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CRYTEK Homefront: The Revolution Stav hry: Použitá
Štyri roky brutálnej vojenskej okupácie a Amerika je na kolenách. Philadelphia, kedysi rodisko nezávislosti, sa stala getom, kde drony a obrnené hliadky udržiavajú poriadok v uliciach a potláčajú odpor s divou silou. Kedysi hrdí občania žijú v policajnom štáte, nútení spolupracovať, aby prežili a ...
Štyri roky brutálnej vojenskej okupácie a Amerika je na kolenách. Philadelphia, kedysi rodisko nezávislosti, sa stala getom, kde drony a obrnené hliadky udržiavajú poriadok v uliciach a potláčajú odpor s divou silou. Kedysi hrdí občania žijú v policajnom štáte, nútení spolupracovať, aby prežili a ich sny o slobode sa dávno rozplynuli. Ale v Red Zone, v zbombardovaných uliciach a opustených podchodov sa formuje odpor. Partizánska sila, odhodlaná bojovať za svoju slobodu aj napriek drvivej prevahe nepriateľa a vznietiť druhú americkú revolúciu. Sloboda má ale vždy svoju cenu ... Homefront: The Revolution je FPS v otvorenom svete, kde musíte viesť hnutie odporu v partizánskej vojne proti nadradenej vojenskej sile. Živý, dýchajúci a otvorený svet reaguje na Vaše akcie. Vy a Vaša bunka odporu môžete inšpirovať povstanie v uliciach a zmeniť okupáciu na revolúcie, keď sa utláčaní civilisti pridajú k boju. Ale Váš nepriateľ má na svoje strane všetky výhody. Dokonalejšie technológie, palebnú silu, ťažké brnenie a vzdušnú podporu. Musíte sa naučiť umeniu partizánskej vojny, prepadnutiam, sabotážam a infiltráciam a bojovať v pohyblivých bitkách na vojnou pustošených predmestiach Philadelphie. A singleplayerová kampaň je len začiatok. V kooperatívnom režime môžete Vy a Vaši priatelia vytvoriť svoju vlastnú bunku odporu a presláviť sa ako hrdinovia revolúcie Toto nie je lineárna strieľačka, musíte sa naučiť umenie partizánskej vojny a používať prepadnutia, infiltrácie a sabotáže proti
13.00 €
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CRYTEK Crysis Remastered
Crysis Remastered (NSW)Stav: NovéDátum vydania: 2021-09-28Dátumvydania: V krabiciKlasifikácia PEGI: PEGI 16Jazyková verzia: poľština (titulky)Jazyková verzia obalu: AngličtinaŽáner: akčné hryPlatforma: Nintendo SwitchPOPIS HRY: HRA JE URČENÁ PRE KONZOLU NINTENDO:Z jednoduchej záchrannej misie sa ...
Crysis Remastered (NSW)Stav: NovéDátum vydania: 2021-09-28Dátumvydania: V krabiciKlasifikácia PEGI: PEGI 16Jazyková verzia: poľština (titulky)Jazyková verzia obalu: AngličtinaŽáner: akčné hryPlatforma: Nintendo SwitchPOPIS HRY: HRA JE URČENÁ PRE KONZOLU NINTENDO:Z jednoduchej záchrannej misie sa stalo pole veľkej bitky, keď vesmírni útočníci zaútočili na súostrovie Lingshan. Prevezmete úlohu supervojaka menom Nomad, vyzbrojeného mocným nanooblekom s mimoriadnymi schopnosťami. Rýchlosť, sila, pancier a maskovanie najmodernejšej výzbroje vám umožnia byť kreatívny v každej bitke, zatiaľ čo rozsiahly arzenál modulárnych zbraní vám poskytne nevídanú kontrolu nad štýlom hry.v neustále sa meniacom prostredí prispôsobujte svoju taktiku a vybavenie, aby ste porazili všetkých nepriateľov v rozsiahlom otvorenom svete.krabicové vydanieCrysis Remastered okrem hry na fyzickom nosiči obsahuje aj exkluzívnu umeleckú kartu - zberateľský predmet pre fanúšikov série.FUNKCIE HRY: HRA JE VYBAVENÁ FUNKCIAMI, KTORÉ SÚ V NEJ OBSIAHNUTÉ:Noste oblek - Rýchlosť, sila, brnenie a maskovanie vášho nanoobleku vám umožní byť kreatívny v akomkoľvek type boja.Prispôsobte sa - V neustále sa meniacom prostredí prispôsobte svoju taktiku, aby ste porazili akéhokoľvek protivníka, či už bojujete v zamrznutej džungli alebo v krajine zamorenej mimozemšťanmi.Prispôsobte sa- Obrovský arzenál modulárnych zbraní poskytuje bezprecedentnú kontrolu nad štýlom hry a ponúka divoké a experimentálne možnosti.Poraztenepriazeň
47.46 €
86 %
35 recenzií
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CRYTEK Ryse: Son of Rome Steam CD Key
Ryse: Son of Rome is a dynamic action game set in the times of ancient Rome. The producer of the title is the German company Crytek, which has, among others, two parts of the Crysis first-person shooter series . The production is a port of the console version that was released in November 2013 as ...
Ryse: Son of Rome is a dynamic action game set in the times of ancient Rome. The producer of the title is the German company Crytek, which has, among others, two parts of the Crysis first-person shooter series . The production is a port of the console version that was released in November 2013 as the launch title for the Xbox One console. It is worth adding that the first information about Ryse appeared in 2011. Gameplay In the course of the game, we play the role of Marius Titus, a Roman centurion seeking revenge for the death of his loved ones, who, in addition to breaking through successive groups of enemies, must also command his soldiers. The fight is mainly about pressing the appropriate key combinations, which translates into Titus performing spectacular combinations of blows.During the game, we can give orders to subordinates (e.g. orders to throw a pilum, shoot a bow or block enemy attacks). Up to a hundred characters can be on the screen at the same time, each controlled by their assigned individual AIs. In Ryse: Son of Rome is also available cooperative multiplayer mode. You can fight in it with friends in the Roman Colosseum, playing the role of gladiators and defeating successive waves of enemies. Key features Next-generation cinematic immersion - Marius’ tale of revenge comes to life through new advancements in performance capture, allowing players to interact with believably realistic characters Brutally intense combat - “Ryse: Son of Rome” delivers a
9.22 €
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CRYTEK Hunt: Showdown Standard Edition Steam CD Key
Savage, nightmarish monsters roam the Louisiana swamps, and you are part of a group of rugged bounty hunters bound to rid the world of their ghastly presence. Banish these creatures from our world, and you will be paid generously—and given the chance to buy more gruesome and powerful weapons. ...
Savage, nightmarish monsters roam the Louisiana swamps, and you are part of a group of rugged bounty hunters bound to rid the world of their ghastly presence. Banish these creatures from our world, and you will be paid generously—and given the chance to buy more gruesome and powerful weapons. Fail, and death will strip you of both character and gear. Your experience, however, remains in your pool of hunters—called your Bloodline—always. Features HIGH RISK, HIGH REWARD, HIGH TENSION - Hunt’s competitive, match-based gameplay mixes PvP and PvE elements to create a uniquely tense experience where your life, your character, and your gear are always on the line. At the beginning of each match, up to five teams of two set out to track their monstrous targets. Once they’ve found and defeated one of these they will receive a bounty—and instantly become a target for every other Hunter left on the map. If you don’t watch your back, you’ll find a knife in it, and your last memory will be of another team of Hunters walking away with your prize. The higher the risk, the higher the reward–but a single mistake could cost you everything. PROGRESSION - Even in death, you will be able to progress among the ranks of Hunters via your Bloodline. Though one character may die, their experience will be transferred to your Bloodline, where it can be applied your other Hunters. If you make it off of the map alive, you will be able to use the money and experience you earn to kit out new Hunters
17.41 €
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CRYTEK Hunt: Showdown Standard Edition Europe Steam CD Key
Savage, nightmarish monsters roam the Louisiana swamps, and you are part of a group of rugged bounty hunters bound to rid the world of their ghastly presence. Banish these creatures from our world, and you will be paid generously—and given the chance to buy more gruesome and powerful weapons. ...
Savage, nightmarish monsters roam the Louisiana swamps, and you are part of a group of rugged bounty hunters bound to rid the world of their ghastly presence. Banish these creatures from our world, and you will be paid generously—and given the chance to buy more gruesome and powerful weapons. Fail, and death will strip you of both character and gear. Your experience, however, remains in your pool of hunters—called your Bloodline—always. Features HIGH RISK, HIGH REWARD, HIGH TENSION - Hunt’s competitive, match-based gameplay mixes PvP and PvE elements to create a uniquely tense experience where your life, your character, and your gear are always on the line. At the beginning of each match, up to five teams of two set out to track their monstrous targets. Once they’ve found and defeated one of these they will receive a bounty—and instantly become a target for every other Hunter left on the map. If you don’t watch your back, you’ll find a knife in it, and your last memory will be of another team of Hunters walking away with your prize. The higher the risk, the higher the reward–but a single mistake could cost you everything. PROGRESSION - Even in death, you will be able to progress among the ranks of Hunters via your Bloodline. Though one character may die, their experience will be transferred to your Bloodline, where it can be applied your other Hunters. If you make it off of the map alive, you will be able to use the money and experience you earn to kit out new Hunters
17.41 €
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