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Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 18
CI GAMES Lords Of The Fallen Limited Edition Stav hry: Použitá
Lords Of The Fallen (Limited Edition) Limited Edition obashuje : - Hra Lords of the Fallen - Herný soundtrack - Príbehové DLC – The Monk’s Decipher Lords of the Fallen je akčnou fantasy hrou, ktorá sa zameriava skôr na schopnosti hráčov v súbojoch, než na rozmanitý príbeh. Ponúkne však ...
Lords Of The Fallen (Limited Edition) Limited Edition obashuje : - Hra Lords of the Fallen - Herný soundtrack - Príbehové DLC – The Monk’s Decipher Lords of the Fallen je akčnou fantasy hrou, ktorá sa zameriava skôr na schopnosti hráčov v súbojoch, než na rozmanitý príbeh. Ponúkne však prepracovaný súbojový systém a skutočnú výzvu pre každého hráča. Podobne ako v hre Dark Souls bude nutné obozretné sledovanie nepriateľa a jeho útokov a využiť príležitostí, ktoré nepriateľ ponúkne k vlastnému útoku. Súboj by mal byť akčný a plynulý a chýbať nebudú ani potýčky s mocnými bossmi. Hru vyvíja štúdio Deck13, ktoré založil Tomasz Gop - jeden z hlavných vývojárov prvých dvoch dielov fantasy RPG hry Zaklínač (The Witcher). 11 bossov - gigantických beštií. Tri základné povolania: Warrior, Rogue, Cleric. V priebehu hry budete nútení urobiť niekoľko dôležitých rozhodnutí, ktoré budú ovplyvňovať ako svet okolo Vás, tak postavu a príbeh samotný. V hardcore RPG Lords of the Fallen budete ovládať postavu hlavného hrdinu Harkyna, ktorý sa snaží zastaviť zdanlivo nezastaviteľné mocné sily. Pripravte sa na nebezpečný svet a ešte smrtelnejších protivníkov. Pokiaľ máte radi výzvy (a hry typu Dark Souls), tak je táto hra určená práve Vám!
15.00 €
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CI GAMES Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 1+2
Nová hra vo fóliiVydanie: v krabiciJazyková verzia: angličtina, české titulkyJazyk obalu: angličtinaSada obsahuje hru na disku - Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 PS5 a Sniper Ghost Warrior PS4 vo forme kódu na stiahnutie.Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 je najväčšou výzvou v doterajšej histórii tejto ...
Nová hra vo fóliiVydanie: v krabiciJazyková verzia: angličtina, české titulkyJazyk obalu: angličtinaSada obsahuje hru na disku - Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 PS5 a Sniper Ghost Warrior PS4 vo forme kódu na stiahnutie.Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 je najväčšou výzvou v doterajšej histórii tejto kritikmi oceňovanej série, ktorá ponúka streľbu na extrémne vzdialenosti viac ako 1000 metrov. Zažite napínavú kampaň pre jedného hráča zasadenú do moderného Blízkeho východu a zúčastnite sa vzrušujúcich taktických bitiek v srdci nepriateľského územia. Prevezmite úlohu Havrana, nájomného ostreľovača, a dokončite sériu nových kontraktov v bezprávnom regióne Blízkeho východu hraničiacom s Libanonom a Sýriou. Musíte splniť misiu, ktorá sa zdá byť nemožná: zničiť zlovestný zločinecký syndikát a postaviť jeho vodcu pred súd. Streľba na extrémnu vzdialenosť Na veteránov série čaká nová výzva: Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 si vyžaduje zvládnutie nových zručností, sústredenie a presnosť, pretože prvýkrát v histórii série bude mnoho cieľov vzdialených od hráča viac ako 1 000 metrov. NOVÁ ÚROVEŇ REALIZMU SGW Contracts 2, ďalšia hra od tvorcov predchádzajúceho dielu série, ešte viac zvyšuje latku realizmu v sniperskom remesle. Budete musieť ovládať bohatý arzenál založený na realistickom vojenskom vybavení, preskúmať rozsiahle územia, ktoré ešte nikdy neboli tak detailne spracované, a čeliť najrealistickejším nepriateľom v sérii. PLÁNUJTE ÚTOK Vďaka úplne novému vybaveniu možno každý kontrakt
44.78 €
86 %
35 recenzií
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CI GAMES Videofilm Xbox Series X Lords of The Fallen FR
Ak sa zaujímate o IT a elektroniku, máte radi aktuálne informácie o technológiách a neuniknú vám ani tie najmenšie detaily, kúpte si videohru Xbox Series X CI Games Lords of The Fallen (FR) za bezkonkurenčnú cenu.Jazyk balenia: frHodnotenie PEGI: 18Pohlavie: Hráč: rolaAkcia Lords Of The Fallen - ...
Ak sa zaujímate o IT a elektroniku, máte radi aktuálne informácie o technológiách a neuniknú vám ani tie najmenšie detaily, kúpte si videohru Xbox Series X CI Games Lords of The Fallen (FR) za bezkonkurenčnú cenu.Jazyk balenia: frHodnotenie PEGI: 18Pohlavie: Hráč: rolaAkcia Lords Of The Fallen - Xbox-séria
50.37 €
86 %
35 recenzií
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CI GAMES Videohra pre PlayStation 5 Lords of the Fallen FR
Ak ste vášnivým fanúšikom IT a elektroniky, máte radi najnovšie technológie a neuniknú vám ani tie najmenšie detaily, kúpte si videohru PlayStation 5 CI Games Lords of the Fallen (FR) za bezkonkurenčnú cenu.Pohlavie: Akčné a dobrodružnéDuše akoOdporúčaný vek: + 18 rokovJazyk balenia: frTyp: ...
Ak ste vášnivým fanúšikom IT a elektroniky, máte radi najnovšie technológie a neuniknú vám ani tie najmenšie detaily, kúpte si videohru PlayStation 5 CI Games Lords of the Fallen (FR) za bezkonkurenčnú cenu.Pohlavie: Akčné a dobrodružnéDuše akoOdporúčaný vek: + 18 rokovJazyk balenia: frTyp: videohra pre PlayStation 5 Lords Of The Fallen - PS5 game boxed version Žáner videohry Akčné, RPG Počet hráčov 1 (lokálne) 2 (online) Dátum vydania na trhu 13.10.2023
54.32 €
86 %
35 recenzií
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CI GAMES Combat Wings: Battle of Britain Steam CD Key
Destroy the Luftwaffe! There’s something new in the air, and it’s more than the hum of hundreds of aero engines... As the Luftwaffe launches its aerial offensive, the outnumbered Royal Air Force is scrambling to bring into combat new planes that will ensure victory over a stronger foe. Will they ...
Destroy the Luftwaffe! There’s something new in the air, and it’s more than the hum of hundreds of aero engines... As the Luftwaffe launches its aerial offensive, the outnumbered Royal Air Force is scrambling to bring into combat new planes that will ensure victory over a stronger foe. Will they succeed? It’s up to you, and your Hurricane or Spitfire. If you hold off the enemy long enough, you’ll be the first to fly the Hawker Tornado and Westland Whirlwind into combat, and enable the Empire to strike back before Reichsmarschall Goering finishes his breakfast. You’ll be rewarded with bonus missions, promotions, decorations, and a view of burning Berlin from the tail turret of a Halifax bomber. Join in the new Battle of Britain. Your aircraft is ready and waiting... Key features: Enjoy the realism of a detailed damage model, stunning graphics, and outstanding special effects Choose between arcade and flight simulator control modes, and the RAF or the Luftwaffe in multiplayer mode Get on board of one of realistically modeled planes, e.g. Spitfire and Hurricane and dive into the world of ultra realistic air fights
1.12 €
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CI GAMES Sniper: Ghost Warrior Standard Edition Steam CD Key
When the democratic government of Isla Trueno is overthrown, an aggressive and hostile military command rises to power. A highly trained special ops unit is sent in to help the rebels accomplish objectives that only a sniper can handle. In addition to intense sniper missions, players will also ...
When the democratic government of Isla Trueno is overthrown, an aggressive and hostile military command rises to power. A highly trained special ops unit is sent in to help the rebels accomplish objectives that only a sniper can handle. In addition to intense sniper missions, players will also take part in a variety of assault scenarios where their prowess with weapons will be a huge help to the undermanned rebels. Sniper: Ghost Warrior seeks to challenge players in new ways so that the game is both demanding and entertaining. Developed by City Interactive’s dedicated next-gen games studio, Sniper: Ghost Warrior delivers an impressive visual and technological gaming experience and features a realistic ballistics system that measures bullet trajectory, bullet drop and environmental effects such as wind, fog & rain. Encompassing a wide array of single and multiplayer levels, players will encounter a variety of challenging terrain. Players take on the role of a Ghost Warrior, an elite sniper in a highly trained special ops unit, whose unique skills in the art of stalking, target detection, surveillance and shooting accuracy will determine mission success. Covert missions force players to operate undetected as they attempt to eliminate hostile enemies one head shot at a time. Features: The most realistic sniper experience in a video game ever, right down to managing your breath for increased accuracy of sniper shots. Enjoy a fully realistic ballistic system that accounts
1.39 €
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CI GAMES Enemy Front Steam CD Key
ENEMY FRONT is the first truly modern WW2 FPS, featuring stunning visuals, open-ended levels and a fatly interactive combat experience that breaks out of the standard model of highly linear scripted FPS experiences, giving the player full liberty to own their playing style. Intense Combat, ...
ENEMY FRONT is the first truly modern WW2 FPS, featuring stunning visuals, open-ended levels and a fatly interactive combat experience that breaks out of the standard model of highly linear scripted FPS experiences, giving the player full liberty to own their playing style. Intense Combat, Sniping, Stealth and Sabotage – all are viable approaches for the player, maximizing player engagement and replayability. Against the visceral backdrop of breathtaking European locales, the player takes on the role of American Robert Hawkins, as he fights hand in hand with Resistance Fighters opposing the Nazi juggernaut in France, Germany, Norway, and during the Warsaw Uprising. Features: Choose your own fight: gameplay blends fast-paced FPS action with precision sniping thrilling stealth, and deadly sabotage in the first open-ended WW2 game. Deal death from afar: use sniper rifles to decimate enemy ranks and pick off officers, enemy snipers and heavy weapons gunners with deadly precision. Breathtaking visuals, interactive environments and spectacular action across many iconic Resistance operations of WW2. Choose your own weapon: full arsenal of WW2 weaponry across all categories of hand-guns, SMGs, assault rifles, sniper rifles, as well as signature Resistance weapons including the Sten gun, Welrod Silenced Pistol, and Lightning SMG. Own the battlefield: combine reconnaissance, explosives and marksmanship to prepare, misdirect and ambush numerically superior Nazi troops.
1.43 €
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CI GAMES Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 Standard Edition Steam CD Key
Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 is an open-ended series that debuted on the market in 2010. We play the role of a sniper infiltrating enemy territories. He tries to get to his destination and walk from a safe distance. This product was put together by the Polish company CI Games, responsible only for the ...
Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 is an open-ended series that debuted on the market in 2010. We play the role of a sniper infiltrating enemy territories. He tries to get to his destination and walk from a safe distance. This product was put together by the Polish company CI Games, responsible only for the first launch, but also a number of other, secondary line-ups. The gameplay in this title is quite different from what most of the first person shooters on the market have gotten used to. Since our main means of persuasion is a deadly sniper rifle, we avoid direct fire with the enemy, lurking in the bushes and waiting for the right moment to fire an accurate shot. We often have the opportunity to demonstrate our stealth skills by attacking enemies by surprise and quickly eliminating them in close combat. The "Two" takes us to locations that have not been visited before, thanks to which we will set our foot, among others, on the snow-covered slopes of the Himalayas or in the destroyed Sarajevo. The new conditions require new strategies, so the developers have put at our disposal, in addition to six sniper rifles and a pistol, also night vision and thermal imaging. Once again, CI Games has prepared a complex physics model, reflecting the entire characteristics of the use of sniper rifles. Beginners will be pleased that the game has the appropriate facilities that will help us get used to the title. One of the most important improvements is also the improved artificial intelligence of
1.63 €
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CI GAMES Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 Standard Edition Steam CD Key
Go behind enemy lines with the ultimate modern military shooter. Choose your own path to accomplish your missions across an unforgiving open world. Discover large open world maps with dynamic weather and a day/night cycle that actually impacts your play and decisions. Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 is ...
Go behind enemy lines with the ultimate modern military shooter. Choose your own path to accomplish your missions across an unforgiving open world. Discover large open world maps with dynamic weather and a day/night cycle that actually impacts your play and decisions. Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 is the story of brotherhood, faith and betrayal in a land soaked in the blood of civil war. Features Be a Sniper: Engage your targets from the long range. Factor in scope elevation, wind speed and direction, breath control and stance along with weapon and bullet choice. Be a Ghost: Stalk your enemies and eliminate them silently with a broad variety of takedowns. The advanced stealth gameplay includes drone recon and vertical navigation. Be a Warrior: Wield a wide variety of advanced weapons and modify them to suit the needs of your mission and your own personal style. Choose from assault rifles, shotguns, machine guns and even explosives. Be All Three: You are an American sniper dropped behind enemy lines in Georgia, near the Russian border. Ruthless warlords have taken over part of the area and it falls on you to prevent the entire country from collapsing into chaos.
1.97 €
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UNITED LABEL, CI GAMES Eldest Souls Steam CD Key
Following centuries of servitude, Man eventually rebelled against the Old Gods, imprisoning these colossal calamities within the sacred walls of the Citadel. But an evil stirred within... In a final act of revenge, the Old Gods have unleashed a great Desolation upon the world. Mankind is fading, ...
Following centuries of servitude, Man eventually rebelled against the Old Gods, imprisoning these colossal calamities within the sacred walls of the Citadel. But an evil stirred within... In a final act of revenge, the Old Gods have unleashed a great Desolation upon the world. Mankind is fading, with but a glimmer of hope remaining. Heavy is the burden that lies on one lone Warrior. Armed with a greatsword… of the purest Obsydian. Challenging Combat Fast-paced and challenging souls-like combat awaits, where every moment counts. Yet fortune favors the bold, and defeating the Old Gods may grant the player powers beyond mortal comprehension. Boss-Rush Brutality Eldest Souls focuses on only the strongest and most engaging of combat encounters - the Bosses! - with each Old God presenting a new and extraordinary challenge for the player to overcome… with fitting rewards for those who triumph! An Ancient Kingdom As you explore the labyrinthine passages, in search of the Old Gods, you’ll encounter intriguing NPCs, compelling questlines, and a series of dark and ominous mysteries. Slowly uncover the truth behind the Old Gods and their agelong imprisonment... Pixel Perfection Bask in the pixel perfection of the consecrated Citadel, dripping in gorgeous 16-bit attention-to-detail. But don’t gaze too long. This monument of Human triumph has long been forgotten, and something dark has taken root deep within. Your Build. Your Rules. Every encounter with the Old Gods presents its own
2.02 €
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CI GAMES Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 Season Pass Steam CD Key
Includes: Two main single player expansions The Escape of Lydia The Sabotage Two multiplayer maps All terrain Vehicle Sniper Rifle McMillan TAC-338A Compound Bow Go behind opponent lines with the ultimate modern military shooter. Choose your own path to accomplish your missions across an ...
Includes: Two main single player expansions The Escape of Lydia The Sabotage Two multiplayer maps All terrain Vehicle Sniper Rifle McMillan TAC-338A Compound Bow Go behind opponent lines with the ultimate modern military shooter. Choose your own path to accomplish your missions across an unforgiving open world. Explore big open world maps with vibrant weather and a day/night cycle that actually impacts your play and decisions. Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 is the story of brotherhood, faith and betrayal in a land soaked in the blood of civil war. Features : Be a Sniper: Engage your targets from the long range. Factor in scope elevation, wind speed and direction, breath control and stance along with weapon and bullet choice. Be a Ghost: Stalk your enemies and eliminate them silently with a broad diversity of takedowns. The advanced stealth gameplay includes drone recon and vertical navigation. Be a Warrior: Wield a wide variety of advanced weapons and modify them to suit the needs of your mission and your own personal style. Choose from assault rifles, shotguns, machine guns and even explosives. Be All Three: You are an American sniper dropped behind enemy lines in Georgia, near the Russian border. Ruthless warlords have taken over part of the area and it falls on you to prevent the entire country from collapsing into chaos.
2.13 €
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CI GAMES Lords of the Fallen GOTY Edition Steam CD Key
In the Time of the Ancients, the Worldly Realm was ruled by a God of pure evil, who enslaved all humankind under his Dominion. But fear turned to anger as rebellion grew in the hearts of men - until the dawn of the Great Rising, when the fight for freedom began. After a glorious victory that cast ...
In the Time of the Ancients, the Worldly Realm was ruled by a God of pure evil, who enslaved all humankind under his Dominion. But fear turned to anger as rebellion grew in the hearts of men - until the dawn of the Great Rising, when the fight for freedom began. After a glorious victory that cast aside the Fallen God, humans dictated a new order... a world where no sin can ever be forgiven and redemption was not an option. Now, millennia later, the world trembles in fear as the Demonic Rhogar Legion returns from their dark realm, driven by a foul hunger for innocent spirits. Humanity, in a desperate last act, calls upon an unlikely defender - a convicted sinner, rejected by society and cast out of the light... a man known as Harkyn. Now, alongside his mentor, Kaslo, they must travel to the source of the Darkness... to face the Lords of the Fallen. Plunge into a fast paced action RPG with a complex and satisfying melee combat system where weapons, armor and skills directly influence the enemy's speed and attacks... if all else fails, lay waste to your foes using forbidden magic power. Features Embark on an Epic Quest that spans both human and demonic realms Confront the mighty Lords, generals of the Rhogar army Explore a vast dark fantasy world Make your choices wisely as they may seal your fate Wield legendary weapons and armors from a vast arsenal Choose your class: Warrior, Cleric or Rogue and fully customize each with skills and weapons
2.87 €
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CI GAMES Lords of the Fallen Limited Edition Steam CD Key
In the Time of the Ancients, the Worldly Realm was ruled by a God of pure evil, who enslaved all humankind under his Dominion. But fear turned to anger as rebellion grew in the hearts of men - until the dawn of the Great Rising, when the fight for freedom began. After a glorious victory that cast ...
In the Time of the Ancients, the Worldly Realm was ruled by a God of pure evil, who enslaved all humankind under his Dominion. But fear turned to anger as rebellion grew in the hearts of men - until the dawn of the Great Rising, when the fight for freedom began. After a glorious victory that cast aside the Fallen God, humans dictated a new order... a world where no sin can ever be forgiven and redemption was not an option. Now, millennia later, the world trembles in fear as the Demonic Rhogar Legion returns from their dark realm, driven by a foul hunger for innocent spirits. Humanity, in a desperate last act, calls upon an unlikely defender - a convicted sinner, rejected by society and cast out of the light... a man known as Harkyn. Now, alongside his mentor, Kaslo, they must travel to the source of the Darkness... to face the Lords of the Fallen. Plunge into a fast paced action RPG with a complex and satisfying melee combat system where weapons, armor and skills directly influence the enemy's speed and attacks... if all else fails, lay waste to your foes using forbidden magic power. Features Embark on an Epic Quest that spans both human and demonic realms Confront the mighty Lords, generals of the Rhogar army Explore a vast dark fantasy world Make your choices wisely as they may seal your fate Wield legendary weapons and armors from a vast arsenal Choose your class: Warrior, Cleric or Rogue and fully customize each with skills and weapons
2.89 €
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CI GAMES Lords of the Fallen Standard Edition Steam CD Key
In the Time of the Ancients, the Worldly Realm was ruled by a God of pure evil, who enslaved all humankind under his Dominion. But fear turned to anger as rebellion grew in the hearts of men - until the dawn of the Great Rising, when the fight for freedom began. After a glorious victory that cast ...
In the Time of the Ancients, the Worldly Realm was ruled by a God of pure evil, who enslaved all humankind under his Dominion. But fear turned to anger as rebellion grew in the hearts of men - until the dawn of the Great Rising, when the fight for freedom began. After a glorious victory that cast aside the Fallen God, humans dictated a new order... a world where no sin can ever be forgiven and redemption was not an option. Now, millennia later, the world trembles in fear as the Demonic Rhogar Legion returns from their dark realm, driven by a foul hunger for innocent spirits. Humanity, in a desperate last act, calls upon an unlikely defender - a convicted sinner, rejected by society and cast out of the light... a man known as Harkyn. Now, alongside his mentor, Kaslo, they must travel to the source of the Darkness... to face the Lords of the Fallen. Plunge into a fast paced action RPG with a complex and satisfying melee combat system where weapons, armor and skills directly influence the enemy's speed and attacks... if all else fails, lay waste to your foes using forbidden magic power. Features Embark on an Epic Quest that spans both human and demonic realms Confront the mighty Lords, generals of the Rhogar army Explore a vast dark fantasy world Make your choices wisely as they may seal your fate Wield legendary weapons and armors from a vast arsenal Choose your class: Warrior, Cleric or Rogue and fully customize each with skills and weapons
3.11 €
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CI GAMES Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts Steam CD Key
Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts is an upcoming strategy first-person shooter video game developed by CI Games and set to be released in November 2019 by the same company. This is the fifth installment of the Sniper Ghost Warrior series. It lets you play the role of a Seeker, a professional sniper ...
Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts is an upcoming strategy first-person shooter video game developed by CI Games and set to be released in November 2019 by the same company. This is the fifth installment of the Sniper Ghost Warrior series. It lets you play the role of a Seeker, a professional sniper for hire, who is paid for assassinating the chosen targets. The game takes place in various locations across the snowy wilderness of Siberia. Story The story revolves around the paid contractor, an assassin for hire, who is asked with various missions, mainly requiring him to silently kill the chosen target or infiltrate the area using modern gadgets and weapons, that are, contrary to appearances, not limited to the titular sniper rifles. It takes place in the Siberian wilderness – as you play you will find yourself on top of snow-covered mountains, inside mushy forests, and even inside secret bases hidden from curious eyes of the outsiders. Gameplay Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts gives you the opportunity to try your hand at shooting a sniper gun in a realistic, modern setting. Shooting requires a lot of practice, as the bullet shot is affected by both gravity and wind, forcing you to make precise adjustments before each shot. The main difference, when compared with previous games from the Sniper Ghost Warrior franchise, is the replacement of the open-world environment with mission-based but open-ended areas, that allows you often have several clear goals set for each map.
3.29 €
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CI GAMES Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts Europe Steam CD Key
Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts is an upcoming strategy first-person shooter video game developed by CI Games and set to be released in November 2019 by the same company. This is the fifth installment of the Sniper Ghost Warrior series. It lets you play the role of a Seeker, a professional sniper ...
Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts is an upcoming strategy first-person shooter video game developed by CI Games and set to be released in November 2019 by the same company. This is the fifth installment of the Sniper Ghost Warrior series. It lets you play the role of a Seeker, a professional sniper for hire, who is paid for assassinating the chosen targets. The game takes place in various locations across the snowy wilderness of Siberia. Story The story revolves around the paid contractor, an assassin for hire, who is asked with various missions, mainly requiring him to silently kill the chosen target or infiltrate the area using modern gadgets and weapons, that are, contrary to appearances, not limited to the titular sniper rifles. It takes place in the Siberian wilderness – as you play you will find yourself on top of snow-covered mountains, inside mushy forests, and even inside secret bases hidden from curious eyes of the outsiders. Gameplay Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts gives you the opportunity to try your hand at shooting a sniper gun in a realistic, modern setting. Shooting requires a lot of practice, as the bullet shot is affected by both gravity and wind, forcing you to make precise adjustments before each shot. The main difference, when compared with previous games from the Sniper Ghost Warrior franchise, is the replacement of the open-world environment with mission-based but open-ended areas, that allows you often have several clear goals set for each map.
3.29 €
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CI GAMES Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 Standard Edition Steam CD Key
Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 marks the most ambitious entry to the acclaimed series yet, introducing extreme long-range sniping with targets over 1000m away. Featuring a dramatic single-player campaign set in modern day Middle East, experience high-pressure tactical combat, deep inside enemy ...
Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 marks the most ambitious entry to the acclaimed series yet, introducing extreme long-range sniping with targets over 1000m away. Featuring a dramatic single-player campaign set in modern day Middle East, experience high-pressure tactical combat, deep inside enemy area. Get the role of Raven, Contract Sniper Assassin, as he embarks on a new series of contracts in a lawless region of the Middle East, located along the Lebanese and Syrian borders. Tasked with a seemingly impossible task, your challange is to topple an insidious criminal syndicate and bring them to rights. Features Eliminate a wide array of targets, using a mixture of close-quarter combat, and extreme long-range sniping as a contract assassin Employ tactical decisions and stealth techniques to overcome a variety of challenges across the dramatic single-player campaign Explore 5 distinct, extensive maps set in the Middle East conflict zone Execute 20 new contracts, in addition to completing a range of side operations Master an expert sniping experience, featuring a wide selection of authentic weapons and equipment Revisit each contract with a different approach to complete all objectives and collect maximum rewards Experience a new level of fidelity with upgraded visuals and an enhanced game engine
3.46 €
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CI GAMES Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 Season Pass Edition Steam CD Key
Go behind enemy lines with the ultimate modern military shooter. Choose your own path to accomplish your missions across an unforgiving open world. Discover large open world maps with dynamic weather and a day/night cycle that actually impacts your play and decisions. Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 is ...
Go behind enemy lines with the ultimate modern military shooter. Choose your own path to accomplish your missions across an unforgiving open world. Discover large open world maps with dynamic weather and a day/night cycle that actually impacts your play and decisions. Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 is the story of brotherhood, faith and betrayal in a land soaked in the blood of civil war. Features Be a Sniper: Engage your targets from the long range. Factor in scope elevation, wind speed and direction, breath control and stance along with weapon and bullet choice. Be a Ghost: Stalk your enemies and eliminate them silently with a broad variety of takedowns. The advanced stealth gameplay includes drone recon and vertical navigation. Be a Warrior: Wield a wide variety of advanced weapons and modify them to suit the needs of your mission and your own personal style. Choose from assault rifles, shotguns, machine guns and even explosives. Be All Three: You are an American sniper dropped behind enemy lines in Georgia, near the Russian border. Ruthless warlords have taken over part of the area and it falls on you to prevent the entire country from collapsing into chaos.
3.95 €
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CI GAMES Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts Europe XBOX Live CD Key
Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts is an upcoming strategy first-person shooter video game developed by CI Games and set to be released in November 2019 by the same company. This is the fifth installment of the Sniper Ghost Warrior series. It lets you play the role of a Seeker, a professional sniper ...
Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts is an upcoming strategy first-person shooter video game developed by CI Games and set to be released in November 2019 by the same company. This is the fifth installment of the Sniper Ghost Warrior series. It lets you play the role of a Seeker, a professional sniper for hire, who is paid for assassinating the chosen targets. The game takes place in various locations across the snowy wilderness of Siberia. Story The story revolves around the paid contractor, an assassin for hire, who is asked with various missions, mainly requiring him to silently kill the chosen target or infiltrate the area using modern gadgets and weapons, that are, contrary to appearances, not limited to the titular sniper rifles. It takes place in the Siberian wilderness – as you play you will find yourself on top of snow-covered mountains, inside mushy forests, and even inside secret bases hidden from curious eyes of the outsiders. Gameplay Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts gives you the opportunity to try your hand at shooting a sniper gun in a realistic, modern setting. Shooting requires a lot of practice, as the bullet shot is affected by both gravity and wind, forcing you to make precise adjustments before each shot. The main difference, when compared with previous games from the Sniper Ghost Warrior franchise, is the replacement of the open-world environment with mission-based but open-ended areas, that allows you often have several clear goals set for each map.
17.33 €
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