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Assetto Corsa Ultimate Edition Závodné 3
Hra na konzolu – PS4/PS4 Pro, PS5 (s mechanikou), krabicová verzia, žáner: stratégia a pretekársky, pre online hranie vyžaduje predplatné PlayStation Plus
Assetto Corsa Simulátory 3
hra pre Playstation 4 Assetto Corsa. Assetto Corsa nastavuje novú latku realistických pretekárskych simulácií. Hra sa sústreďuje na čo najvernejší fyzikálny model, presné riadenie a pedantskú ...
Assetto Corsa Playstation 5
Hra na konzolu – PS5 (s mechanikou), krabicová verzia, žáner: simulátor a pretekársky
PlayStation 4
Hra na konzolu – PS4/PS4 Pro, krabicová verzia, žáner: akčný, pre online hranie vyžaduje predplatné PlayStation Plus
Nintendo Switch
Hra na konzolu – Nintendo Switch, krabicová verzia, žáner: akčný a RPG
Ghostrunner 2 Akčné 18
Ghostrunner 2 ponúka: - Pokračovanie úspešnej hry v postapokalyptickom svete - Nové zručnosti pre kreatívnejší boj - Unikátne výzvy v reakcii na schopnosti hráča
2 varianty
Playstation 5
Hra na konzolu – PS5 (s mechanikou), krabicová verzia, žáner: akčný a RPG
Hellblade: Senuas Sacrifice Akčné 18 M
Extinction Akčné 18
2 varianty
GAMES WORKSHOP Časopis White Dwarf - číslo 505 10/2024
Pre koho? Fanúšikovia Warhammeru 40K a Age of Sigmar. Prečo? White Dwarf je prémiový časopis spoločnosti Games Workshop plný obsahu o všetkom, čo sa týka Warhammeru. Každé nové mesačné číslo prináša nové pravidlá, príbeh, poviedky, špeciálnych hostí a mnoho ďalšieho.
8.20 €
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505 GAMES Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes
Náš príbeh začína v jednom rohu Allraanu, tapisérie národov s rôznymi kultúrami a hodnotami. Pomocou meča a prostredníctvom magických predmetov známych ako „runové šošovky“ bola história krajiny formovaná alianciami a agresiou ľudí, beštií, elfov a ľudí z púšte, ktorí tam žijú.Galdejská ríša ...
Náš príbeh začína v jednom rohu Allraanu, tapisérie národov s rôznymi kultúrami a hodnotami. Pomocou meča a prostredníctvom magických predmetov známych ako „runové šošovky“ bola história krajiny formovaná alianciami a agresiou ľudí, beštií, elfov a ľudí z púšte, ktorí tam žijú.Galdejská ríša vytlačila ostatné národy a objavila technológiu, ktorá zosilňuje kúzlo runových šošoviek.Teraz Impérium hľadá na kontinente artefakt, ktorý ešte viac rozšíri ich silu. Práve na jednej takejto výprave sa stretli Seign Kesling, mladý a nadaný cisársky dôstojník, a Nowa, chlapec zo vzdialenej dediny, a spriatelili sa.Zvrat osudu ich však čoskoro vtiahne do vojnového ohňa a oboch prinúti prehodnotiť všetko, čo považujú za správne a pravdivé.Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes sa stala #1 financovanou videohrou Kickstarter roku 2020 vďaka fenomenálnej podpore komunity. Spoločnosť 505 Games je skutočne poctená, že môže vydať Eiyuden Chronicle a spolupracovať s Rabbit & Bear, aby pomohla fanúšikom poskytnúť nezabudnuteľný herný zážitok. Cieľom hier Rabbit & Bear a 505 Games je zabezpečiť, aby Eiyuden Chronicle dosiahol svoj skutočný potenciál a priniesol hodnotné JRPG, ktoré si komunita užije. Eiyuden Chronicles: Hundred Heroes (NSW)Stav: NovéDátum vydania: 1: 2024-05-21Dátumvydania: V krabiciKlasifikácia PEGI: PEGI 12Jazyková verzia: anglickáJazyková verzia obalu: angličtina AngličtinaŽáner: RPGPlatforma: Nintendo SwitchHra Eiyuden Chronicles: Hundred Heroes je poctou klasickej jRPG produkcii a
67.72 €
86 %
35 recenzií
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505 GAMES Ember Steam CD Key
“Back in the earliest days, there was no sun and the world was dark. The heavens opened up and stars fell like beacons into the pitch black world, and they were known as “Embers”. Powerful and wise druids of a primordial race, “the Lightbringers," roamed the land searching for this luminous ...
“Back in the earliest days, there was no sun and the world was dark. The heavens opened up and stars fell like beacons into the pitch black world, and they were known as “Embers”. Powerful and wise druids of a primordial race, “the Lightbringers," roamed the land searching for this luminous matter. They performed a ritual of awakening to call the “Embers” out of their deep sleep. Suddenly the world became bright, and the veil of darkness was lifted. The Embers were the embodiment of magical flame, light, and life, but as word spread about the sheer power of the Embers, they came to be hunted and captured…and so the War for Ember began…” A passion project 10 years in the making, Ember is a homage to classic role-playing games (RPG). Enter the world of Ember as a resurrected “Lightbringer” summoned to protect the dying Embers as the world is on the brink of collapse. Beginning in the Deep Barrows, traverse vast environments divided between above ground and underground realms – ranging from lush forests to dry deserts and dark abysses – to reach the City of Light. See how the story unfolds through encounters with strangers by making pivotal decisions about your own fate. Features: Classic-style RPG with 30+ hours of epic adventure Epic storytelling filled with fascinating characters, lore, adventure, and humor Over 70 quests with varied gameplay enabling players to choose their path Engaging party-based real-time combat system with tactical pause Over 65 combat skills
0.86 €
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505 GAMES Beat Cop Steam CD Key
New York, more like a beast than a city. Explore it’s darkest corners and uncover its secrets as Jack Kelly, a former detective who has been framed for a murder. Degraded and forgotten by old pals, it’s your last chance to find the truth behind this whole terrible mess. The thing is, your new boss ...
New York, more like a beast than a city. Explore it’s darkest corners and uncover its secrets as Jack Kelly, a former detective who has been framed for a murder. Degraded and forgotten by old pals, it’s your last chance to find the truth behind this whole terrible mess. The thing is, your new boss treats you like shit, your wife is a money sucking spawn from hell and the local mafia wants your head on a plate. I guess you could say, that things are complicated down here, in the middle of Brooklyn. Oh, and don't forget about writing tickets, reprimanding pedestrians & such. You're a beat cop after all. Features Nonlinear story with multiple endings Someone framed you and no one gives a rat’s ass about this but you. Turn every stone in this city and find out who did that. The further you investigate the more missing puzzles you’ll find, but be careful. Some things should never be brought to daylight. The essence of 80’s cop shows Have you ever dreamed of being one of the heroes of cop movies? Of course you did, like we all. Now you have a chance. Be sexier than Sonny Crocket and tougher than Dirty Harry. And if witty comebacks won’t work, you can always do some old school ass kicking. It’s 80’s after all! The humour that your mom wouldn’t approve Be sarcastic. Be gloom. Be whatever you want. There are thousands of things in this world you can laugh at, and even more you shouldn’t, but who cares. It’s jungle out there baby, and sometimes you just need something to release
1.28 €
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505 GAMES Assetto Corsa - Ready To Race Pack Steam CD Key
The Assetto Corsa - Ready To Race Pack is another addition to the Assetto Corsa, which includes 10 new AUDI, Lotus, McLaren, Maserati and Toyota cars, providing the "most wanted" race-ready models! The add-on provides a wide range of models that combine technology, power, history and design from ...
The Assetto Corsa - Ready To Race Pack is another addition to the Assetto Corsa, which includes 10 new AUDI, Lotus, McLaren, Maserati and Toyota cars, providing the "most wanted" race-ready models! The add-on provides a wide range of models that combine technology, power, history and design from Italy, Germany, UK and Japan resulting in a package designed to make every player happy CARS INCLUDED Audi R8 LMS 2016 Audi R18 e-tron quattro Audi TT Cup 2016 Audi TT RS (VLN) Lotus 3-Eleven Maserati MC12 GT1 McLaren 570S McLaren P1 GTR Toyota Celica ST185 Turbo Toyota TS040 Hybrid
1.32 €
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505 GAMES Horace Steam CD Key
This masterpiece from Paul Helman and Sean Scapelhorn is a classic platformer that tells a sentimental and flabbergastingly rich tale of self-discovery peppered with nostalgic popular culture references that will bring a smile to any gamer who enjoys the 8 and 16 bit era! An unmissable tale of a ...
This masterpiece from Paul Helman and Sean Scapelhorn is a classic platformer that tells a sentimental and flabbergastingly rich tale of self-discovery peppered with nostalgic popular culture references that will bring a smile to any gamer who enjoys the 8 and 16 bit era! An unmissable tale of a small robot on a big adventure! Made by just two people, Horace offers over 15 hours of absorbing platforming and pushes the boundaries of the genre with profound storytelling and quirky and nostalgic pop culture references! A game made by videogame lovers for videogame lovers! Features: “A frankly gorgeous-looking pixel art platform adventure game” Kotaku UK 9/10 "Might very well be the best platformer of 2019" Cub3d “Horace’s heartwarming narrative pushes you through the hardcore gameplay, and the high quality aesthetic and music burns themselves into your brain” Escapist Magazine 9/10 “Definitely one of the best Indie titles I have played this year” Demon Gaming 9.5/10 “This is one of the best games of 2019 and one of the best independent games I have ever played” Way too many games 8.5/10 "Manages to offer his own personal reading of the platform genre, surprisingly walking the streets of narration" Multiplayer.it 8/10 "Unique, unsettling and surprising title". Everyeye.it “Brilliantly exceeds expectations” PDVG “Is a treat, and very well worth getting hold of” Get Indie Gaming
1.38 €
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505 GAMES, ALL IN! Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Steam CD Key
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons is a fairy-tale adventure and arcade game developed by the Swedish studio Starbreeze. The developer is known for many successful productions, such as the cult The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, the comic book The Darkness, or the cooperative Syndicate. ...
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons is a fairy-tale adventure and arcade game developed by the Swedish studio Starbreeze. The developer is known for many successful productions, such as the cult The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, the comic book The Darkness, or the cooperative Syndicate. Interestingly, the Swedish director Josef Fares, the author of such films as In a foreign country, Policemen and Zozo, participated in the work on Brothers. Story The plot draws inspiration from both the rich Nordic culture and classic fantasy stories, reminiscent of the atmosphere of the Fable series, for example. It tells the story of brothers who embark on a dangerous journey to find a cure for their sick father. Obtaining the healing "water of life" requires crossing both peaceful valleys and dangerous mountains full of giants and other, even more dangerous creatures. Gameplay The game is full of arcade sections and simple puzzles. Noteworthy is the unusual control system - we control both brothers at the same time (one with the left, the other with the right knob falls), and most of the challenges we face require their close coordination. The mechanics are in tune with the story, as the producers of Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons wanted to create a kind of emotional experience that would engage players and allow them to get along with the characters. Nice, picturesque visual setting and well-chosen, subdued music helped to achieve this goal.
1.59 €
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505 GAMES How to Survive 2 Steam CD Key
How To Survive 2 is a continuation of the famous horror survival game, How To Survive . The production action was set in the American state of Louisiana. The player has to fight for survival in New Orleans overrun by zombies. As a reminder - the events of the first part took place on four ...
How To Survive 2 is a continuation of the famous horror survival game, How To Survive . The production action was set in the American state of Louisiana. The player has to fight for survival in New Orleans overrun by zombies. As a reminder - the events of the first part took place on four Colombian islands. How To Survive 2 brings you a real world apocalypse. Story How To Survive 2 takes us into a world dominated by a virus that turns people into zombies. A few months after the events in the archipelago where How To Survive took place, the plague spread and became a serious threat to the entire world . Those who managed to survive are forced to give up their previous life in order to survive in a hostile environment. In order to increase their chances, they group themselves into camps. Fighting for existence, people have to look for water, food and produce useful items. The place, which is the home How To Survive 2 , are around New Orleans in the US state of Louisiana. Gameplay The gameplay on PC, PS4 and XONE does not differ much from How To Survive. The player continues to observe the area in isometric view. An important element of the sequel, on which the developers put special emphasis, is creating your own items and developing the skill tree . In order to survive, the player must create weapons, protect himself from the infected and make sure he has enough food, drink and where to sleep. The fight against zombies is of course an integral part of How To Survive 2 .
1.99 €
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505 GAMES Quarantine Steam CD Key
Quarantine is an intense turn-based strategy game about waging war on pandemic disease. Recruit a team of specialized operatives to deploy on worldwide missions. Research the contagion, upgrade your tech, and quarantine the outbreak before it kills—us all. Key features Immersive graphics and ...
Quarantine is an intense turn-based strategy game about waging war on pandemic disease. Recruit a team of specialized operatives to deploy on worldwide missions. Research the contagion, upgrade your tech, and quarantine the outbreak before it kills—us all. Key features Immersive graphics and authentic setting . Inspired by real-world science and epidemic response, experience the tough choices and nail-biting suspense in this modern fight for humanity. Battle against 3 lethal pathogens: virus, bacteria, and prion — each with unique behaviors and devastating effects. Recruit your team. Choose from dozens of operatives in four specializations—Medic, Scientist, Diplomat, and Security. Deploy them on missions as critical situations unfold around the globe. Level them up—and keep them alive—in the face of escalating danger. Expand your reach. Set up field bases and raise crucial funding. Don’t let cities fall into chaos: the livelihood of your organization—and the world—depends on it. Devious disease AI. Contain your enemy before it infects new sites and spawns catastrophic events. Race against the clock before the contagion mutates and evolves past your defenses. Advance your tech . Unlock upgrades and new operations on the diverse tech tree to adapt your strategy and refine your play style. Hit the lab . Collect biological samples from hotspots to research the disease’s randomly generated traits. Use the results to turn the tide and find the cure. Hours of
2.32 €
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505 GAMES Red Solstice 2: Survivors Steam CD Key
Plan your strategy and undertake real-time combat missions, in this sequel to the best-selling tactical game Red Solstice!* (*Please note, this game features classic RTS controls and no Twin Stick controls.) It's the year 117 After Earth and you have a very important mission. You were awakened to ...
Plan your strategy and undertake real-time combat missions, in this sequel to the best-selling tactical game Red Solstice!* (*Please note, this game features classic RTS controls and no Twin Stick controls.) It's the year 117 After Earth and you have a very important mission. You were awakened to lead the Cell, a secret taskforce that was assembled to counter the threat of the STROL mutant invasion. Take command of your squad to fight the mutants and find a cure to the virus that threatens to end mankind. Across both a deep strategy layer and engaging real time combat missions, you'll need to make decisions quickly to survive in this hostile world and determine the fate of the planet. Choose your mission, select your loadout, take to the battlefield, and lead your squad to victory. Playable in single-player or co-op with up to seven friends, Red Solstice 2: Survivors combines tense claustrophobic action with careful strategic planning to create a sci-fi experience like no other.
2.71 €
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505 GAMES Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Steam CD Key
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is the FULL game experience, an exploration-focused, side-scroller action RPG packing all of the best features you've come to know and love from the Metroidvania genre into a single, content-packed game. Play as Miriam, an orphan afraid of an alchemist’s curse ...
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is the FULL game experience, an exploration-focused, side-scroller action RPG packing all of the best features you've come to know and love from the Metroidvania genre into a single, content-packed game. Play as Miriam, an orphan afraid of an alchemist’s curse which slowly crystallizes her body. In order to save herself, and indeed, all of humanity, she must battle her way through a demon-infested castle summoned by Gebel, her old friend whose body and mind has started being more crystal than flesh. Features 13 FREE DLCs via future content updates. “Speed Demon” Update containing Speed Run Mode, Boss Rush Mode and the Pure Miriam outfit available at launch! Addictingly tight and satisfying gameplay alongside a rich new story in the gothic dark fantasy style of Koji Igarashi, the celebrated godfather of "Igavania" games. Story cut scenes and NPC interactions fully voice acted by a star-studded cast, including actors like David Hayter, Ray Chase and Erica Lindbeck to name just a few. (Seriously, we have a lot of voice acting star power in this game, it's kinda nuts...) Three playable characters, two of which have yet to be revealed... Literally a metric ton of weapons and spells, which you can upgrade, level up and visually customize. Beautiful 2.5D graphics: 3D models crafted with a lot of love and care on a 2D game environment. That means lots of cool tricks that "regular" 2D can't do...
2.76 €
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505 GAMES Indivisible Steam CD Key
Indivisible is a hybrid of an action RPG and a side-scrolling platformer, developed by the independent studio Lab Zero Games - a team with a well-received fighting game called Skullgirls in their portfolio. Indivisible takes us on a journey to a fantastic world, modeled on the lands of myths and ...
Indivisible is a hybrid of an action RPG and a side-scrolling platformer, developed by the independent studio Lab Zero Games - a team with a well-received fighting game called Skullgirls in their portfolio. Indivisible takes us on a journey to a fantastic world, modeled on the lands of myths and legends of Southeast Asia. The story focuses on Ajna, a teenage tomboy raised by her father; when her home falls victim to an attack, mysterious powers awaken in the heroine. The girl sets off on a long and dangerous journey in order not only to save everything she loves from destruction, but also to get answers to her questions.
2.77 €
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505 GAMES ABZU Steam CD Key
From the art director of Journey® and Flower®, ABZÛ is a beautiful underwater adventure that elicits the dream of diving. Immerse yourself in a vibrant ocean world full of mystery and bursting with color and life. Perform fluid acrobatics as the Diver using graceful swimming controls. Discover ...
From the art director of Journey® and Flower®, ABZÛ is a beautiful underwater adventure that elicits the dream of diving. Immerse yourself in a vibrant ocean world full of mystery and bursting with color and life. Perform fluid acrobatics as the Diver using graceful swimming controls. Discover hundreds of extraordinary species based on real creatures and form a powerful connection with the plentiful sea life. Interact with schools of thousands of fish that procedurally respond to you, each other, and predators. Linger in epic seascapes and explore aquatic ecosystems modeled with unprecedented detail. Descend into the heart of the ocean where ancient secrets lie forgotten. But beware, dangers lurk in the depths. "ABZÛ" is from the oldest mythologies; AB, meaning water, and ZÛ, meaning to know. ABZÛ is the ocean of wisdom.
2.94 €
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505 GAMES Laser League Steam CD Key
Battle against the opposition for control of nodes that bathe the arena in deadly light. Evade rival coloured beams, and fry your enemies with speed, strength and strategy. Activate special offensive and defensive abilities to give yourself an edge at the vital moment. Always be on the lookout for ...
Battle against the opposition for control of nodes that bathe the arena in deadly light. Evade rival coloured beams, and fry your enemies with speed, strength and strategy. Activate special offensive and defensive abilities to give yourself an edge at the vital moment. Always be on the lookout for game-changing power ups on the arena floor. LASER LEAGUE is the exhilarating, high-octane contact sport of the future. Known for the award-winning OlliOlli series and NOT A HERO, Roll7 bring their trademark addictive gameplay to an original vision of near-future competition. Like all great sports it is immediately understandable, but rewards dedication with deceptively complex strategic possibilities. Find the perfect blend of classes for your team, and wage neon war online or with up to eight players around a single screen. Features: Over 60 characters from 5 unique brands (Empire, Gen Hao, Silvertip, Al Shama and Beyond) 6 powerful classes: BLADE: Has a short-range attack which will eliminate an opponent. SMASH: A longer-range dash attack, which sends a hit opponent flying across the pitch. SNIPE: Drop a marker, see a tracer line to it drawn on the pitch, and teleport back to it – eliminating anyone in your path GHOST: Activate for a few seconds of invincibility, to safely grab lasers or revive team mates THIEF: Steal a laser node that’s been activated by the opposition SHOCK: Area of effect electric shock that stuns rivals. Games modes: up to 4 players per team in Local;
2.94 €
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505 GAMES Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Europe Steam CD Key
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is the FULL game experience, an exploration-focused, side-scroller action RPG packing all of the best features you've come to know and love from the Metroidvania genre into a single, content-packed game. Play as Miriam, an orphan afraid of an alchemist’s curse ...
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is the FULL game experience, an exploration-focused, side-scroller action RPG packing all of the best features you've come to know and love from the Metroidvania genre into a single, content-packed game. Play as Miriam, an orphan afraid of an alchemist’s curse which slowly crystallizes her body. In order to save herself, and indeed, all of humanity, she must battle her way through a demon-infested castle summoned by Gebel, her old friend whose body and mind has started being more crystal than flesh. Features 13 FREE DLCs via future content updates. “Speed Demon” Update containing Speed Run Mode, Boss Rush Mode and the Pure Miriam outfit available at launch! Addictingly tight and satisfying gameplay alongside a rich new story in the gothic dark fantasy style of Koji Igarashi, the celebrated godfather of "Igavania" games. Story cut scenes and NPC interactions fully voice acted by a star-studded cast, including actors like David Hayter, Ray Chase and Erica Lindbeck to name just a few. (Seriously, we have a lot of voice acting star power in this game, it's kinda nuts...) Three playable characters, two of which have yet to be revealed... Literally a metric ton of weapons and spells, which you can upgrade, level up and visually customize. Beautiful 2.5D graphics: 3D models crafted with a lot of love and care on a 2D game environment. That means lots of cool tricks that "regular" 2D can't do...
3.08 €
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505 GAMES Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death Steam CD Key
Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death is the title of the Slovenian Zootfly studio, responsible for such productions as The Expendables 2, Prison Break: The Conspiracy and several installments of the Panzer Elite series . The publisher of the title is 505 Games, which published the game only in ...
Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death is the title of the Slovenian Zootfly studio, responsible for such productions as The Expendables 2, Prison Break: The Conspiracy and several installments of the Panzer Elite series . The publisher of the title is 505 Games, which published the game only in digital distribution stores Gameplay Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Deathis a production full of action and numerous platform elements, inspired by, among others comics about superheroes or cult action films from the 80s and 90s of the last century. We play the role of the title character, who is not afraid of dangerous missions and often risks his life in the fight against enemy troops armed to the teeth. Briggs is put to death but turns out to be a secret warrior, reborn again and receiving the powers of the ancient Mayan Death Mask waiting 2,000 years for a suitable host. Hungry for revenge, Marlow faces off against Freedom troops, traversing Central America. We fight hordes of enemies in locations such as factories, ancient ruins or exotic jungles, using both melee and firearms, as well as special abilities. For defeating opponents, we receive experience points that allow us to develop skills. The game takes full advantage of the ideas of slasher titles. Key features Fight the enemies of FREEDOM with stacks of awesome combos and magic abilities, Single handedly destroy HUNDREDS of enemies Deploy MIGHTY weapons of destruction Leap out of HUGE EXPLOSIONS in slow motion Reveal
3.15 €
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505 GAMES Ghostrunner 2 Standard Edition Steam CD Key
Story Blood will run in the highly anticipated hardcore FPP slasher set one year after the events of Ghostrunner. Adventure through a post-apocalyptic cyberpunk future that takes place after the fall of the Keymaster, a tyrant who ruled over Dharma Tower, the last refuge of mankind. Jack is back to ...
Story Blood will run in the highly anticipated hardcore FPP slasher set one year after the events of Ghostrunner. Adventure through a post-apocalyptic cyberpunk future that takes place after the fall of the Keymaster, a tyrant who ruled over Dharma Tower, the last refuge of mankind. Jack is back to take on the violent AI cult that has assembled outside Dharma Tower and shape the future of humanity. Featuring incredible katana combat mechanics, a deeper exploration of the world beyond Dharma Tower, nonlinear levels with complex motorbike sections, exciting new modes, and all the action you loved about Ghostrunner. Plus, boss fights are more interactive, giving players the freedom to choose how to survive battles against the toughest opponents. Features Become The Ultimate Cyber Ninja Ghostrunner 2 introduces new skills, allowing players to be more creative and take on even the most demanding encounters with greater accessibility. However, enemies in Ghostrunner 2 behave uniquely dependent on the skills used against them, providing a fresh challenge with each encounter. The player progression system has been completely redone, providing opportunities to experiment and customize gameplay. Immersive, Mind-Bending Features Master the Cybervoid if you hope to survive. Take on challenging, new enemies as you traverse interactive environments including exploding barrels, destructible walls, helpful neutral entities, and countless improvements that keep combat exciting and fresh.
3.18 €
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505 GAMES Drawn to Life: Two Realms Steam CD Key
The quirky Raposa and your drawn hero return in Drawn to Life: Two Realms, the next installment in the beloved franchise! You again take on the role of the Creator, unlocking the mysterious connection between the two worlds, and creating a Hero to save them both! Story The story continues! Now ...
The quirky Raposa and your drawn hero return in Drawn to Life: Two Realms, the next installment in the beloved franchise! You again take on the role of the Creator, unlocking the mysterious connection between the two worlds, and creating a Hero to save them both! Story The story continues! Now that Mike is awake, a new human world is revealed. Travel between the Raposa and Human towns to uncover the mystery of the shadow and save Mike and his friends. The full cast of Raposa return, along with brand new characters to interact with! Gameplay Use the Book of Imagination to enter the mind and challenge Townspeople, Enemies and Raposa to resolve conflict and defeat the shadow. Utilize and place dozens of unique toys to score points based on your own imaginative solutions. Take control of your Hero and jump, spin, and ground pound your way through over 100 unique challenges! Creation Tool A totally new Creation Tool expands the creative possibility with millions of colors, unique stickers, templates, new hero animations. Unlock additional Stickers to further customize and save out your unique Hero looks via the new “Outfit System”.
3.44 €
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505 GAMES How to Survive Steam CD Key
Several years have passed since the original How to Survive events on Los Riscos’ archipelago. Now the local infection has turned into a worldwide pandemic. Everyone around the world, groups of people or lone wolves, try to survive one more day among the infected, attempting to recover a semblance ...
Several years have passed since the original How to Survive events on Los Riscos’ archipelago. Now the local infection has turned into a worldwide pandemic. Everyone around the world, groups of people or lone wolves, try to survive one more day among the infected, attempting to recover a semblance of normal life. You find yourself in Louisiana and your survival chance starts by building a safe camp and becoming a skilled survivalist. Find water, food and shelter and talk to the unconventional locals to make your way around. An eccentric masked stranger offers you help? Sure, sounds way better than zombies! Multiplayer is here! You can invite up to 16 players to access your camp and 4 of you can play simultaneously online - Local coop : up to 4 player simultaneously on the same PC - Players in local Coop can join an online game (i.e. 16 players can play simultaneously) Teamwork: all players can contribute to a bigger, better camp and can perform co-op actions and strategies. New improved camera follows your character, allowing you to zoom in and out on the fly! New randomized environments: from the unforgiving Mississippi Delta bayous to the abandoned streets of New Orleans’ French Quarter. Create your own character: learn new and different skills to specialize as you level up and equip with scavenged and handcrafted armor, tools and weapons. A new deeper crafting system will allow you to use items and materials to create hundreds of items, tools and weapons to upgrade
3.81 €
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505 GAMES Portal Knights Europe Steam CD Key
Leave the familiar world behind and step into the fantastic unknown with Portal Knights! Play with your friends in this action-packed crafting adventure across dozens of sandbox islands connected by ancient portals. No one can remember how long it’s been since the tranquil world was torn apart by ...
Leave the familiar world behind and step into the fantastic unknown with Portal Knights! Play with your friends in this action-packed crafting adventure across dozens of sandbox islands connected by ancient portals. No one can remember how long it’s been since the tranquil world was torn apart by The Fracture, plummeting it into darkness. Is there any soul bold enough to reunite the shattered realm? Craft your adventure. Forge your hero. Become the ultimate Portal Knight! Features Travel between randomly generated 3D sandbox worlds — each one with extraordinary environments, creatures, and resources for crafting. Tactical action combat. Strike your foes and dodge their attacks in fast-paced 3rd-person battles. Choose from an assortment of weapons and spells to defeat them! RPG character classes to choose from and master. Play as a Warrior, Mage or Ranger and customize your appearance, abilities, and gear. Mine and gather resources from across the lands to craft your arsenal and supplies. Build your home with dozens of materials and furnishings. Display the hard-earned treasure from your journeys. Plant a farm and reap your harvest as your crops grow in real time. Epic boss battles. Face off against the Portal Guardians, the most formidable beasts in the realm, in their twisted arenas. Join your friends in 4-person cooperative multiplayer. Work together to build structures, explore dungeons, and overcome the toughest perils.
4.60 €
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505 GAMES Portal Knights Steam CD Key
Leave the familiar world behind and step into the fantastic unknown with Portal Knights! Play with your friends in this action-packed crafting adventure across dozens of sandbox islands connected by ancient portals. No one can remember how long it’s been since the tranquil world was torn apart by ...
Leave the familiar world behind and step into the fantastic unknown with Portal Knights! Play with your friends in this action-packed crafting adventure across dozens of sandbox islands connected by ancient portals. No one can remember how long it’s been since the tranquil world was torn apart by The Fracture, plummeting it into darkness. Is there any soul bold enough to reunite the shattered realm? Craft your adventure. Forge your hero. Become the ultimate Portal Knight! Features Travel between randomly generated 3D sandbox worlds — each one with extraordinary environments, creatures, and resources for crafting. Tactical action combat. Strike your foes and dodge their attacks in fast-paced 3rd-person battles. Choose from an assortment of weapons and spells to defeat them! RPG character classes to choose from and master. Play as a Warrior, Mage or Ranger and customize your appearance, abilities, and gear. Mine and gather resources from across the lands to craft your arsenal and supplies. Build your home with dozens of materials and furnishings. Display the hard-earned treasure from your journeys. Plant a farm and reap your harvest as your crops grow in real time. Epic boss battles. Face off against the Portal Guardians, the most formidable beasts in the realm, in their twisted arenas. Join your friends in 4-person cooperative multiplayer. Work together to build structures, explore dungeons, and overcome the toughest perils.
4.60 €
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505 GAMES Last Day of June Steam CD Key
Join Carl and June on what begins as a magical outing to their favorite spot, and try to unlock the sequence of events that could save the day – and June’s life – in this cinematic experience that will compel you to ask yourself: “What would I do to save the one I love?" Last Day of June is an ...
Join Carl and June on what begins as a magical outing to their favorite spot, and try to unlock the sequence of events that could save the day – and June’s life – in this cinematic experience that will compel you to ask yourself: “What would I do to save the one I love?" Last Day of June is an interactive tale about love and loss, from an all-star team of creators - including critically acclaimed director Massimo Guarini (Murasaki Baby, Shadows of the Damned) & award-winning musician and record producer Steven Wilson, and featuring a collaboration with writer/director/animator Jess Cope (animator on “Frankenweenie”, director for Metallica’s “Here Comes Revenge” music video).
4.75 €
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505 GAMES Journey to the Savage Planet Steam CD Key
Onward To Journey WELCOME TO THE PIONEER PROGRAM! As the newest recruit of Kindred Aerospace - The 4th best interstellar space exploration company - Your job is to determine if the planet ARY-26 planet is fit for humans. You may be short on equipment and experience, but good luck! Features Play ...
Onward To Journey WELCOME TO THE PIONEER PROGRAM! As the newest recruit of Kindred Aerospace - The 4th best interstellar space exploration company - Your job is to determine if the planet ARY-26 planet is fit for humans. You may be short on equipment and experience, but good luck! Features Play with a friend – Play solo or online with a friend. If you have one. Explore and catalog the flora and fauna. From strange spherical birds to hallucinogenic plants to ‘festering alien orifices.’ Try not to die. No Expense Spared* – You get some cool tools for free, like a laser pistol, rocket booster pack, and ‘probe’, but if you need something you have a slick 3D printer can turn space trash into sweet items. Are you alone? – Bonus mysteries! Complete your survey of the planet to find out. You’ll know you’re on the road to completion when you’ve heard the words ‘cucumber sh*twater’ and found the ‘festering butthole’.
5.07 €
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505 GAMES Open Country Steam CD Key
You're in the wild now! With your backpack stocked and rifle loaded, you are ready to leave big city life behind. Make sure you set up a camp and a fire before the sun sets...the wolves and bears are starving and you look like a snack. The Ranger needs some guidance from a skilled outdoorsman, and ...
You're in the wild now! With your backpack stocked and rifle loaded, you are ready to leave big city life behind. Make sure you set up a camp and a fire before the sun sets...the wolves and bears are starving and you look like a snack. The Ranger needs some guidance from a skilled outdoorsman, and Gary at the Snowridge Lodge could really use some more game to get him through the rough months. Are you up for the challenge of surviving in the Open Country? Features A Full Outdoor Adventure - Hunt, Explore, and Survive as you weather the elements and harsh conditions. Hone Your Skills - Build a Campsite and set up shelter when you're too far from home base. A real Hunter can find a spot that doubles as a look out post. Help The Ranger and Protect the Valley - Gary and the locals will give you plenty of tasks to keep you busy, and you might even make a four legged friend along the way. Level Up - Better weapons, better equipment, and tougher missions - are you worthy of being called the Master Outdoorsman?
5.12 €
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505 GAMES Re:Legend Steam CD Key
Re: Legend is an unusual role-playing game in which the first violin - instead of, as is usually the case in this genre, combat or dialogue - is catching and training monsters, building and farming. Story Action Re: Legend takes place on a fictional island in the land Vokka Ethie. The ...
Re: Legend is an unusual role-playing game in which the first violin - instead of, as is usually the case in this genre, combat or dialogue - is catching and training monsters, building and farming. Story Action Re: Legend takes place on a fictional island in the land Vokka Ethie. The player-controlled character wakes up in this place suffering from amnesia. Fragments of his memories are scattered all over the world, but to obtain them, one must first obtain information and find a way to survive and deal with the threats. The way to do this is to work with the inhabitants of the village of Vokka. Thanks to its development, our hero gradually opens up new possibilities. Gameplay What distinguishes Re: Legend from most RPGs on the market is the emphasis not on combat (although it is also present), but on collecting and training various monsters, as well as expanding the village of Vokka on the island. The character of the player (you can customize things such as gender, name, eye color or hair color to your preferences) can acquire a number of useful skills. It goes, among others for fishing, building, cooking, mining, cutting trees, farming or using weapons. An important element of the game are the so-called Magnuses - monsters that can be caught during your adventures. Individual regions of the land of Ethia are inhabited by various beasts, and each of them can be tamed. They can support the player in all aspects of the game - from combat to cultivation. However, it is
5.34 €
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505 GAMES Total Tank Simulator Steam CD Key
Commander in the ranks. Soldier at heart. Choose a faction and deploy and command your army into massive physics-driven WWII battles to the last man standing. Destroy everything on sight with an insane amount of units that will behave tactically. Features: DEPLOY YOUR FORCES AND GET PERSONAL ...
Commander in the ranks. Soldier at heart. Choose a faction and deploy and command your army into massive physics-driven WWII battles to the last man standing. Destroy everything on sight with an insane amount of units that will behave tactically. Features: DEPLOY YOUR FORCES AND GET PERSONAL Play as a commander deciding your army configuration and tactical deployment on the field on enormous battles. But also experience first line action instantly by taking control of individual units on the fly, from tanks or planes to snipers and more. EVERY BATTLE IS UNIQUE. From infantry to aircraft, super-secret projects or tanks, LOTS of tanks… there are over 200 different units at your disposal, seriously - check them out! You won’t run out of maps either. With more than 50 extraordinary maps you will never know if your next battle is going to be deep in the Sahara Desert, in the green fields of Europe or in the snowy plains of Russian Taiga. DESTROY EVERYTHING. Large maps carefully crafted to fit infantry, motorized and airborne action that include deformable terrain and gradual destruction of buildings and landmarks. Shape your battlefield with never ending artillery fire! Blow up vehicles, bring down buildings, flatten forests… It’s total physics-driven destruction. CAMPAIGN MODE Change WWII history! Choose a faction and take part in countless battles to decide the fate of Europe! You will engage in different missions through your campaign: Deathmatch. Fight to the
5.96 €
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505 GAMES Journey to the Savage Planet Europe Steam CD Key
Onward To Journey WELCOME TO THE PIONEER PROGRAM! As the newest recruit of Kindred Aerospace - The 4th best interstellar space exploration company - Your job is to determine if the planet ARY-26 planet is fit for humans. You may be short on equipment and experience, but good luck! Features Play ...
Onward To Journey WELCOME TO THE PIONEER PROGRAM! As the newest recruit of Kindred Aerospace - The 4th best interstellar space exploration company - Your job is to determine if the planet ARY-26 planet is fit for humans. You may be short on equipment and experience, but good luck! Features Play with a friend – Play solo or online with a friend. If you have one. Explore and catalog the flora and fauna. From strange spherical birds to hallucinogenic plants to ‘festering alien orifices.’ Try not to die. No Expense Spared* – You get some cool tools for free, like a laser pistol, rocket booster pack, and ‘probe’, but if you need something you have a slick 3D printer can turn space trash into sweet items. Are you alone? – Bonus mysteries! Complete your survey of the planet to find out. You’ll know you’re on the road to completion when you’ve heard the words ‘cucumber sh*twater’ and found the ‘festering butthole’.
5.99 €
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505 GAMES, ALL IN! Ghostrunner Standard Edition Steam CD Key
Ghostrunner is a diehard cyberpunk first-person parkour video game developed by the Polish studio One More Level and released in 2020 is a real treat for everyone, who is excited about speed and action. As Jack Ghostrunner, you are running across a city built on the levels of a huge tower ...
Ghostrunner is a diehard cyberpunk first-person parkour video game developed by the Polish studio One More Level and released in 2020 is a real treat for everyone, who is excited about speed and action. As Jack Ghostrunner, you are running across a city built on the levels of a huge tower surrounded by the ruins of human civilization. Only you can effectively overthrow the oppressor. Story As the memoryless last of the Ghostrunners, you are directed to accomplish orders of the Architect - the preserved mind of the man who designed the Dharma Tower. The architect was betrayed by Mara, who, giving herself the name of the Keymaster, currently rules the city, bringing it to total annihilation. The citizens' rebel but lack the ability to overthrow the tyrant. Gameplay Your objective is to climb the Dharma Tower, reach the Keymaster, and then overthrow her. Equipped with superhuman abilities, you'll discover more secrets about the city, its inhabitants, and yourself along the way. Get ready for tremendously fast combat in a brutal cyberpunk 3d world illuminated by neon lights. Armed with a katana, you will run on walls, make defiant dodges, and jumps at heights. Be careful because in this unique video game you can kill your opponent with a single hit, but you can be killed in the same way as well. You can expect your enemies to outnumber you, but as the last Ghostrunner, you outweigh them in skill and technique. As the only one, you can also move around in cyberspace, slow
6.55 €
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505 GAMES, ALL IN! Ghostrunner Standard Edition Europe Steam CD Key
Ghostrunner is a diehard cyberpunk first-person parkour video game developed by the Polish studio One More Level and released in 2020 is a real treat for everyone, who is excited about speed and action. As Jack Ghostrunner, you are running across a city built on the levels of a huge tower ...
Ghostrunner is a diehard cyberpunk first-person parkour video game developed by the Polish studio One More Level and released in 2020 is a real treat for everyone, who is excited about speed and action. As Jack Ghostrunner, you are running across a city built on the levels of a huge tower surrounded by the ruins of human civilization. Only you can effectively overthrow the oppressor. Story As the memoryless last of the Ghostrunners, you are directed to accomplish orders of the Architect - the preserved mind of the man who designed the Dharma Tower. The architect was betrayed by Mara, who, giving herself the name of the Keymaster, currently rules the city, bringing it to total annihilation. The citizens' rebel but lack the ability to overthrow the tyrant. Gameplay Your objective is to climb the Dharma Tower, reach the Keymaster, and then overthrow her. Equipped with superhuman abilities, you'll discover more secrets about the city, its inhabitants, and yourself along the way. Get ready for tremendously fast combat in a brutal cyberpunk 3d world illuminated by neon lights. Armed with a katana, you will run on walls, make defiant dodges, and jumps at heights. Be careful because in this unique video game you can kill your opponent with a single hit, but you can be killed in the same way as well. You can expect your enemies to outnumber you, but as the last Ghostrunner, you outweigh them in skill and technique. As the only one, you can also move around in cyberspace, slow
6.65 €
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505 GAMES Memories of Mars Steam CD Key
Memories of Mars is an online survival game with FPP shooter elements created by the German studio Limbic Entertainment, known from games such as Might & Magic: Heroes VII and Might & Magic X: Legacy . The title debuted in spring 2018 on Steam as part of Early Access. Story The year is 2118. ...
Memories of Mars is an online survival game with FPP shooter elements created by the German studio Limbic Entertainment, known from games such as Might & Magic: Heroes VII and Might & Magic X: Legacy . The title debuted in spring 2018 on Steam as part of Early Access. Story The year is 2118. After several colonization attempts, which were unsuccessful due to fatal flares every few weeks, mankind has finally abandoned plans to conquer Mars. Our species, however, leaving the Red Planet in a hurry, left a few souvenirs on its surface - abandoned outposts, resources and technology, as well as dormant clones that are now coming to life. For artificial people deprived of their purpose, one thing remains - to survive at any cost. Gameplay Players start playing Memories of Mars in the skin of a just awakened clone. He doesn't have much with him. In order to survive on the inhospitable surface of Mars, he must go on a journey in search of raw materials that will allow him, for example, to build a shelter. Exploring the area and developing the asylum are key elements throughout the gameplay. Without an adequate base, the chances of survival are relatively small. There are many dangers lurking on the Red Planet - from unfavorable weather conditions, through dangerous cosmic radiation, to mysterious enemies who, like clones, are a reminder of the attempts to colonize the fourth planet from the Sun. They can be avoided or fought with firearms.Any contact with a hostile environment
6.88 €
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505 GAMES Adr1ft Steam CD Key
ADR1FT is an immersive First Person Experience (FPX) that tells the story of an astronaut in peril. Floating silently amongst the wreckage of a destroyed space station with no memory and a severely damaged EVA suit slowly leaking oxygen, the only survivor struggles to determine the cause of the ...
ADR1FT is an immersive First Person Experience (FPX) that tells the story of an astronaut in peril. Floating silently amongst the wreckage of a destroyed space station with no memory and a severely damaged EVA suit slowly leaking oxygen, the only survivor struggles to determine the cause of the catastrophic event that took the lives of everyone on board. The player fights to stay alive by exploring the wreckage for precious resources, and overcomes the challenges of an unforgiving environment to repair the damaged EEV and safely return home.
6.95 €
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505 GAMES, ALL IN! Control Ultimate Edition Steam CD Key
Control is a third-person action game with climates straight from the X-Files series or from Alan Wake games. The production came from the hands of the employees of the Remedy studio, which has such titles as Quantum Break, the first two editions of the Max Payne series, or the above-mentioned ...
Control is a third-person action game with climates straight from the X-Files series or from Alan Wake games. The production came from the hands of the employees of the Remedy studio, which has such titles as Quantum Break, the first two editions of the Max Payne series, or the above-mentioned series. Story The players take on the role of a woman named Jesse Faden, who, wanting to deal with matters from her past, goes to a secret agency located in New York called the Federal Bureau of Control. When she visits her headquarters, the huge concrete skyscraper known as the Oldest House, the place becomes the target of an invasion of out-of-this-world powers. The agency director dies under unclear circumstances, and Jesse takes over as a result of strange rituals governing the activities of the Federal Bureau of Control. Thus, it is on her shoulders to neutralize the aggressors. Gameplay Control is a shooter in which we observe the action from a camera placed behind the protagonist's back. The production, however, differs significantly from typical TPP shooters. Jesse is armed not only with a futuristic pistol, but also has special powers, including telekinesis, which allows us, for example, to throw objects at enemies or levitate, thanks to which we can reach hard to reach places. Thanks to Jesse's powers, gameplay in Control focuses on dynamic combat, during which we also use a number of special abilities, modifiable equipment and an interactive environment. The unusual
8.34 €
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505 GAMES, ALL IN! Control Ultimate Edition Europe Steam CD Key
Control is a third-person action game with climates straight from the X-Files series or from Alan Wake games. The production came from the hands of the employees of the Remedy studio, which has such titles as Quantum Break, the first two editions of the Max Payne series, or the above-mentioned ...
Control is a third-person action game with climates straight from the X-Files series or from Alan Wake games. The production came from the hands of the employees of the Remedy studio, which has such titles as Quantum Break, the first two editions of the Max Payne series, or the above-mentioned series. Story The players take on the role of a woman named Jesse Faden, who, wanting to deal with matters from her past, goes to a secret agency located in New York called the Federal Bureau of Control. When she visits her headquarters, the huge concrete skyscraper known as the Oldest House, the place becomes the target of an invasion of out-of-this-world powers. The agency director dies under unclear circumstances, and Jesse takes over as a result of strange rituals governing the activities of the Federal Bureau of Control. Thus, it is on her shoulders to neutralize the aggressors. Gameplay Control is a shooter in which we observe the action from a camera placed behind the protagonist's back. The production, however, differs significantly from typical TPP shooters. Jesse is armed not only with a futuristic pistol, but also has special powers, including telekinesis, which allows us, for example, to throw objects at enemies or levitate, thanks to which we can reach hard to reach places. Thanks to Jesse's powers, gameplay in Control focuses on dynamic combat, during which we also use a number of special abilities, modifiable equipment and an interactive environment. The unusual
8.34 €
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505 GAMES Assetto Corsa Competizione Europe Steam CD Key
Assetto Corsa Competizione is the successor to the Assetto Corsa racing simulator released in 2014. The production developed by Kunos Simulazioni studio is the official game of the Blancpain GT racing series organized by SRO Motorsports Group. Assetto Corsa Competizione features Blancpain GT ...
Assetto Corsa Competizione is the successor to the Assetto Corsa racing simulator released in 2014. The production developed by Kunos Simulazioni studio is the official game of the Blancpain GT racing series organized by SRO Motorsports Group. Assetto Corsa Competizione features Blancpain GT Series season Sprint and Endurance Cups as well as the Total 24 Hours of Spa, too. The players can also race in various session types, such as, for example, Free Practice, Quick Race, or Blancpain GT Series signature Sprint Race Weekend and Endurance Race Weekend. Amazing realism The developers focused on their racing simulator to be as realistic as possible and it can be noticed very quickly. The cars’ behavior on the tracks and the realistic physics during the races can really make a strong impression of sitting behind the wheel. Even such details as cars, cockpits, doors, flashlights, windows – everything has been taken care of by the specialists from Kunos Simulazioni. Each and every driving-supporting system, such as ABS or traction control is at players’ hands, so that they can be sure of the best performance and the most intensive racing experience. Advanced multiplayer Assetto Corsa Competizione offers several different singleplayer modes. We can have fun in an extensive career, take part in championships and special challenges or ride without any obligations under the Free Play option. In addition, the production offers a multiplayer module. It uses a special ranking system
8.46 €
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505 GAMES Assetto Corsa Competizione Steam CD Key
Assetto Corsa Competizione is the successor to the Assetto Corsa racing simulator released in 2014. The production developed by Kunos Simulazioni studio is the official game of the Blancpain GT racing series organized by SRO Motorsports Group. Assetto Corsa Competizione features Blancpain GT ...
Assetto Corsa Competizione is the successor to the Assetto Corsa racing simulator released in 2014. The production developed by Kunos Simulazioni studio is the official game of the Blancpain GT racing series organized by SRO Motorsports Group. Assetto Corsa Competizione features Blancpain GT Series season Sprint and Endurance Cups as well as the Total 24 Hours of Spa, too. The players can also race in various session types, such as, for example, Free Practice, Quick Race, or Blancpain GT Series signature Sprint Race Weekend and Endurance Race Weekend. Amazing realism The developers focused on their racing simulator to be as realistic as possible and it can be noticed very quickly. The cars’ behavior on the tracks and the realistic physics during the races can really make a strong impression of sitting behind the wheel. Even such details as cars, cockpits, doors, flashlights, windows – everything has been taken care of by the specialists from Kunos Simulazioni. Each and every driving-supporting system, such as ABS or traction control is at players’ hands, so that they can be sure of the best performance and the most intensive racing experience. Advanced multiplayer Assetto Corsa Competizione offers several different singleplayer modes. We can have fun in an extensive career, take part in championships and special challenges or ride without any obligations under the Free Play option. In addition, the production offers a multiplayer module. It uses a special ranking system
8.46 €
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505 GAMES PAYDAY 2: Sokol Character Pack Steam CD Key
Though young, Sokol has everything to become a legendary heister. The Sokol Character Pack is the 25th DLC for PAYDAY 2. It allows heisters to play as Sokol the Russian, the Grinder of the PAYDAY gang. Other than Sokol himself, it includes the Grinder perk deck, Sokol's mask, Sokol's hockey stick ...
Though young, Sokol has everything to become a legendary heister. The Sokol Character Pack is the 25th DLC for PAYDAY 2. It allows heisters to play as Sokol the Russian, the Grinder of the PAYDAY gang. Other than Sokol himself, it includes the Grinder perk deck, Sokol's mask, Sokol's hockey stick melee weapon and the Valkyrie rifle. Key Features • A new playable character – It's time to introduce Sokol, the Grinder of the PAYDAY gang. Though young, Sokol has everything to become a legendary heister. A gifted athlete, Sokol also possesses keen intelligence and understands his role in a team. He is fearless and physical, and uses this to get amongst the enemy, whether that be a team of hockey players or a team of SWAT. • Grinder perk deck – The grinder deck is inspired by ice hockey, where it reflects a strong work ethic, team play and a willingness to reduce an opponent into bloody fragments. • New rifle – The mythological Valkyrie would bring those slain in battle to Valhalla. This Soviet-era Valkyrie most likely did the slaying. • Three new weapon mods – Three new weapon modifications have been added so you can shape the Valkyrie rifle into the type of weapon you want. • New melee weapon – Sokol being a hockey player knows how to handle a hockey stick. A beautifully fashioned length of wood. Perfectly suited for smashing a puck into the net, and smashing the fuck out of teeth. • Sokol's mask – If playing as a grinder for the St. Petersburg Bombers taught Sokol the value
9.80 €
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505 GAMES PAYDAY 2: Legacy Collection Steam CD Key
PAYDAY 2: Legacy Collection includes the base game and all paid DLC released up until December 2018, with the exception of the h3h3 Character Pack (a charity item which is sold separately). The new CRIMENET network offers a huge range of dynamic contracts, and players are free to choose anything ...
PAYDAY 2: Legacy Collection includes the base game and all paid DLC released up until December 2018, with the exception of the h3h3 Character Pack (a charity item which is sold separately). The new CRIMENET network offers a huge range of dynamic contracts, and players are free to choose anything from small-time convenience store hits or kidnappings, to big league cyber-crime or emptying out major bank vaults for that epic PAYDAY. While in DC, why not participate in the local community, and run a few political errands? Up to four friends co-operate on the hits, and as the crew progresses the jobs become bigger, better and more rewarding. Along with earning more money and becoming a legendary criminal comes a new character customization and crafting system that lets crews build and customize their own guns and gear. Features Rob Banks with Friends – Players must choose their crew carefully, because when the job goes down they will need the right mix of skills on their side. CRIMENET – The dynamic contract database lets gamers pick and choose from available jobs by connecting with local contacts such as Vlad the Ukrainian, shady politician "The Elephant", and South American drug trafficker Hector, all with their own agenda and best interests in mind. PAYDAY gun play and mechanics on a new level – firing weapons and zip tying civilians never felt so good. Dynamic Scenarios – No heist ever plays out the same way twice. Every single scenario has random geometry or even
10.74 €
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505 GAMES PAYDAY 2: Gage Shotgun Pack Steam CD Key
Finally shotguns get some love! The Gage Shotgun Pack DLC is the seventh DLC pack for PAYDAY 2 and adds Gage's favorite shotguns to the player's weapon arsenal. Depending on what kind of ammo type you use, the shotgun pellets you fire can have armor penetration or be explosive, stunning your ...
Finally shotguns get some love! The Gage Shotgun Pack DLC is the seventh DLC pack for PAYDAY 2 and adds Gage's favorite shotguns to the player's weapon arsenal. Depending on what kind of ammo type you use, the shotgun pellets you fire can have armor penetration or be explosive, stunning your opponents. Three new shotguns, four new ammo types, weapon mods, four new masks, patterns and materials are also included. Features Finally shotguns get some love – Versatile, powerful and easy to modify, operate and maintain. The M1014 is an auto-regulating, gas-operated semi-auto combat service shotgun. The Raven is a bullpup 12-gauge pump action shotgun. Last but not least, the Street Sweeper 12 gauge shotgun, designed for riot control and CQB. Melee weapons when everything goes to hell – It's just you and your enemy in close combat, chaos all around you. You grab what you can and you throw it at eachother, wrestling and yelling, throwing punches that hit empty air. Gage will help you out however, with Survival Tomahawks, Utility Machetes, Telescopic Batons and Shovels. Four new ammo types – These four ammo types are fitted into regular 12 gauge shells so they'll work with any existing shotgun in your inventory. Useful! Four new masks – Any career criminal worth his rap sheet will tell you that it is all about first impressions, and there's only one chance to make that first impression. Make sure you send the right signals by using either Rutger the motherfucking orangutan, Clint
11.11 €
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505 GAMES Assetto Corsa Competizione United States XBOX One/Series X|S CD Key
Assetto Corsa Competizione is the successor to the Assetto Corsa racing simulator released in 2014. The production developed by Kunos Simulazioni studio is the official game of the Blancpain GT racing series organized by SRO Motorsports Group. Assetto Corsa Competizione features Blancpain GT ...
Assetto Corsa Competizione is the successor to the Assetto Corsa racing simulator released in 2014. The production developed by Kunos Simulazioni studio is the official game of the Blancpain GT racing series organized by SRO Motorsports Group. Assetto Corsa Competizione features Blancpain GT Series season Sprint and Endurance Cups as well as the Total 24 Hours of Spa, too. The players can also race in various session types, such as, for example, Free Practice, Quick Race, or Blancpain GT Series signature Sprint Race Weekend and Endurance Race Weekend. Amazing realism The developers focused on their racing simulator to be as realistic as possible and it can be noticed very quickly. The cars’ behavior on the tracks and the realistic physics during the races can really make a strong impression of sitting behind the wheel. Even such details as cars, cockpits, doors, flashlights, windows – everything has been taken care of by the specialists from Kunos Simulazioni. Each and every driving-supporting system, such as ABS or traction control is at players’ hands, so that they can be sure of the best performance and the most intensive racing experience. Advanced multiplayer Assetto Corsa Competizione offers several different singleplayer modes. We can have fun in an extensive career, take part in championships and special challenges or ride without any obligations under the Free Play option. In addition, the production offers a multiplayer module. It uses a special ranking system
17.44 €
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505 GAMES Death Stranding Standard Edition Steam CD Key
Death Stranding is an action adventure game. The title was developed by the employees of Kojima Productions and was published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. The lead designer and screenwriter is the father of the Metal Gear series, Hideo Kojima, for whom it was the first game developed after ...
Death Stranding is an action adventure game. The title was developed by the employees of Kojima Productions and was published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. The lead designer and screenwriter is the father of the Metal Gear series, Hideo Kojima, for whom it was the first game developed after leaving Konami, where he spent over three decades of his career in the industry. The main character of Death Stranding was played by Norman Reedus, known for his role as Daryl Dixon in The Walking Dead series. The actor previously collaborated with Kojima on the canceled horror film Silent Hills. Gameplay unlike any others Death Stranding is a third-person perspective action game, where the player controls their character in an open world environment. The protagonist, Sam, is a delivery man, transporting various cargo across the post-apocalyptic landscapes of the USA, earning money and reputation for his job as a delivery man. Delivering transports is an essential part of gameplay mechanics. The player has to consider several factors before making a run to his destination. For example, the weight and packaging of the cargo might influence Sam’s navigation of the area. After a successful run, Sam’s performance is evaluated and points awarded for the completion of the task can be spent on upgrading statistics, like the amount of weight the character can carry or the stability of the cargo. By delivering cargo to various cities on the map, Sam expands the Chiral Network, which
2133.71 €
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505 GAMES Hra na konzole Assetto Corsa: Ultimate Edition - PS4
73% Hra Assetto Corsa je navrhnutá tak, aby poskytovala veľmi realistický zážitok z jazdy, s režimom jedného hráča i multiplayeru, oficiálne licencovanými autami a traťami. V hre Assetto Corsa je presnosť a dokonalosť kľúčové. Jazdite po legendárnych okruhoch s presnou fyzikou vami upravených áut ...
73% Hra Assetto Corsa je navrhnutá tak, aby poskytovala veľmi realistický zážitok z jazdy, s režimom jedného hráča i multiplayeru, oficiálne licencovanými autami a traťami. V hre Assetto Corsa je presnosť a dokonalosť kľúčové. Jazdite po legendárnych okruhoch s presnou fyzikou vami upravených áut aj tratí a zahrajte si hŕbu závodných režimov. Cit pre realizmus Hra obsahuje 178 vysoko výkonných vozidiel (Ferrari, Porsche, BMW, Audi a ďalšie), z ktorých všetky boli vyobrazená až s posadnutú starostlivosťou a detailnosťou a každé sa pýši úžasným ovládaním a výkonnostným modelom založeným na skutočných dátach a telemetriu priamo od výrobcu. ultimate Edícia Hra kombinuje rýdze pretekárske realizmus s dokonalou presnosťou, čo je vidieť na každej trati, ktorá pre túto hru kedy vyšla a vyjde. Okrem najnovšie aktualizovanej verzie hry Assetto Corsa obsahuje balíčky Prestige, tri balíčky Porsche, balíčky Red, ReadyToRace a Japanese plus DLC Ferrari 70th Anniversary. Užite si tento prelomový závodný simulátor na maximum!
20.40 €
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505 GAMES Hra na konzolu Control Ultimate Edition - PS4
82% Hra Control je nejlepší počin studia, a pokud mu odpustíte některé neduhy, vtáhne vás vynikajícím příběhem, tajemným domem a zejména skvělou hratelností, které jsem se ještě nepřejedl. Vše pak okořeňuje nenásilný RPG systém pro vylepšování postavy, schopností i zbraní a další prvky, jež vás ...
82% Hra Control je nejlepší počin studia, a pokud mu odpustíte některé neduhy, vtáhne vás vynikajícím příběhem, tajemným domem a zejména skvělou hratelností, které jsem se ještě nepřejedl. Vše pak okořeňuje nenásilný RPG systém pro vylepšování postavy, schopností i zbraní a další prvky, jež vás nutí přát si, aby jednou vzniklo cosi jako Control 2. A protože jde o velmi povedený titul, věřím, že u jednoho dílu rozhodně nezůstaneme. (Alza Magazín) Control je vizuálně ohromující tajemná akční adventura a vítěz více než 80 ocenění. Za hrou stojí oblíbené studio Remedy Entertainment, autoři oceňované série Alan Wake. Ultimate edice k prvnímu výročí hry Příběh Control pokračuje ve dvou povedených rozšířeních. Jak The Foundation tak i nejnovější AWE je obsaženo v ultimátní edici, jež vychází na počest prvních narozenin hry. Vyřešte záhadu tajemného úřadu a zachraňte svého bratra Hlavní hrdinka hry Jesse Fayden se při hledání svého bratra dostane do mysteriózního úřadu pro vyšetřování nadpřirozených událostí. Budova se ale sama potýká s vlastními záhadami a k překvapení Jesse je to právě ona, kdo má moc vyřešit problémy úřadu Federal Bureau of Control. Použijte okolní prostředí jako zbraň K souboji kromě střelných zbraní využijete také své okolí. Jesse se naučí s pomocí telekineze pohybovat objekty kolem vás, které lze použít jako zbraň nebo štít. Vrhejte okolní předměty na nepřátele. Nebo si z trosek sutin vytvořte ochranou bariéru. Postavte se lidským vojákům i nepřátelům z jiného
21.71 €
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505 GAMES Hra na konzole Assetto Corsa Competizione - PS4
71% Velmi zábavný a přístupný závodní simulátor. Pokud by oplýval větší porcí obsahu, kvalitnější umělou inteligencí a lepším snímkováním, šlo by o povinnou koupi pro fanoušky závodění. (PlayStation Universe) Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Hra nabídne 24 licencovaných vozů a 11 tratí ...
71% Velmi zábavný a přístupný závodní simulátor. Pokud by oplýval větší porcí obsahu, kvalitnější umělou inteligencí a lepším snímkováním, šlo by o povinnou koupi pro fanoušky závodění. (PlayStation Universe) Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Hra nabídne 24 licencovaných vozů a 11 tratí pro sprinty či vytrvalostní závody. Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Ovládejte nastavení pneumatik, podvozku i motoru jako opravdový řidič. Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Simulátor bez kompromisů Assetto Corsa Competizione ocení každý fanoušek závodních simulátorů. Vývojáři z Kunos Simulazioni se soustředili na každičký detail vozů, ale i tratí, které jsou pomocí speciální Laserscan technologie kompletně věrné svým předlohám. Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Nástupce legendárního Assetto Corsa Assetto Corsa Competizione je následovník cenami ověnčeného prvního dílu. Competizione však není jen obyčejné pokračování, hru pohání zcela nový engine a po grafické stránce tak patří mezi ty nejkrásnější závodní hry současnosti, což platí také o realistickém zvuku jednotlivých vozidel. Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Multiplayer a hodnocení Vylepšený systém hodnotí závodníky dle jejich jízdy a odmění slušné řidiče. Assetto Corsa Competizione přináší pravidelné výzvy a online žebříček v reálném čase. Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Assetto Corsa Competizione je oficiální hrou seriálu závodů Blancpain s vozy třídy GT3 a licencí
28.86 €
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505 GAMES Hra na konzole Assetto Corsa Competizione - PS5
Vypnuto Vynechat z LightBoxu Ovládněte závodní dráhy Assetto Corsa Competizione PS5 se řítí a není kam před ním uhnout. Vžijte se do kůže profesionálního závodníka, který se právě na takových tratích pohybuje ve svém nabušeném vozítku a vyhrává jeden závod za druhým. Vypnuto Vynechat z LightBoxu ...
Vypnuto Vynechat z LightBoxu Ovládněte závodní dráhy Assetto Corsa Competizione PS5 se řítí a není kam před ním uhnout. Vžijte se do kůže profesionálního závodníka, který se právě na takových tratích pohybuje ve svém nabušeném vozítku a vyhrává jeden závod za druhým. Vypnuto Vynechat z LightBoxu Poznejte v Assetto Corsa Competizione PS5 své auto Pracujte s detailními matematickými modely vašeho auta. Pracujte s jeho silnými stránkami a naučte se naopak účinně potlačit ty slabé. Výběr vozidel je rozsáhlý. Hlavní je si najít to, které nejvíce sedne vašemu závodnímu stylu. Vypnuto Vynechat z LightBoxu Vyzvěte sobě rovné Jezděte na rozsáhlých závodních okruzích proti umělé inteligenci s jistými limity. V momentu, kdy si budete připadat připravení, vyzvěte v Assetto Corsa Competizione PS5 normální hráče v multiplayeru až pro 20 závodníků ochotných udělat pro vítězství cokoliv.
30.83 €
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505 GAMES Hra na konzole Sniper Elite 3: Ultimate Edition - Nintendo Switch
73% Zmeňte históriu jediným výstrelom v hre z pohľadu tretej osoby z obdobia druhej svetovej vojny. Vžite sa do role ostreľovača v taktickej strieľačke v obrovskom otvorenom svete. Spoznajte mestá severnej Afriky a pokúste sa sabotovať nacistický program. Taktické plánovanie Nájdite najlepšiu možnú ...
73% Zmeňte históriu jediným výstrelom v hre z pohľadu tretej osoby z obdobia druhej svetovej vojny. Vžite sa do role ostreľovača v taktickej strieľačke v obrovskom otvorenom svete. Spoznajte mestá severnej Afriky a pokúste sa sabotovať nacistický program. Taktické plánovanie Nájdite najlepšiu možnú voľbu pre vašu misiu. Niekedy je úspešná streľba z diaľky, inokedy výbušné pasce a niekedy boj z blízka. AUTHENTIC SNIPING Prežite úplne autentický zážitok mieriaceho ostreľovača. Zásah vášho cieľa je ovplyvnený vzdialenosťou, vetrom, ale aj tlkotom vášho srdca. Multiplayer Môžete prepojiť až 4 hráčov v miestnom multiplayeri alebo až 8 hráčov online. K dispozícii je aj Kampaň, Overwatch a Survival v kooperácii pre 2 hráčov. Vylepšený systém Kill-Cam ukazuje napr. krvný obeh či vrstvy svalovej hmoty. Ultimate Edition obsahuje: Základnú hru Všetky vydané DLC rozšírenia Tri misie pre jedného hráča navyše Šesť balíčkov zbraní navyše Osemnásť nových zbraní Bezplatné aktualizácie so 6. dodatočnými mapami pre viacerých hráčov Režim Strelnice Režim Boj o vlajku Novú kooperatívnu misiu pre režim Overwatch Ste na túto hru naozaj pripravení? vyberte si z našej ponuky herných počítačov a notebookov Herné počítače Herné notebooky
30.87 €
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505 GAMES Hra na konzole Payday 2 The Big Score - PS4
Vyzkoušejte si, jaké to je být v kůži zločince. Máte již dost hraní za klaďasy, které zajímá jen dobro druhých a pomoc slabším v nouzi? Vývojáři ze studia Overkill Software pro vás mají řešení! Vžijte se do role jednoho z padouchů, kteří se na cestě pro pořádný lup nezastaví před ničím! Hrajte s ...
Vyzkoušejte si, jaké to je být v kůži zločince. Máte již dost hraní za klaďasy, které zajímá jen dobro druhých a pomoc slabším v nouzi? Vývojáři ze studia Overkill Software pro vás mají řešení! Vžijte se do role jednoho z padouchů, kteří se na cestě pro pořádný lup nezastaví před ničím! Hrajte s ostatními hráči v kooperativním online režimu, plánujte, přepadávejte a inkasujte! Omlouváme se, ale snažíte se o zobrazení videa, které není podporováno vaším zařízením. 71% Jsi připravený na pořádné zločinecké řádění? Nasaď si masku a pusť se do napínavé kooperační střílečky s více než 30 dodatečnými DLC balíčky! Vypnuto Vynechat z LightBoxu Vyzkoušej si být v kůži zločince a naplánuj dokonalou loupež. Vypnuto Vynechat z LightBoxu V případě problémů však dojde i na akční přestřelku. Vypnuto Vynechat z LightBoxu Vyber si svoji bandu Payday 2 se snaží zprostředkovat co možná nejrealističtější zážitek, podobný skutečné loupeži. Proto nabízí hned několik profesí, které odpovídají skutečným charakterovým i tělesným rysům zlodějů. Vypnuto Vynechat z LightBoxu Odemykej další výbavu Po každém splněném úkolu čeká příjemná chvíle. Kromě slušné finanční částky, převedené na váš herní účet rovněž získáte nové a silné vybavení, například masky, zbraňové doplňky (tlumiče, gripy apod.), modifikace a další nepřeberné množství různých úprav, které opět zcela promění váš herní zážitek. Upravte si svou masku pomocí desítek tisíc různých kombinací barev a materiálu.
33.69 €
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505 GAMES Hra na konzole Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - PS5
Naprieč národmi i kultúrami Príbeh Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes PS5 sa odohráva v Allraane, kde história bola tvorená ľuďmi, beštiami, elfmi i púštnymi ľuďmi. Svoju úlohu tu zohrali magické predmety ako runové šošovky, ale aj klasický meč. Ako rozšíriť svoju moc? Vo svete však existuje záhadný ...
Naprieč národmi i kultúrami Príbeh Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes PS5 sa odohráva v Allraane, kde história bola tvorená ľuďmi, beštiami, elfmi i púštnymi ľuďmi. Svoju úlohu tu zohrali magické predmety ako runové šošovky, ale aj klasický meč. Ako rozšíriť svoju moc? Vo svete však existuje záhadný artefakt, ktorý pridáva moc. Celé Impérium po ňom pátra. Na ceste v Eiyuden Chronicle. Čo znamená priateľstvo? Na cestách Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes PS5 sa stretli a spriatelili dvaja mladíci. Jedinečné JRPG Hra Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes PS5 je najlepšie financovanou videohrou roku 2020, vďaka obrovskej podpore komunity. Prináša hodnotné JRPG a bude sa rozširovať stále ďalej.
44.97 €
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