadlá pre cestujúcich, nápisy v autobuse potešia aj toho najnáročnejšieho nadšenca verejnej dopravy. Špecifikácia:RC autobus na diaľkové ovládanie2,4 GHz diaľkové ovládanie napájané 2 x 1,5 V AA batériou (nie je súčasťou balenia)Vysielač: 2,4 GHzNapájanie zbernice : 400mAh 4,8V batéria (súčasťou balenia)precízna pozornosť venovaná detailom vnútri sedadiel pre cestujúcich, číslo linky, mapa trasybočné zrkadláauto má nastaviteľný sklon koliespevné spracovanieveľmi kvalitný materiálvypína sa sám od sebagumový, profilovaný
59.45 €
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DOUBLE EAGLE RC remote control car 1:8 green Land Rover Defender E328-003
Double Eagle 1:8 remote control RC car (green) Land Rover Defender E328-003. Immerse yourself in the exciting world of RC models with an impressive new version of the Land Rover Defender from Double Eagle, this time in 1:8 scale. This large and powerful replica of the famous off-road vehicle was ...
Double Eagle 1:8 remote control RC car (green) Land Rover Defender E328-003. Immerse yourself in the exciting world of RC models with an impressive new version of the Land Rover Defender from Double Eagle, this time in 1:8 scale. This large and powerful replica of the famous off-road vehicle was created to provide an unforgettable driving experience for both younger and adult fans of remote-controlled vehicles. With extraordinary attention to detail, the model takes fun to a whole new level. Realistic details and power The model impresses with its realistic details and powerful appearance, replicating the durability and reliability of the real Land Rover Defender. With independent shock absorbers on all wheels and a large steering angle, it provides a smooth and stable ride even on rough terrain. All-wheel drive Equipped with an all-wheel drive system, the model effortlessly overcomes all sorts of obstacles - from steep hills to uneven paths. This design not only provides better traction, but also provides more excitement when exploring a variety of terrains. Lighting for night rides Simulated lights add to the realism and allow for fun after dark, adding an exciting dimension to night adventures. It s a detail that exemplifies the care with which every detail of the Defender is made. Speed adjustment A useful speed adjustment function allows you to adjust the vehicle s speed to different road conditions, which is especially useful when driving on variable terrain. This puts
88.10 €
80 %
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